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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Conflicting ideas about dreams.

Lately there has been such a debate upon dreams, their meanings, their symbols, interpretating them yourself or having someone do it for you. Do dreams really contain messages? I am an experienced dream interpreter and have done much study and research on this topic. I, through my experience with many, many people, do see and have seen the power contained within dreams. I have many customers who have had their eyes opened to the wisdom contained in their dreams just by having me interpret one for them. One leads to another and I've been told that their dream interpretation helps them immensely. I've also been told that they unfold simular to what a tarot reading would do and manifest (if it's situation coming in the future to be faced) or whether it concerns them now, at the time they had the dream, and how it helps give them solutions and other options. Dreams are a language all their own. It is not something that some dream book or reference book can give you answers to. What means something to one person may not mean the same to 10 other people. It's all so diverse, it's so rich with information, yet it's only insight and guidance for the person who had the dream - not 100 other people. The dream language does not have the same meanings as what you would apply to them during your waking life.

Here are a few articles that I have come across. Some good points are acknowledged, some I find to be frivolous and obtuse. Check them out and then comment on where you stand on the subject, if you so wish.

Article #1:

Article #2:

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