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Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010

A friend of mine, named Tana, wrote me an email a few weeks ago telling me of his adventure with Marticual. He explained he was walking down the street, when he saw the most beautiful angel sitting on a bench in a secluded park. She signaled him over to her, and so he went over and greeted her. He said he knew she was an angel because of her wings, but yet he never saw this particular angel before. So he sat beside her on the bench and she told him that she was going to bring a special healing energy to everyone. He explained how he cried right there, just started crying like a baby and how her energy was so amazing. She proceeded to tell him that there is going to be a special energetic vibration that is going to happen on March 13th. She told him to share this date with (what she referred to) as his “circle of light seekers.” Lucky me, I am one of them! And I am going to share this special message with you.

He told me her name is Marticual, and that she is from the 7th vibrational realm. This is a very high energy realm, one that is the closest to God. What she wants everyone to do is sit in silence for 10 minutes on the 13th, and imagine the goodness they would like to have more of in their lives, and that it will be granted. The energy will be strongest from 1:00 PM until 4 PM, PST. After 4 PM, the energy will continue to weaken, and by 10:00 PM PST, it will be totally gone. What you should do is focus on a desire. The more clear you are on what you desire, the better the results. So she suggested making a detailed and specific list of ONE THING that you desire, and focus only on that one thing.

Sit upright and place your list in your lap. Sit with you ankles crossed, left over the right, and with your hands in your lap, palms up, and resting on each knee. Repeat the following words: Marticaul, I humbly request that you surround me at this moment, and help to raise my consciousness to the highest level of manifestation energy. Please help me to create the goodness that I desire. Then, look at your list, as you allow yourself to daydream and imagine, the things you desire happening in your life, exactly as you desire it. The longer you can sit and do this, the more powerful the effect. Do this no shorter than 10 minutes, and no longer than 1 hour. The better you can visualize and daydream, the stronger the effect. When you are finished, repeat these words: Marticaul, thank you for your help, and I humbly ask that you bless all those who are dear to me.” Now imagine in your mind all the people who you would like to send a blessing to. Then you can say: Thank you Marticaul for your help and for the blessings you have bestowed upon my loved ones. You should get up slowly (and respectfully), maintaining silence for 10 more minutes. In other words, do not talk to anyone for at least 10 minutes after you are finished, just bask in the glow and absorb it all in before proceeding through out your day. Tana is very gifted in many ways and I so appreciate him including me in his wonderful insight and giving me a 'heads up.'

I hope you will use this highly spiritual information, and please share this information with anyone you meet or know. From what I understand, it is going to be a very powerful day full of blessings! This is your opportunity to help me share this blessing with the people you know. Please forward this info to everyone and anyone you know. Marticaul told Tana that those people who share this message with others, will be blessed 10-fold for it!

Please feel free to email me about your experience on this very special day. I'd love to share in your joy.
Brightest blessings to all.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Do you really need to see a psychic? Here are some tips to remember.

Again, here is another good post written by ArticlesBase SC with some helpful and handy tips.

Do you need to see a psychic? Are you having a crisis, conundrum or just going through a confusing time in your life? Many people find that turning to a psychic can be an incredibly helpful thing in times of uncertainty....and I've certainly had my share of "crisis" psychic readings in my day as well.

Think that may be something YOU need to do next? If so.....I've written some simple tips just about anyone can use to get the MOST of our your first (or next) reading...and make sure it's NOT only one you'll never forget, but a reading you won't immediately regret once it over. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Tip #1: Decide What Sort of Psychic You Want to See First: Why? Different types of psychics specialize in different sorts of readings. Knowing the difference between a love psychic reading and a medium is important! (and if you don''s a good place to start before you call!)

Tip #2: Pick the BEST Psychic Service (or individual intuitive) for YOUR Needs: That means choose a psychic service that is reputable, is legitimate, employs certified psychics and has a good reputation, stellar customer service and feels right for you! (trust your own intuition when it comes to selecting psychics or services....this is the best advice anyone can offer..:-)

Tip #3: A Moment of Meditation: I recommend (and personally do) at least 5 minutes of mediation before I start a reading. Why? Because it allows you to clear out any mental cobwebs, get clear and express some simple gratitude for the information that you hope to come through. I truly believe that a big part of a successful reading is a rapport between the intuitive and the client.....and this is one of the best ways to build that bridge before you even begin!

Tip #4: Prioritize Your Most Important Questions: Write them down. Make a short list. Don't spend more than 5 or 10 minutes on this....just write them out in a top of mind, stream of consciousness style way. When you've got your (or visit) your reader while your focus is clear, and your energy MOST aligned with the issues that need the most illumination and insight.

Tip #5: Major in the Meaningful: Remember, most telephone readings are anywhere from 10-60 minutes in it's important to MAJOR in the sort of questions that are most meaningful and will offer you the greatest amount of clarity, long term. Don't focus on asking the reader what you had for breakfast...or what you're favorite color is, or who your favorite celebrity is. Ask meaningful questions that have meaningful answers you can really USE and apply to your life! Cutting out the "fluff" when getting a psychic reading is critical to making the most of your investment, and the #1 thing I wish I would have learned earlier on myself! (but now I get RIGHT to the point on my own weekly calls...saving time, energy, income and effort on every one!)

The Bottom line is....a good psychic CAN change your life. It's my hope that the simple tips above help you make the most out of YOUR next reading....especially if you really feel you need one now!

(Want to read more of ArticlesBase SC stuff? Here is a link to check out if you do:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Psychic reading tips-how to make sure a psychic is real before you call.

Here is a pretty good article written by ArticlesBase SC. Hopefully you can find some answers to your questions by reading this article.

What is the best way to make sure a psychic is real before you call? Is there a directory you can check? A license you can verify? A seal of authenticity on their wall? Or do you simply have to TRUST they are as good as advertised? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at how you can tell a psychic is real, or at least get as good of an idea as possible before you waste your time, energy, effort and income. Sound interesting? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Okay...but aren't some psychic certified to be good? How can I find one who is?

Honestly? It's a good idea...and a good start, but even psychic certification is fraught with errors and subjectivity. What do I mean? Lots of really GREAT intuitive's I know simply have no interest in subjecting themselves to a certification program created by someone else.....especially when there is a profit involved. (those who offer certification often CHARGE for the accreditation) And of course, psychic certification is still pretty subjective. There is very little objective measurement that goes into deciding who is good...and who is not. (the best way STILL is to simply test the psychic yourself!)

Are there NO ways to tell if a psychic can be trusted before you call?  Of COURSE there are. Just like hiring any other service professional, you've got a plethora of powerful ways to tell if they're worth the investment:
1. Do they have fans? (a good psychic has raving fans and repeat clients who come back over and over again....just like me!)

2. Has the network been around for a while? (I recommend ONLY seeing psychics who work for services with at least a 5 year track record or history)

3. Do they offer a money back guarantee? (if they do.....good news! The ONLY risk you run is NOT trying them out for yourself!)

4. Do they LOOK legitimate? (we've all seen tacky web sites that look like they were thrown up in the middle of the night by an amateur. my experience, how a psychic (or service) PRESENTS themselves to the public is a pretty accurate barometer of how good they're going to be!)

5. Are they SNOBS? - you WANT a psychic service that's snobby...and ONLY hires the cream of the crop and the elite level intuitive's. Let the other networks hire the those are the networks you want to avoid like the plague

The bottom line?  A good psychic IS easy to spot from a mile away. But often, the ONLY real way to know for sure, is to call them yourself! (and if they offer you all of the protections above, the good news is you really have NO risk at all if they're NOT as good as you hope!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Psychic readings - how they matter to you.

Lately, I have come across hundreds of articles written by many people blogging in reference to 'psychic readings.' I have posted a couple that are worth the read and hit on some points. I hope that people can learn from what is being written. Many have had readings before, yet it really is important to know what to expect and understand what can and can not be done. This article below was written by Gifted George. Please take the time to do your homework and do some research before you have a reading done. It will be well worth it.

Psychic readings online help many people to find their way and when you consult a talented, genuine psychic, you are creating more possibilities in executing your free will to be yourself to be the cause in your life than being controlled by the situations. You could be empowered and your consciousness would be raised by deep profound insights into your life.

So, get acquainted with your psychic, be clear as to what you wish to know about your life, so that you can make the best choice. It is very important to ask your psychic what is their area of expertise, as no psychic is a specialist in everything. There are different psychics meant for different fields in the science of prediction. One has to simply ensure that they have education and knowledge. Nothing can be as worse as getting a psychic reading done by one who does not have the knowledge of what they are doing, even though they might be endowed with the talent that is undeveloped and not trained towards something precise.

Many times these psychic readings are not accurate although many psychics pick up similar details in the time; so you can anticipate the confusion that will occur over a period of time after going from one psychic to another every time. There is ambiguity, confusion, and either there are no answers, or else there are many answers. Actually, there are too many answers and too many perspectives, too many views that are subjective, too many readings from psychics that mislead the seeker to a great deal by offering contrast advice. So, in a confused state of mind, the seeker goes to many psychics in the pursuit of seeking more answers and like that it becomes a vicious cycle.

Persevering for accurate psychic readings can be as much addictive as anything that one can become reliant on. The seeker then goes to the psychic to get a provisional fix where the optimistic, idealistic information offered becomes important to the seeker rather than the enlightenment. People become addicted to the good feeling that everything is going to work out according to one’s wishes. Finally, the seeker realizes fully that they have been victimized by the fraudulent practices. Things take an ugly turn from there and many affected victims even though they reach an authentic psychic finally, who is there to help them, they are not able to identify it due to their distrust about them all.

A psychic is not supposed to answer all of your questions. They do not know everything and everyone’s life. Their job is to offer you their impressions, based on the questions asked to them. They guide you to hunt your own answers, using your own intuition. A good psychic will help you to discover yourself, your center and give you outstanding insights, predictions and accurate information. Yet, it is surprising as to how most psychics are not able to make accurate psychic readings.

Those who feel that they are out of control themselves because of their need to have psychic readings very often, can make everything under control by seeking professional counseling, say from the online psychic readings, where they can seek a private psychic consultation with a genuine psychic. That will answer most of your questions to set your mind free.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

An Overview of psychic readings for love

So many people are concerned about love. For any advisor, this is a pretty common subject and it usually rates as the number one concern for most people when it comes to contacting a pyschic, advisor, tarot reader, life coach, etc..I came across this article, written by articlevogue in February 2010, and thought it was pretty good and worth a share.

When a person is in love, they often become confused about the messages that they may be receiving from their love interest. When this occurs it is often helpful to get love psychic readings which can help with guidance and advice about the relationship and where it is going.

Getting a psychic reading can provide a person with the information and advice they may need but not want to receive from a close family member or friend. The psychic is an objective and unbiased party that one can depend on to provide the information in a straightforward manner that will help with any decision making that must take place.

When a person is unsure of the direction that a relationship may take they can become depressed and distressed. Knowing the inevitable outcome of a love relationship will allow one to make long term plans or just enjoy the time that is spent with the person. It is possible to enjoy the relationship without making the kind of commitment that will result in pain when one knows that the outcome will be an end to the relationship.

Using the services of a psychic, a person can ask a specific question and get the answer directly. One may also choose to ask general questions that will relate to several upcoming events or occurrences. Often people want to know if their love relationship is solid or how to make it stronger.

During the psychic reading the psychic will provide a person with uninterrupted and focused attention. An individual will find that they can share concerns and discuss details of the love relationship in confidence. The psychic will help a person to make decisions that are clear, based on the information and options that are provided by the psychic.

By incorporating the use of love psychic readings, one will find that they can make life and love decisions much easier. Having an individual to discuss concerns with, who can not only tell the future but also discuss options available will be an invaluable asset in maintaining a happy love life.