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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Palmistry and Astrology-how they relate to each other.

I came across this and found it very interesting. Anuttama does a very good job at explaining palmistry and how it is tied in with astrology. I hope you enjoy.

Are you ready to develop your consciousness?

If you are ready to take the step to develop your consciousness, here is a video to help you along.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Exploding office chairs.

This is just terrible. These chairs are like a time bomb and have been shipped all over the world. Just be careful and beware. To read the article, please click here.

Chinese face readers observe moles.

I sure do come across some interesting stuff. I do not possess this gift, but I am very intrigued to say the least. Check out the article by clicking here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Awaken yourself.

Here is a video worth checking out. Are you ready to wake up? Enjoy.

Some very interesting things about dreams.

I came across this article, which certainly ties in with just one of the things that I do, dream interpretation. I enjoyed this so much, that it worth sharing so people can understand how important dreams really are. Keep in mind, that dream meanings do NOT mean the same as waking meanings. It is more of a secret language that is learned or perhaps more of a foreign language. A dreams importance has been characterized for many centuries throughout history.

To read this wonderful article, please click here.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tigers - seeing the signs

Lately there is so much going on with tigers. I have joined groups to stop the torture and cruelty to these magnificent and beautiful creatures. I have joined groups to stop skinning them. The Chinese New Year is rapidly approaching and soon will begin the year of the tiger. Now even Canada is getting into it and releasing a stamp!

Check it out at by clicking here.