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Thursday, July 19, 2012

UTI problems? Outsmart bladder infections by trying these suggestions.

Many women suffer from bladder infections and UTI problems. As a result, more women are taking antibiotics and are having more visits to the doctor. For some women, it could be as easy as changing toilet paper from scented to unscented. For other women, it just seems to be a way of life. For those of you who are sick and tired of being sick and tired with these UTIs, here are a few preventative remedies worth trying:

Try probiotics. Some women who take one or two probiotic capsules daily are up to 80% less likely to develop urinary tract infections. These good bacteria strengthen your immune system by helping it destroy infection causing bacteria, before it can attach to the bladder's lining.

Try adding more garlic to your diet. Bacteria, such as E. coli are top triggers a bladder infection. Ground beef can sometimes contain E. coli. By adding garlic to your ground beef, it reduces the E. coli danger by almost 90%. Garlic is also a good immune strengthener, so by adding more of it to your diet or even taking the capsules, you can give your health and your body a seriously good boost.

I'm not sure if you know this or not but bacteria that tends to set up shop in the bladder, loves acidic environments. Making less urine will lower the risk of infection, but we really have no control over that. However, by taking vitamin C you can help to lower the acidity within. Doctors and scientists recommend taking buffered vitamin C daily, in divided doses.

White wine is known to kill bacteria that can cause UTIs. The blend of alcohol and sulfur dioxide in white wine kills troublemaking E. coli, according to lab studies. The dose that was used in the study was four ounces daily. However, there are cases where alcohol can make UTI bacteria grow faster.  Know yourself, know your body and use discretion wisely.

Don't forget the powerful antioxidantsand useful benefit of cranberry or blueberry juices. By drinking 8 ounces of pure unsweetened cranberry juice daily, you can cut your UTI risk by 60%. Don't like cranberry juice, well try drinking blueberry juice instead. Blueberry juice is a great substitute for those of you who do not like cranberry juice. Blueberries are in the same family – meaning same berry family - as cranberries.
And according to researchers, blueberries work just as well as cranberries.

Here is to preventative measures and to finding and maintaining good health for us all.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Smart ideas to banish worries

In my line of work, I deal with people every day on a daily basis. Everybody is dealing with some type of situation or some type of stress and here are a few ideas to help banish it.

1. Activate anti-worry genes with coffee - okay, we all know that drinking coffee can give us the jitters, however, its aroma has a different effect on us. Next time you are feeling anxiety, go take a deep long whiff of coffee. According to South Korean researchers, a report they worked on stated the unique genes are turned on by smelling coffee, allowing us to supercharge our production of stress fighting antioxidants.

2. Kick your angst by knitting - by doing a mere 20 min. of manual activity, which requires fine motor control, such as knitting, crocheting or even scrap booking, can help you reach a meditative state that lowers your flow of stress hormone's. And best of all, the effects can last up to three hours.

3. Boost your cheerful side with junk food - as it turns out, an occasional diet busting treat can zap stress. According to some new research from Australia, the report found that eating foods high in fat and sugar helps reduce anxiety level and increases your calmness.

4. Feel happier by saying two words - did you know that just by saying 'thank you' and expressing gratitude has been proven to relax your body and mind, which increases feelings of optimism by 15 percent, while significantly reducing worries.

So the next time you are feeling stressed or anxiety comes creeping in, why not try one of the above ideas? Here's to your health, blessed be to all!

Sweet ways to better health

We all know that aromatherapy can help brighten our moods. However, did you know that there are certain foods that can also help brighten your mood? Foods are a very powerful thing. Not only do they nourish our body with nutritious ingredients like vitamins and antioxidants, but also has amazing health benefits.

Fight fogginess with maple syrup. Yes, that is what I said. Start your day with a breakfast that includes this sweet toper. It's an excellent source of manganese, which is a mineral now study proven to keep you clear headed and energized for a few hours. Most Americans don't get enough of this source in their diets. So keep this in mind the next time you feel a little foggy because it may be just what you need to get through the slump.

The power of the vanilla - a slew of studies prove that vanilla is a potent stress buster. One of the studies that was undertaken had a group of patients undergoing CAT scans. Many of these patients were a little panicky. However, once they breathed in a little bit of vanilla, it produced instant calming affects. Vanilla extract can keep your skin vibrant. By adding 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract to your bath, which is rich in the antioxidant, vanillin, and can target skin damaging radicals that leads to signs of aging.

Maintain healthy bones with molasses. Studies show women are more likely to develop osteoporosis then men. Luckily, research proves you can dramatically cut your risk of the disease just by enjoying more of this thick dark syrup. Molasses is loaded with calcium, a mineral vital for building bone mass, and magnesium, a nutrient that accelerates your body's calcium absorption. Molasses is also rich in copper, a mineral shown to help usher bad LDL cholesterol from the body and raise the level of the good HDL kind - say the researchers.

Soothe arthritis pain with cinnamon.  If you are struggling with joint pain, find fast and long-term relief by adding more of this spice to your diet. Researchers discovered that people suffering from osteo and rheumatoid arthritis had significantly less pain when they enjoyed as little as 1 teaspoon of cinnamon daily. This spice contains a unique compound proven to inhibit the body's production of nitric acid, which is a top culprit behind joint inflammation. Another benefit of cinnamon, is that this spice is loaded with an antibacterial agent that destroys germs that cause bad breath.

Use sugar to heal cuts and scrapes. Do you have a minor cut or scrape? The perfect remedy is as close as your sugar bowl. According to a University in the UK, they found that pouring granulated sugar over a wound reduces the pain and cuts heal quicker. Sugar kills bacteria by absorbing the moisture it needs to live. Plus, it contains an anti-inflammatory so it helps lessen pain.

Honey is another proven home remedy that is great for burns and cuts. Yes, honey is extremely sticky, but it is a fantastic healing ingredient. Honey also has amazing benefits for the body. By putting some in your tea, adding it on food, mixing it in a glass of water, or taking a teaspoon of it, you increase your body's healing power.

The powers of cocoa. Danish scientists just discovered that you can quickly relieve sweet cravings simply by sniffing and smelling cocoa. A study revealed that a group full of women were asked to breathe in the rich aroma for just a few seconds... Then the women were asked how they felt. Most of the women reported feeling just as satisfied as those who actually ate a 1 ounce piece of dark chocolate.The scent of cocoa tricks the body to suppress production of the hunger hormone while it activates the same feel good emotions that are stimulated when eating chocolate. So, if you happen to be a binge eater, or someone who eats when stressed, try smelling and inhaling cocoa to break you of that habit.