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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Generation Y- How they are affecting the work place.

Get ready because they are coming. Most of us have children or grandchildren who belong in the category of Generation Y. These kids are going to change things so be ready, prepared and flexible.

By Amy Chulik, CareerBuilder Writer
"What words come to mind when I say Gen Y?" Aaron Kesher asked the many attendees at 2011's Society for Human Resources Management conference who were packed into the room. "Entitled!" shouted one person. "Job hoppers," chimed in another. Soon, many in the room (many of them non-Gen Yers, with some Gen Y members sprinkled in) were shouting things like "smart," "résumé builders," "technically savvy," "stereotype," "comfortable with change," and "creative."

Obviously, we all have specific words and phrases and ideas that match how we perceive Gen Y to think and behave in the workplace. Gen Y, made up of those born between 1980 and 2000, have their own notions of themselves, too. In Aaron Kesher's, "Why Y? Plugging Into a Generational Powerhouse" session, Kesher encouraged all of us in the room to rethink our notions of what we think Gen Y is all about, to consider the strengths they bring to today's dynamic workplace and to use this knowledge and understanding to more successfully recruit and retain Gen Y workers.

"Do not doubt that this generation will change the face of the American workplace as their parents did," Kesher said. "In the next five to 10 years, the number of Gen Yers in the workforce will increase dramatically."

As the number of Gen Y workers is only getting larger, it's about time we as a collective workplace learn more about Gen Y so that we can understand them, appreciate their unique strengths, and more successfully integrate them with other generations in the workplace.

What is work from a Gen Y perspective?

•Work ethic: Job loyalty, for a long time, was shown by how long you stuck around and paid your dues -- and older generations still think in line with this. Gen Y, on the other hand, says, "I show you love by how hard I work, not how long I stick around."

•Tech savvy: It's not so much that Gen Yers are tech savvy, Kesher pointed out -- they're tech dependent. They're the generation that's come of age with the explosion of technology, so it's natural that they would be comfortable with it.

•Communication and teamwork: Gen Y is not necessarily entitled; they just feel comfortable asking for what they want. When it comes to communication, you can often count on Gen Yers to spread out the message fast and often. We need to realize, Kesher said, that throughout Gen Y's public education, the majority of the work was done in groups, and that their role wasn't usually as the leader of a group -- instead, many were "equal" team members. Therefore, many Gen Y members function fairly well as a group and as "team players," but some struggle in standing out as individual, assertive leaders.

•Money: Employers, listen up: Gen Y is talking to each other about the money they are (or aren't) making at your organization. They are comparing how competitive your salary is with your competitors -- and they're not afraid to share their findings. One audience member mentioned recently hearing Gen Yers discussing openly the job offers and bonuses they were getting -- and she was shocked. After all, discussing how much money you make is one of the last great American taboos -- yet Gen Y seems more comfortable with discussing this sort of information.

•Recognition: Gen Y is a generation of the "there are no losers -- everyone's a winner" mentality. "But they didn't make that up (boomer parents)," Kesher pointed out, to a round of laughter. Gen Yers don't care how it gets done --they just want to get it done. And they want to be told they did a good job once they do it; recognition is very important.

•Diversity: "Why do only white people work here?" might be something a Gen Y worker thinks while viewing a company site or sitting in the lobby while waiting to be interviewed and noticing the lack of diverse employees. Gen Y doesn't embrace diversity -- they expect it -- and if your company says you believe in diversity, but then a Gen Y worker shows up and all workers look the same -- they will think you're not living up to your diversity message. This generation has grown up with a greater awareness of and comfort with diversity of all kinds. From home lives, to school experiences, to messages absorbed from pop culture, they often don't see what all the fuss is. This can manifest as difficulty in understanding why others struggle with issues around differences. A question of whether gay marriage should be legalized, for example, is a non-issue for many Gen Y individuals -- and this shift ties into a larger cultural shift in general.

•Work versus life: "I love my job, but I love my life more" -- that's something you may hear a lot of Gen Yers say. One of the critical issues that will need to be ironed out at work in the future, Kesher said, will revolve around workplace flexibility. We're increasingly seeing workplace flexibility issues evolving in the workplace, and Gen Y workers in particular (though they're not alone) want to know how they can maintain their relationship with work while still having the flexibility to live the life they envision. As mentioned above, Gen Y has no problem with work or with the idea of working hard -- it's just that their job will never be the whole of their identity. They were raised with the imperative to "follow your dreams!", and their job and life may intersect in new ways than we've seen in past generations. "Gen Y," Kesher stressed, "doesn't want a job -- they want a life that hopefully includes a job."

•Being green: This is the generation that's leading the green movement -- so give them the power to build, make changes, and become leaders in your organization's (existing or non-existing) green movement.

Why worry about Gen Y?

Ensuring that the different generations working together under one roof actually work well together is a big concern for many employers. After all, if knowledge isn't able to be sufficiently shared from generation to generation, older generations will eventually retire -- taking with them decades of experience. In addition, workers who work well together are likely to be happier, more productive and better brand ambassadors for companies.

(To read the article on it's original page, visit:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coffee and it's surprising health benefits

Whether you like yours hot, iced, black or with sugar, one thing's for sure: Coffee serves up plenty of health benefits. Not only can a cup of Joe help ward off depression, but it has even been linked with a decreased rate of skin cancer and increased fertility. Read on to learn about the unexpected heath benefits of coffee, plus other brew-related facts.

1. It may help ward off depression.

Anyone who perks up after the first sip of morning coffee will tell you that it has mood-boosting effects. Now there's proof: A study from the Harvard School of Public Health, published last month in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that women who regularly drink fully caffeinated coffee have a 20% lower risk of depression than non-coffee drinkers. The study, which followed a group of women for 10 years, found that as more coffee was consumed (up to six cups per day), the likelihood of depression decreased.

2. It may help promote a healthy weight.
Drinking an espresso or cappuccino after a meal is more than a relaxing habit. "When you drink coffee after a meal, it causes your body to more slowly process the meal you just ate," says Chris Kilham, medical researcher, founder of Medicine Hunter, Inc. and author of Psyche Delicacies. According to David Levitsky, PhD, professor of nutritional science at Cornell University, "Caffeine decreases the rate at which the stomach dumps its contents into the duodenum-a part of the small intestine where digestion takes place-and also increases metabolic rate." Keep in mind, though, that java isn't a miracle brew: Downing it after dinner won't make the pounds melt away; rather, sipping a cup post-meal could, in small part, help promote a healthy weight.

3. It may boost fertility in men.

"Studies have shown that caffeine has a positive effect on sperm motility-the ability of sperm to move toward an egg-and could increase your chances of [getting pregnant]," says John Wilcox, MD, FACOG, managing partner and reproductive endocrinologist at HRC Fertility in California. In fact, a study conducted at the University of Sao Paulo found that sperm motility was markedly higher in coffee drinkers versus non coffee-drinkers. And it turns out that it doesn't matter whether you drink one or ten cups a day: The only detectable difference was found between coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers.

To view the rest of the article, please click on the link:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Looking for a job in today's economy? Buzzkill words on your resume.

Creative. Effective. Motivated. While you may think that you're using words on your resume that will appeal to hiring managers, some words can actually turn them off. On Tuesday, LinkedIn released the top 10 words that job seekers overuse in resumes and job applications. Here's the list:

-- Creative
-- Organizational
-- Effective
-- Extensive experience
-- Track record
-- Motivated
-- Innovative
-- Problem solving
-- Communication skills
-- Dynamic

If you're wondering how LinkedIn came up with this list, its data scientists examined millions of profiles to find out which words professionals used the most in 2011. Surprisingly, some of the words are different from what LinkedIn found to be the bad buzzwords in 2010, thanks to the skyrocketing growth of the professional networking site. A year ago, there were 85 million users. Now, there are 135 million users from around the world, so naturally that list of buzzwords has changed.

What's interesting is that the buzzwords vary, depending on the country. The word "creative" was overused in Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. "Effective" was used by too many job hunters in India. And Italians, it seems, are fantastic at "problem solving."

If I'm Not Creative ... What Am I?

I hope seeing this list doesn't kill your holiday buzz. If you're using these words as a selling point to potential employers, spend some time this month finding better, more descriptive words that pinpoint your talents.
"Competition for opportunities can be fierce, so craft your LinkedIn profile and resume to stand out from the professional pack," says Nicole Williams, LinkedIn's connection director and best-selling author of the book, "Girl on Top." "Even though this year's list of overused terms differs from last year's, your objectives remain the same: Banish buzzwords from your profile. Use language that illustrates your unique professional accomplishments and experiences. Give concrete examples of results you've achieved whenever possible and reference attributes that are specific to you."

LinkedIn recommends adding skills to your profile, which can serve to show hiring managers firsthand where your strengths lie. Recommendations, too, can help beef up your online profile.

LinkedIn also suggests filling out your LinkedIn profile fully. They say your profile is 12 times more likely to be viewed if you have more than one position listed in your work history. Adding a nice photo of yourself increases viewability as well.

What About My Resume?

Now that you know the words that employers are sick of seeing in resumes and cover letters, you can avoid them. If you're stuck for ideas, here is a list of action verbs, and an online thesaurus can always give you alternatives to the words you don't want to use.

It's your job as a talented job candidate to stand out with your resume and cover letter. Take time to rewrite it, and have a friend review it to give feedback on how appealing and engaging it is. Always customize both your resume and your cover letter for the job you're applying for.

This article is provided by US NEWS and Lindsay Olson  Click here for the link:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Did Bumbo ignore child safety?

Like millions of other parents over the past several years, Kevin and Lucy Ferrell used a new baby product called the Bumbo Baby Sitter that they bought at Toys R Us to prop up their son, Colby. The simple molded plastic seat is more upright than a bouncy chair, and less rigid than a high chair, making it a hit with parents looking for new infant gear.

But when 9-month-old Colby fell out of the seat and fractured his skull, his parents learned very quickly that the seat wasn't ideal for a small, moving child. "He arched his back up and he kind of flipped out of it sideways and backwards and rolled right off (the table)," Kevin Ferrell says. "It just happened in a split second."

Bumbo, which is used to help babies sit up before they're able to do so on their own, has been an unquestioned success in sales - with nearly 4 million sold in the U.S. since 2003. But its safety record is uncertain.

The South African company recalled Bumbo in 2007 after a spate of 28 injuries reported to the Consumer Product Safety Commission - including numerous skull fractures - and placed warning labels on the seats that said they shouldn't be used on elevated surfaces. Bumbo company records obtained as part of a lawsuit the Ferrells filed in June against the company and Toys R Us, where the product was purchased off their baby registry, show some 300 reported incidents, including some in other countries, mainly Great Britain. The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas, where the case is still in a pretrial phase.

Then in late November, the CPSC issued an unusual warning that there had been another 45 incidents since the recall, and that it had learned of another 18 older cases. It also noted that children were hurt both when the product was elevated and when it was on the ground.

Ross Cunningham of the Rose Walker firm in Austin, who represents the Ferrells and says he has settled a dozen lawsuits over Bumbo's safety, alleges in the lawsuit that Bumbo "has taken no effort" to reconfigure the product to prevent children from getting out of it, "despite having actual knowledge of the dangers associated with the Bumbo Baby Sitter...and the potential of the Bumbo Baby Sitter to cause serious injury to children."

Bumbo's U.S. attorney, Tarush R. Anand, says he cannot comment on the litigation, but did provide a statement from Bumbo, in which the company says the product is safe. "The Bumbo baby seat is a safe product for infants when it is used as intended: on the floor and never on an elevated surface," the statement says. "Children should always been closely supervised when they are in the Bumbo seat." The company also says it is working with the Consumer Product Safety Commission to educate parents on the correct use of the seat.

Toys R Us is accused in the most recent lawsuit of knowingly stocking a baby product that has caused injuries. One of the company's buyers is quoted in the litigation as saying under oath that she had never seen an infant product like that without a safety restraint, and that after learning about the severity of the injuries, she didn't think it was safe.

To read the full article in it's entirety, please see the link:
***Parents must remember that this isn't a babysitter and that they must still be responsible for watching their children. They should also know their child and if the child is fidgety or old enough to move around, then perhaps this isn't the best seat to put your child in.***

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The 12 days of Christmas-a little history lesson

I'm sure that many of you have heard the Christmas carroll, The Twelve Days of Christmas. If you are anything like me, you may have found this song to be....well....weird, to say the least. After all, what in the world or who came up with the lyrics because they sure didn't make sense or mean a thing to me. I found it to be quite confusing, almost like someone was on an acid trip or something. Do you know the history of the song? Well, I have found the answers to the quest that I was on and did some research about the song.

All in all, this song now takes on a new meaning to me. The lyrics are a secret code and now I will share the mystery of the lyrics with you. I hope you enjoy this brief lesson.

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning, plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

-The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

-Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

-Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.-

-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

-The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.

-Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.

-The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.

-Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

-The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.

-The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

-The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.

I found this quite interesting and very enlightening and now I can understand how that strange song became a Christmas pass it on if you wish. Brightest Blessings! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dream Special going on now!

Be sure to check out my website: for a great special on dream interpretations. Only $8.00 and regularly $18.00! Gift certificates are available and make a unique gift. Hurry, this special will expire soon.

Don't forget to check out my online store. Right now there is a sale on candles, figurines, games and Christmas/Holiday items as well as a clearance on Fall/Halloween items. Please feel free to check it out.
Shipping is UPS. Brightest Blessings for a wonderful and safe Holiday season.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mercury goes Retrograde.

Planet Mercury goes retrograde on 11/24/11. So what does this mean? Well, a little history is that ages ago, Mercury was in charge of carrying messages between the gods and goddesses, as well as between humanity (mortals) and the gods. In today's world, Mercury rules computers, phones, internet, correspondence - basically communication. You can see Mercury's influence on how you express yourself - by speech, texts, letters or handwriting. You can also feel the influence by the way you collect data. I, personally, never fail to cringe when I know Mercury is heading into a means an increase in lost packages, communication failures such as lost emails and missing orders, and misunderstandings with family, friends, co-workers and customers. The effects of Mercury Retrograde can be maddening!

Retrograde means that it appears that the planet is moving backward. The good news is Mercury is only retrograde until the 13th of December. So what does this mean? What exactly happens when Mercury retrogrades? Pretty much it means to expect the unexpected. Appointments get missed, computers crash, you find the car you just purchased, during Mercury retrograde, is a lemon. The repair shop that had your car for a month sends it back still broken, There will be countless delays, cancellations and postponements. Don't fight them, although your frustration level and feeling of restlessness will be hard to cope with at times. This is a time where electronic devices may not work properly, may break, or may malfunction. (Cell phones, cars, machines, appliances, computers, etc). Letters, bills, notes, any communication with people may seem strained, delayed or misinterpreted. People may be in tense moods and you may find yourself desiring or wanting more solitude. You may experience problems or delays in travel/trips as well as with meetings and appointments. This is a time where communication and schedules can be compromised. This is not really a good time to sign contracts or make big purchases such as a car or appliance, hence things tend to break down or not function properly. Mercury is the ruling planet for industries such as sales, writing, marketing, public relations, postal and delivery services, and any transportation industry. (Mercury also rules the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. If you are a Virgo who works for the complaint department of the phone company, go ahead and take that vacation! Just don't travel anywhere - your luggage is likely to get lost). People from your past may even tend to resurface and memories or past regrets may come from out of nowhere to haunt you. During Mercury retrograde, it's not uncommon that you are likely to bump into old friends that you haven't seen in years. Adopted children tend to find their birth parents during Mercury retrograde periods, or people locate their long lost siblings. Prosecutors often find clues to crimes that had previously remained unsolved for years. Mail that went astray weeks or even years ago shows up during Mercury retrograde.

If it is so troublesome, why then, would the Universe give us Mercury retrograde? Have you ever heard the expression - Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it? The basic principle of Mercury Retrograde is that Mercury has turned around to show us something, something we have missed somewhere and somehow. Sometimes, in order to move forward, it is necessary to backtrack, examine our mistakes, and change our path for the future. It is important for us to reconsider, repair, reflect, and reconnect. Mercury forces us to slow down and fix what's broken, and in doing so, realize what mistakes we have made. It also gives us the opportunity to complete all the old projects we have placed on the back burner, therefore clearing the way for new opportunities.

Mercury Retrogrades also tend to cause things to repeat. Avoid having surgery, getting dental work done, or signing divorce papers and contracts during Mercury Retrograde. If you do, you might find yourself doing that same painful thing over again! On the other hand, doing things that are good for you, fun, or affect your life, in a positive way, are excellent activities for Mercury Retrograde. Focus on eating healthy, exercising regularly, and learning a new skill in this period. Go to a movie, go dancing, or do something else that you would like to repeat again! Not only will you feel better, but on the next Mercury Retrograde you will feel compelled to return to that healthy and enjoyable living.

What to do during this time: Think about your past and how you feel about your current circumstances. Consider if you are happy in your current situation? If not, think of ways to change it. This is a time to rethink, reflect, research, revise, reschedule, redecorate and renew. (Keep the 'RE' in mind for the next few weeks). In regards to relationships and partnership matters, our thinking is turned inward. Re-evaluating a partnership and communication style within that relationship is wonderful use of this reflection period.

What not to do during this time: Not a good time for big purchases such as a home, car or electronics. These types of things/items will generally encounter major problems. Don't sign important contracts or paperwork. Try not to get upset over set backs. Expect them so when they happen, you're prepared. Keep cell phone charged, keep a can of fix a flat in the trunk, etc.

**Again, if you plan any travels, try to allow for extra time for any problems which might arise. Also, keep your electronic equipment tuned up and working well, and try and take it easy on your nervous system. The nervous system can be on over-drive during the mercury retrograde. So try and allow extra time for sleep and relaxation. Allow yourself to take some time off from tasks and do some favorite activity you haven’t done in a while.

Mercury retrograde is also a great time to get things done you may have been putting off, like cleaning or organizing and recycling old stuff you no longer need. It’s a time to finish tasks that were started and never went to completion, but it’s usually not a good time for starting new tasks. Brainstorming is easier to do at this time, but generally, things will have an easier time of getting started if you wait until Mercury goes direct on the 13th of December.

***Keep in mind that the affects of Mercury Retro's can be felt as early as three weeks before it actually happens and you can feel the effects after it goes Direct for a few weeks also. Blessed Be to all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Yummy receipes for healthy eyes and vision

Here is a great article worth checking out especially if you want to see better. It won't happen overnight, but as you get into the habit of eating better and healthier, you'll see a difference after some time. This article has some scrumptious suggestions....and the pictures of the food.....I'm hungry already.

Read the article in full by clicking on the link:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

If life is a game, then these are the rules.....

Written by Chérie Carter Scott:

Cherie was one of three sisters, who Chérie grew up in a wealthy, but turbulent home with an alcoholic mother and a high-powered father. From the outside, the family appeared to live a life of privilege, but behind closed doors, they dealt with her mother's violent mood swings, while she literally drank herself to death. While educated at some of the nation's finest schools, Chérie's dysfunctional family life left her struggling to find meaning in her life. After her father's death, she and her sisters found that they were disinherited. Life, as they had known it, was over.

Her traumatic childhood was the impetus for Chérie to look for answers to life's deepest questions. Here's how her experience led to the creation of the 10 Rules for Being Human: I realized that what I make of my life was up to me. I began to ask fundamental questions, "What is this notion of happiness? How do I create fulfillment? What is the purpose of life?"

In 1974, when I was 25 years old, I passed through a premature midlife crisis. I had pursued a career in teaching to please my mother, and then a career in acting to please myself... neither one really satisfied me, and I was confused about what was next. The suggestions I received from family and friends only exacerbated the confusion. I didn't know where to turn for answers and so I started to pray for guidance.

After several weeks, I received three clear "messages" from what divine source I was not really sure - that answered my questions. The first stated, "You are a catalyst for discovery." The second said, "You will work in growth and development." The third came through loud and clear, "You have a gift for working with people." I knew these three messages were the answers to my prayers, but I didn't know how to deploy them. These three "revelations" didn't point to an industry or provide me with a job description, so I was left trying to figure out what to do. I formulated a sentence: "I am a catalytic agent who works with people in their growth and development." From that moment on, the messages came to me on a regular basis. One day, I thought, "I have been asking for these answers my whole life, and finally they have been delivered to me." The Rules answered the fundamental question I'd asked, "What is the purpose of life?"

What she came up with is this:

You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "life." Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum. Why are you here? What is your purpose? Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time. What we and our ancestors have overlooked, however, in the course of this endless search, is that there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual. Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else's. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that you will need to learn in order to fulfill that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and relevance of your own life.

Once you have learned the basic lessons taught to you by your own body, you are ready for a more advanced teacher: the universe. You will be presented with lessons in every circumstance that surfaces in your life. When you experience pain, you learn a lesson. When you feel joy, you learn a different lesson. For every action or event, there is an accompanying lesson that must be learned. As you travel through your lifetime, you may encounter challenging lessons that others don't have to face, while others spend years struggling with challenges that you don't need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle financially while your peers enjoy abundance. The only thing you can count on for certain is that you will be presented with all the lessons that you specifically need to learn; whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you.

The challenge of Rule Two, therefore, is to align yourself with your own unique path by learning your individual lessons. This is one of the most difficult challenges you will face in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will lead you into a life that is radically different from others. Don't compare your path to those around you and focus on the disparity between their lessons and yours. You need to remember that you will only be faced with lessons that you are capable of learning and are specific to your own growth. If you are able to rise to this challenge, you can unravel the mystery of your purpose and actually live it. You cease being a victim of fate or circumstance and become empowered—life no longer just "happens to you." When you are working toward fulfilling your true purpose, you discover astonishing gifts within yourself that you may have never known you have. This process may not be easy, but the rewards are well worth the struggle.

Here is an amazing (short) video full of things to think about and apply everyday to your life. Please take a moment to watch it. You will not be disappointed.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dietary Supplements Explained.

Today, there are so many types of vitamins out there....from pills, exlixirs, powders, etc. I totally believe in the power of certain regiments....certain foods are considered for their health benefits and have been around for decades. How do you know what your body needs and what it doesn't?

Here is a list worth checking out, written by Alexandra Gekas from Woman's Day. I am only going to list a few of the items from the article. If you would like to view the wholelist, please click on the link below to read the article in full.

B Vitamins - There are several B vitamins, from B1 to B12, and they're all incredibly important to our body's functioning. But a commonly deficient one is B12, a nutrient that helps keep the body's nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH). "B12 is a common deficiency; some people just have a harder time genetically absorbing it than other people do," says Max Langhurst, a naturopathic specialist and supplements advisor at Patients Medical. "We put people on B12 because they're either low or they have a diet that doesn't support it enough. For instance, someone who has dietary restrictions, whether it be an allergen, [dairy or shellfish in particular] or a different lifestyle, like if they're not eating meat." He also says people who consume a lot of alcohol might want to supplement B12. Otherwise, Langhurst says a multivitamin should be fine. "Every multivitamin will have a spectrum of B vitamins."

Calcium - Due to the growing focus on osteoporosis and bone health, calcium supplementation rose from 28% in 1994 to 61% in 2006 among women 60 and over. "If you eat a fair amount of green leafy vegetables, dairy and meat, you're getting plenty of calcium. So to me, 500 mg a day is enough as a supplement—again 'supplement,' not 'replacement,'" says John Pan, MD, executive director at the George Washington University Medical Center for Integrative Medicine. While Langhurst recommends a bit more for anyone over 50 years old, there is a limit. "No more than 1,200 mg per day for people over 50 because there's a concern of calcium deposits [which leads to unabsorbed calcium settling into the body’s soft tissue]. Excessive calcium is also associated with mineral imbalances," he says. Dr. Pan, however, doesn't really think the problem with bone health is solely related to calcium deficiency. "Taking extra calcium doesn't hurt. We want them taking calcium, but the problem is that calcium isn't enough for bone health. Vitamin D is really more important," Dr. Pan says. "Vitamin D regulates how the body uses calcium."

Coenzyme Q10 - Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) may not be a vitamin you've heard much about before, but it's an important one, especially for people taking certain medications for high cholesterol. "Statins (a medication millions of people around the world take) are used to lower cholesterol, but they also block the formation of CoQ10, an essential ingredient [used by] the mitochondria to make energy," says Dr. Maroon. "This can lead to muscle cramps, memory impairment and a whole lot of other complications." If you are taking a statin, Dr. Pan says your doctor should be telling you to take CoQ10. If he or she is not, ask why. "Most cholesterol drugs are a statin, which deplete CoQ10, so you really need to take an additional 10 mg," Dr. Pan adds.

Fish Oil - An important supplement for just about everyone is fish oil, which contains an omega-3 fatty acid that can help with everything from cardiovascular health and brain functioning to arthritis and inflammation. "Science is saying you need 500 mg and is encouraging people to eat cold water fatty fish (like salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, trout and mackerel) twice a week," says Duffy MacKay, ND, a naturopathic doctor and vice president of Scientific Regulatory Affairs at the Council for Responsible Nutrition. But the reality is that people aren't eating enough fish, so fish oil supplements have become globally accepted. However, according to Langhurst, not all fish oil supplements are created equal. "You want to look for whether or not it's molecularly distilled, because that's the process that will filter out some of the metals," he says. Some of the higher-quality brands Joseph Maroon, MD, professor of neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh and author of The Longevity Factor, recommends include Nordic Naturals, GNC and Carlson.

To view the article in it's entirety, please click the link below to view all 11 supplements discussed.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

No, Mercury is not retrograding-but get ready for another Eclipse

On June 2nd, I posted a blog titled: Here comes June. Here is the conclusion to that first blog post.

In a previous blog, I touched on a partial solar eclipse that occurred on June 1 in Gemini. Since this was a partial eclipse, it was of less impact. It essentially operated as a second 'New Moon', giving us the opportunity to reflect and plan for what was to come.

On June 15, a total lunar eclipse occurred in Sagittarius. This was powerful lunar eclipse, the longest in a decade, lasting nearly two hours. This eclipse gave us an opportunity to examine things in our life, personally or professionally, that were just continually 'not working'. It was a time for us to determine those things that we needed to take action rid ourselves of situations or people that are holding us back, to get rid of physical and emotional clutter, and to finally complete projects that we have been putting off. Since it takes a few weeks for powerful energy like this to dissipate, expect major decisions and actions to continue to crop up over the next few weeks. Don't put them off....handle them decisively and intelligently, using the continuing energy of the eclipse to cross them off your list for good!

The last solar eclipse will occur this Friday on July 1 in Cancer. This eclipse signifies new beginnings, and will be a good time to take on greater responsibilities and challenge ourselves to greater spiritual growth. Doors will close on things that are simply not working, and this will move you towards something far better. This solar eclipse, combined with the Grand Cross being formed by four planets (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Mercury) will make this a time of stress, but also a time of personal change and growth that will give new insights and information for the future. This eclipse is also combined with a New Moon, which is excellent for spellwork for growth and change. Friday will be a very powerful time for candle magic to remove bad vibes, banishment, finishing projects, and new beginnings. It is also a perfect time to do a good smudging to clear out negative energy to make way for the positive.

Today, and over the next few days while the lunar eclipse and new moon energy are at their strongest, try some of the following things:

Clear all the clutter, dust, old mail, or anything else blocking the area around the front entrance of your home. This opens up the 'opportunity' area for new positive energy. (If you own a business, make sure the driveway, front door, steps or other areas are clean and free of debris and that there is nothing blocking the path from the road (or driveway) to you. This includes limbs, trash bins, boxes, or anything else that makes the energy move around it.

Create a 'spirit hearth', similar to an altar, with items representing what you desire. If it is wealth, use silver and gold coins, a money frog or cat bank, green stones or silver, gold and green candles. For travel, use brochures or photos of the place you want to go. For better relations with family or friends, use happy photos of them.

In light and love ~ Namaste

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wayshowers are paving the way to awakeners.

This starts off with music but then goes into a narration. Worth a listen.

Enlightenment consists of not merely luminous shapes and visions-but in making the darkness visible. It is difficult and unpopular because of it's difficulty. However, what is to give light, must endure burning.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Super healing foods with benefits.

As part of a healthy diet, whole foods play a significant role in helping our bodies function optimally. There are hundreds of extremely nutritious whole foods, but the dozen on this list do more than contribute healthy nutrients—they help you heal. In fact, every food on this list boasts multiple healing effects, from fighting cancer (learn more about the disease) to reducing cholesterol, guarding against heart disease and more. Eat these super-healing picks and start feeling pretty super yourself.

KIWI Fruit - This tiny, nutrient-dense fruit packs an amazing amount of vitamin C (double the amount found in this fruit), has more fiber than apples and beats bananas as a high-potassium food. The unique blend of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals found in kiwifruit helps protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer (commandments to prevention) and respiratory disease. Kiwifruit's natural blood-thinning properties work without the side effects of aspirin and support vascular health by reducing the formation of spontaneous blood clots, lowering LDL cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. Multiple studies have shown that kiwifruit not only reduces oxidative stress and damage to DNA but also prompts damaged cells to repair themselves.

In Chinese medicine they are used to accelerate the healing of wounds and sores.

How much: Aim to eat one to two kiwifruit a day while they're in season, for the best taste and nutrition. California-grown kiwifruit are in season from October through May, and New Zealand kiwifruit are available between April and November.

Tips: Kiwifruit contain enzymes that activate once you cut the fruit, causing the flesh to tenderize. So if you're making a fruit salad, cut the kiwifruit last.

The riper the kiwifruit, the greater the antioxidant power, so let them ripen before you dig in.

CHERRIES - Cherries boast a laundry list of healing powers. For starters, they pack a powerful nutritional punch for a relatively low calorie count. They're also packed with substances that help fight inflammation and cancer. In lab studies, quercetin and ellagic acid, two compounds contained in cherries, have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors and even cause cancer cells to commit suicide. Cherries also have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Anthocyanin, another compound in cherries, is credited with lowering the uric acid levels in the blood, thereby reducing a common cause of gout. Researchers believe anthocyanins may also reduce your risk of colon cancer. Further, these compounds work like a natural form of ibuprofen, reducing inflammation and curbing pain. Regular consumption may help lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

In Chinese medicine, cherries are routinely used as a remedy for gout, arthritis and rheumatism (as well as anemia, due to their high iron content). Plus they're delicious.

How much: Aim for a daily serving while they're in season locally. And keep a bag of frozen cherries in your freezer the rest of the year; frozen cherries retain 100 percent of their nutritional value and make a great addition to smoothies, yogurt and oatmeal.

Tip: Buy organic, since conventionally grown cherries can be high in pesticides.

GUAVAS - Guavas are a small tropical fruit that can be round, oval or pear-shaped (see more photos). They're not all that common, but if you can track them down, it's more than worth it. Guavas contain more of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable, and nearly 20 percent more than this popular fruit.

Lycopene protects our healthy cells from free radicals that can cause blocked arteries, joint degeneration, nervous system problems and even cancer. Lycopene consumption is associated with significantly lower rates of prostate cancer; and men with prostate tumors who consumed lycopene supplements showed significant improvements. Lycopene has also been found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, and research suggests that this antioxidant may also help protect against coronary artery disease.

Guavas are also packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Serving for serving, guava offers more than 60 percent more potassium than a banana.

How much: Aim to eat fresh guavas as often as you can when you can find them in stores. They're not commonly available in the freezer section, and most guava juices are processed and sweetened, so they don't provide the same superior nutrition that the whole, fresh fruit does. One to two guavas a day is a good goal.

Tip: Opt for the red-fleshed variety if you can; both are loaded with antioxidants (cancer-fighting foods), but the red type has more than the white-fleshed apple guava.

BEANS - Beans are a miracle food (find others). They lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and insulin production, promote digestive health and protect against cancer. If you think of fiber, protein and antioxidants, and immediately think whole grains, meat and fruit, then think again—beans offer all three in a single package.

An assortment of phytochemicals found in beans has been shown to protect cells from cancerous activity by inhibiting cancer cells from reproducing, slowing tumor growth. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health reported that women who consumed beans at least twice a week were 24 percent less likely to develop breast cancer, and multiple studies have tied beans to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and breast and colon cancers.

Beans deliver a whopping amount of antioxidants, which help prevent and fight oxidative damage. In fact, the USDA's ranking of foods by antioxidant capacity places three varieties of beans (red, red kidney and pinto) in the top four—and that's among all food groups. They also contain tryptophan, which can help regulate appetite, aid in sleep and improve mood. Many are also rich in folate, which plays a significant role in heart health. You'll also get decent amounts of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B1 and B2, and vitamin K. Soybeans are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

In Chinese medicine, various types of beans have been used to treat alcoholism, food poisoning, edema (particularly in the legs), high blood pressure, diarrhea, laryngitis, kidney stones, rheumatism and dozens of other conditions.

How much: Aim for a minimum of two servings of beans per week.

Tip: Adzuki and mung beans are among the most easily digested; pinto, kidney, navy, garbanzo, lima and black beans are more difficult to digest.

WATERCRESS - Not only is watercress extremely nutritious (nutritional value), it's about as close as you can get to a calorie-free food. Calorie for calorie, it provides four times the calcium of this staple drink. Ounce for ounce, it offers as much vitamin C as an orange and more iron than another superfood. It's packed with vitamin A and has lots of vitamin K, along with multiple antioxidant carotenoids and protective phytochemicals.

The nutrients in watercress protect against cancer and macular degeneration, help build the immune system and support bone health. The iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your body's tissues for energy. The phytochemicals in watercress battle cancer in three ways: killing cancer cells, blocking carcinogens and protecting healthy cells from carcinogens.

In Chinese medicine, watercress is thought to help reduce tumors, improve night vision and improve digestion. It's used as a remedy for jaundice, urinary difficulty, sore throat, mumps and bad breath.

How much: Eat watercress daily if you can. In some regions, it's more widely available during the spring and summer, when it's cultivated outdoors. But since it can also be grown hydroponically (what's that?), you can find it year-round in many grocery stores and at your local farmers market.

Tips: You can cook it, but watercress is better for you when you eat it raw. Tuck it into a sandwich in place of lettuce. Toss it with your favorite vegetables and eat it in a salad. Watercress is great in pesto—just replace the basil with watercress—and soups. Use watercress as a wonderfully detoxifying ingredient in juice or smoothies.

SPINACH - You already knew spinach was good for you (nutritional value), but did you know just how good? Spinach protects against eye disease and vision loss; it's good for brain function; it guards against colon, prostate and breast cancers; it protects against heart disease, stroke and dementia; it lowers blood pressure; it's anti-inflammatory; and it's great for bone health. Spinach has an amazing array of nutrients, including high amounts of vitamin K, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, magnesium and iron.

A carotenoid found in spinach kills prostate cancer cells and prevents them from multiplying. Folate promotes vascular health by lowering homocysteine and has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers. The vitamin C and beta-carotene in spinach protect against colon cancer in addition to fighting inflammation, making them key components of brain health, particularly in older adults.

Spinach is loaded with vitamin K (one cup of cooked spinach provides 1111 percent of the recommended daily amount), which builds strong bones by helping calcium adhere to the bone.

How much: Fresh spinach should be a daily staple in your diet. It's available in practically every grocery store, no matter where you live. Aim for a few ounces, raw or lightly steamed, every day.

Tips: Add a handful of fresh spinach to your next fruit smoothie. It'll change the color but not the taste. Conventionally grown spinach is susceptible to pesticide residue; stick to organic.

ONIONS - Onions get a bad rap for their effect on the breath, but that's not the only part of the body where they pack a wallop. Onion consumption has been shown to help lower the risk of prostate and esophageal cancers and has also been linked to reduced mortality from coronary heart disease. Research suggests that they may help protect against stomach cancer. Onions contain sulfides that help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as a peptide that may help prevent bone loss.

Onions have super antioxidant power. They contain quercetin, a natural antihistamine that reduces airway inflammation and helps relieve symptoms of allergies and hay fever. Onions also boast high levels of vitamin C, which battles cold and flu symptoms. Onions' anti-inflammatory properties help fight the pain and swelling associated with osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.

How much: For all the health benefits onions provide, it would be ideal to eat one a day. However, if that's not doable for you, add a few onions to your weekly grocery list and try to eat a little bit every day. All varieties are extremely good for you, but shallots and yellow onions lead the pack in antioxidant activity. Raw onions provide the best nutrition, but they're still great for you when they're lightly cooked.

Tip: Onions should be stored at room temperature, but if they bother your eyes when you cut them, try refrigerating them for an hour beforehand or run under cold water.

CARROTS - Carrots are a great source of the potent antioxidants known as carotenoids. Diets high in carotenoids have been tied to a decreased risk in postmenopausal breast cancer as well as cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx and esophagus. Conversely, diets low in carotenoids have been associated with chronic disease, including heart disease and various cancers. Research suggests that just one carrot per day could reduce your risk of lung cancer by half. Carrots may also reduce your risk of kidney and ovarian cancers. Nutrients in carrots inhibit cardiovascular disease, stimulate the immune system, promote colon health, and support ear and eye health.

Carrots contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin C and an incredible amount of vitamin A (other foods rich in vitamin A). The alpha-carotene in carrots has shown promise in inhibiting tumor growth. In Chinese medicine, carrots are used to treat rheumatism, kidney stones, tumors, indigestion, night blindness, ear infections and more.

How much: Eat a serving of carrots each day and enjoy them year-round. Carrots are good for you whether they're raw or lightly cooked. For the best nutrition, go for whole carrots that are firm and fresh-looking. Precut baby carrots are made from whole carrots and tend to lose important nutrients during processing.

Tips: Remove carrot tops before storing them in the fridge, as the tops drain moisture from the roots and will cause the carrots to wilt. Buy organic; conventionally grown carrots frequently show high pesticide residues.

CABBAGE - Cabbage is a powerhouse source of vitamins K and C. Just one cup supplies 91 percent of the recommended daily amount for vitamin K, 50 percent of vitamin C, good amounts of fiber and decent scores of manganese, vitamin B6 and folate. How many calories per serving? It offers 11 percent more vitamin C than oranges.

Cabbage contains high levels of antioxidant sulforaphanes that not only fight free radicals before they damage DNA but also stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens in the body. Researchers believe this one-two approach may contribute to the apparent ability of cruciferous vegetables to reduce the risk of cancer more effectively than any other plant food group.

Cabbage builds strong bones, dampens allergic reactions, reduces inflammation and promotes gastrointestinal health. Cabbage is routinely juiced (find out how to make it) as a natural remedy for healing peptic ulcers due to its high glutamine content. It also provides significant cardiovascular benefit by preventing plaque formation in the blood vessels. In Chinese medicine, cabbage is used to treat constipation, the common cold, whooping cough, depression, irritability and stomach ulcers.

How much: The more cabbage you can include in your diet, the better.

Tips: Try raw sauerkraut. It has all the health properties of cabbage, plus some potent probiotics, which are excellent for digestive health.

Use the whole cabbage; the outer leaves contain a third more calcium than the inner leaves. Both are nutritional stars, but red cabbages are far superior to the white variety, with about seven times more vitamin C and more than four times the polyphenols.

BROCCOLI - You'll find it difficult to locate another single food source with as much naturally occurring health-promoting properties as broccoli (benefits). A single cup of steamed broccoli provides more than 200 percent of the RDA for vitamin C (again, more than oranges), nearly as much of vitamin K, and about half of the daily allowance for vitamin A, along with plentiful folate, fiber, sulfur, iron, B vitamins and a whole host of other important nutrients. Broccoli contains about twice the amount of protein as steak (more high-protein foods).

Broccoli's phytochemicals fight cancer by neutralizing carcinogens and accelerating their elimination from the body, in addition to inhibiting tumors caused by chemical carcinogens. Studies show evidence that these substances help prevent lung and esophageal cancers.

Phytonutrients called indoles found in broccoli help protect against prostate, gastric, skin, breast and cervical cancers. Extensive studies have linked broccoli to a 20 percent reduction in heart disease risk. In Chinese medicine, broccoli is used to treat eye inflammation.

How much: If you can eat a little broccoli every day, your body will thank you for it. If you can't swing it, aim for eating it as regularly as possible. Like many other vegetables, broccoli provides fantastic nutrition both in its raw form and when it's properly cooked.

Tip: Steaming or cooking broccoli lightly releases the maximum amount of the antioxidant sulforaphane.

KALE - Kale is highly nutritious, has powerful antioxidant properties and is anti-inflammatory (get nutritional facts). One cup of cooked kale contains an astounding 1,328 percent of the RDA for vitamin K, 192 percent of the RDA for vitamin A and 89 percent of the RDA for vitamin C. It's also a good source of calcium and iron.

Kale is in the same plant family as another cruciferous superfood and contains high levels of the cancer-fighting compound sulforaphane. The indoles in kale have been shown to protect against breast, cervical and colon cancers. The vitamin K in kale promotes blood clotting, protects the heart and helps build strong bones by anchoring calcium to the bone. Kale has more antioxidant power than another leafy green and is extra-rich in beta-carotene (containing seven times as much as does broccoli), lutein and zeaxanthin (10 times the amount in broccoli). In Chinese medicine, kale is used to help ease lung congestion.

How much: Like cabbage, the more kale you can eat, the better. A daily serving is ideal.

Tips: Kale's growing season extends nearly year-round; the only time it's out of season is summer, when plenty of other leafy greens are abundant.

Steam or sauté kale on its own, or add it to soups and stews. Kale is also a great addition when it's blended in fruit smoothies or juiced with other vegetables.

DANDELION - The same pesky weed known for ruining lawns (see photos) has a long history of being used as a healing herb in cultures around the globe. One cup of raw dandelion greens provides 535 percent of the RDA of vitamin K and 112 percent of the RDA for vitamin A. Dandelion greens are also a good source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, fiber and potassium. Among all foods, it's one of the richest sources of vitamin A and one of the best sources of beta-carotene.

Dandelion has been used for centuries to treat hepatitis, kidney and liver disorders such as kidney stones, jaundice and cirrhosis. It's routinely prescribed as a natural treatment for hepatitis C, anemia and liver detoxification. As a natural diuretic (find others), dandelion supports the entire digestive system and increases urine output, helping flush toxins and excess salt from the kidneys. The naturally occurring potassium in dandelions helps prevent the loss of potassium that can occur with pharmaceutical diuretics.

Dandelion promotes digestive health by stimulating bile production, resulting in a gentle laxative effect. Inulin further aids digestion by feeding the healthy probiotic bacteria in the intestines; it also increases calcium absorption and has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, therefore being useful in treating diabetes. Both the dandelion leaves and root are used to treat heartburn and indigestion. The pectin in dandelion relieves constipation and, in combination with vitamin C, reduces cholesterol. Dandelion is excellent for reducing edema, bloating and water retention; it can also help reduce high blood pressure. On top of all that, dandelion contains multiple antidiarrheal and antibacterial properties.

In Chinese medicine, dandelion is used in combination with other herbs to treat hepatitis and upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. The sap from the stem and root is a topical remedy for warts (find more natural remedies).

How much: How much dandelion to incorporate into your diet boils down to availability and personal preference. Dandelion greens are considered a specialty item in some areas and therefore can be difficult to find. They also have a pungent taste, and people tend to love or hate the flavor.

Tips: Use the root in soups or sauté it on its own. If the raw leaves are too bitter for you, try them lightly steamed or sautéed.

To view the article by link, please click below.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pagan Born

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases so be happy in your own skin. Do not worry what others think of you or your beliefs. What really matters is YOU.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cosmic Peace & Love - beautiful wisdom to behold.

BY: Phillip Noble

I am an Angel from up above.
From the sky and heaven above.
From the cosmic force, I have come.
With my heart full of love.
For my purpose of this life today.
Is to have you read these words, on this day.
Cosmic peace and love to you, take these words along with you.
Take these words in your mind.
Spread and share them with human kind.
Love and faith are rare these days, for they talk about the end of days.
The days and nights will not end, as you, these words and I, are cosmic friends.
The more we love and share today.
Faith itself shall come into play.
Many saviors shall come to be, and of many nationalities they shall be.
Love and peace is within us all.
With your help it shall stand proud and tall.
Cosmic peace and love to you, I do hope you take these words along with you.
Religion is but a word, a spiritual understanding, I do yearn.
Spirituality I feel is for me, it has no ego, I feel it lets me, be me.
I am me, I am free, for you- the reader- I wish on thee, that these words apply to thee.
Love and peace to each and everyone, as you read these words along.
May they find a place in your heart and mind, make you feel warm inside.
These words are sent from me to you, with what intent is entirely up to you.
All I wish upon for you, is cosmic peace and love.
May your days be filled with love, for once you have this, you have you.
Goodbye for now my cosmic friend, just think on, you yourself shall never end.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hold on - June is a roller coaster ride.

First, we had a partial solar eclipse occurred on June 1 in Gemini. Since this was a partial eclipse, it was of less impact. It essentially operated as a second 'New Moon', giving us the opportunity to reflect and plan for what was to come.

On June 15, a total lunar eclipse occurred in Sagittarius which was a powerful lunar eclipse, the longest in a decade, lasting nearly two hours and this powerful eclipse offers us a choice of sticking with something old, or jumping into something new. This eclipse will give us an opportunity to examine things in our life, personally or professionally, that are just continually 'not working'. It is a time for us to determine that we need to take rid ourselves of situations or people that are holding us back, to get rid of physical and emotional clutter, and to finally complete projects that we have been putting off. Decisions and actions that we have been procrastinating on suddenly become extremely important and urgent. Once these decisions and actions are complete, the future will be much clearer, less stressful, and much more positive. Since it takes a few weeks for powerful energy like this to dissipate, expect major decisions and actions to crop up over the next few weeks. Don't put them off....handle them decisively and intelligently, using the continuing energy of the eclipse to cross them off your list for good! Since it is also a full moon, it is doubly powerful, as the full moon is the perfect time for prayer rituals and spell work involving purging things that are creating a barrier, letting go of things that are interfering with our spiritual development, and discharging physical and emotional pain.

Another solar eclipse will occur on July 1 in Cancer. This eclipse will signify new beginnings, and will be a good time to take on greater responsibilities, and challenge ourselves to greater spiritual growth. Doors will close on things that are simply not working, and this will move you towards something far better.

Over the next few days while the lunar eclipse and full moon energy are at their strongest, try some of the following things:   (1) Clear all the clutter, dust, old mail, or anything else blocking the area around the front entrance of your home. This opens up the 'opportunity' area for new positive energy.  (2)  If you own a business, make sure the driveway, front door, steps or other areas are clean and free of debris, and there is nothing blocking the path from the road or drive to you. This includes limbs, trash bins, boxes, or anything else that makes the energy move around it.  (3) Create a 'spirit hearth', similar to an altar, with items representing what you desire. If it is wealth, use silver and gold coins, a money frog or cat bank, green stones or silver, gold and green candles. For travel, use brochures or photos of the place you want to go. For better relations with family or friends, use happy photos of them.

If you do not have time for a full ritual over the next few days, at least take the time to find a quiet spot and meditate about what you have been putting off and finalizing those decisions or actions.

Love, light and brightest blessings to all.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Now is the Time.

This is a short video, but it's worth the time to view and listen. The time is now to start making a difference. We are all connected - no matter our skin color, no matter our religion - we are here sharing this magnificent universe and we connect by spirit. If we don't do something, the future looks glim for not only us, but for our children and grandchildren. The threat is's time to pull together and make a change for the well being of all.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Computer slowing you down? Worth taking a peek.

If your computer is not running up to par....being sluggish, taking forever to do anything, just giving you a jolt of frustration, then you may want to check out this link.  Brightest blessings!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Power of Attitude....

Here is a great short video about the power of your attitude. Love doesn't make the world go round, it is what makes the ride worthwhile.

~Brightest blessings!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Are you paying attention to your feelings?

This is only about 13 minutes long, but it's worth checking out.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Words and thoughts have power.

Words and thoughts: Thoughts are consisted of energy, thus, at times what you think may be said out loud or just acted on which therefore creates actions. What is action? It's energy. Do you see the connection here?


A). Jiddu Krishnamurti (A Hindu blog writer) once said: Silence is something extraordinary. It comes naturally when you are watching; when you are watching without motive, without any kind of demand, just to watch. Then, in that watching, in that alertness, there is something that is beyond words, beyond all measure. A certain kind of freedom. Freedom is to be a light to oneself; then it is not an abstraction, a thing conjured up by thought. Actual freedom is freedom from dependency, attachment, from the craving for experience. Freedom from the very structure of thought is to be a light to oneself. In this light, all action takes place, and thus, it is never contradictory.

B). Words can sting like anything, but silence breaks the heart. (I can not remember who said this Phyllis someone)

C). Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to anger and disappointment, it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will. The greater the obstruction, and the greater the will, the more the frustration is likely to be. (Forwarded to me from a friend Mr. Kelly)

All of the above first consist of thoughts. Something happens (some action, some thought, some opinion, etc) to provoke the thought in response to what occurred or what is bothering a person. This can occur from either positive or negative. Can you see the power of words and thoughts?

One last piece to add to the closing of how words can have such a power over perspectives and thoughts: it's a quick video - 1 minute and 48 seconds. Worth the looksie : or try (if the first link don't work)

By changing thoughts, and words, you can change your world. Namaste. (These lessons will all tie in together at some point-the time isn't right yet so I am just teaching you different mindsets to consider on how you and each and every person can change their own life just by changing their thoughts. It's hard, but the mind is like a computer, it needs reprogramming and virus scanning at certain times). You don't have to get it Perfect – You just have to get it going. Babies don't walk the first time they try, but eventually they do. ~Mark Victor Hansen.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Full Moon Magick-May 17, 2011

The full moon has long had an aura of mystery and magic about it. It is tied to the ebbs and flows of the tide, as well as the cycle of women’s bodies....the Waxing moon as the Maiden/Warrior (aka new moon, no moon which grows to the full moon), the Full moon as the Mother, and the Waning Moon as the Crone (this is the time when the moon fades away - from full moon to the new moon, no moon). Full moon mysteries cross and are found in every culture and continent, and not to mention, celebrations and rituals involving the full moon go back beyond recorded time. Wiccan/Pagan people still celebrate the moon.
In many cultures, the full moons each month are named, and the names often correspond to important events. On May 17, we see the rising of the Scorpio Moon. When the moon is in Scorpio, this is the time to work spells/prayers or rituals involving sexual matters, psychic growth, power, and transformation. Healing rituals for the sexual and reproductive organs, and spells for fertility are also appropriate.

This full moon is also an opportune time of the month for purging things that are creating a barrier. The light the full moon offers and illuminates those things that are interfering with our spiritual development. Once we have become aware of the things that are blocking us, the easier it is to let go of them. This full moon is ideal for rituals/prayers releasing or purging the things in our lives that no longer serve us, such as addictions to food, drugs, or sex, for relinquishing the pain of a hurtful or ended relationship, and for discharging physical and emotional pain.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Want a healthier mouth?

We all want healthy mouth and problem-free teeth. And for as long as possible. So here's a creamy snack that just might keep a good roll going: yogurt. A recent study revealed that people who regularly ate yogurt were significantly less likely to have gum disease compared with people who never touched the stuff.

Say Yes to Yogurt

In the study, researchers performed dental exams on roughly a thousand middle-aged and older people and also asked them questions about their eating habits. The people who consumed the most yogurt -- or lactic-acid-rich probiotic drinks -- had the lowest risk of periodontal disease. In fact, these two foods appear to be the only ones that offered a protective benefit in the study. (Here's another drink that helps keep teeth and gums healthy.)

The Benefits of Bugs

Here's the toothy secret to the study results: Those "healthy" bacteria found in yogurt and other probiotic-containing treats help keep the levels of bad bacteria in your mouth in check -- including the varieties that contribute to periodontal disease. But to do your mouth a true favor, choose your creamy treats wisely. Opt for low-sugar varieties. Or buy plain yogurt, and control the sweet stuff yourself by adding your own fruit, honey, or preserves. Or turn plain yogurt into this delicious veggie dip: Yogurt-Mint Salad Dressing.

Yogurt's disease-fighting and health-boosting benefits aren't just limited to your mouth. Check out what it can do for the rest of your body:

Keep your bladder healthy. Here's how it helps fight cancer there.

Slim your stomach. Find out how it trims tummy fat.

Protect your liver. Eat yogurt -- with some of this -- to defend your liver against disease.

Check the article out by it's source:

The most dangerous thing you do all day.....

Okay, let me go ahead and ask you, what do you think the most dangerous thing is that you do all day? Is it driving around doing errands or communting back and forth to work? Is it what you eat and nourish your body with? Well, this article will probably surprise you, like it did me.

Assistant Editor Maria Masters came across a shocking study in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (one of dozens of research journals we comb each month as we put together the magazine). Scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana analyzed the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over about 13 years, and found that people who sit for most of the day are 54 percent more likely to die of heart attacks. That’s right—I said 54 percent!

Masters immediately called the lead researcher at Pennington, a professor named Peter Katzmarzyk. Turns out, this wasn’t the first study to link sitting and heart disease. Similar research actually dates back to 1953, when British researchers found that (sitting) bus drivers were twice as likely to die of heart attacks as (standing) trolley operators.

Check out the full article at:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Interesting tidbits about the iPhone (Apple)

Here is an article that I came across while I have been researching different phones out there. I found this quite interesting, a little alarming, but well worth reading to be informed about what is going on out there when it comes to cell phones.

Please view the article at:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Men: Do you blow off going to the doctor?

If you are one of those men that like to blow off going to the doctor, well, I can't say I blame you. Who likes going to the doctors anyway? I, personally, do not like going to the doctors office....I always come back with more then what I went in for. Like some type of virus, less money in my bank account, the waiting to be seen, ug...who likes going - there are a ton of things I would rather do.

Anyway, here is an article worth taking a peek at. Five reasons why 'men' should not avoid or blow off going to the doctor.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thinking about whitening your teeth?

Before you run out for a lunchtime tooth-lightening session or apply your umpteenth -- or your first -- set of whitening strips to your bicuspids at home, here are four things you should know about chemical spiff-ups for your smile:

1. Give it a rest. There's a reason some products should be used only four times a year: worries about overuse. If lightening becomes as regular as a monthly haircut in your grooming routine, you may damage tooth enamel and take your teeth to the point of ghostly translucence. That's not pretty.

2. It's not always ouchless. The most common side effects of tooth-whitening, whether it's DIY in your bathroom or a professional job, are sensitive teeth and irritated gums. From 10% to 65% of people who give tooth bleaching a try have some pain, experts say. Usually, it's short lived, but to avoid it in the first place, try using a toothpaste that reduces sensitivity for several days before your procedure (and for a few days or weeks afterward). Taking an ordinary painkiller (like ibuprofen) before a bleaching session helps, too.

3. Think twice about bleaching at the mall. One recent CBS-TV investigation of "whiten while you shop" kiosks and storefronts in malls found that while employees may wear lab coats, they usually aren't dental-care professionals. And they aren't equipped to evaluate dental problems -- so underlying dental issues, like cavities, could be made worse by bleaching. One place used bleaching agents that were dentist-office strength, which can be two to three times stronger than the carbamide peroxide gel found in some home whitening kits approved by the American Dental Association.

4. Ask your dentist what's possible. Bleaching can make your pearly whites several shades whiter -- especially if coffee, tea, tobacco, or plain old aging are to blame for that gray-yellow grin. But the results are less reliable if your teeth were stained by the use of the antibiotic tetracycline or by too much fluoride in childhood. Also, if you have tooth-colored fillings or crowns, bleaching can cause a color mismatch. Talk to your dentist about whether a possible variation in "whites" in your mouth will be noticeable.

To read the article by it's source:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

New insight on the Last Supper

A scientist has been doing some serious research on the Last Supper has wrote an article about his findings. I found it worth posting due to it's ponderings. Check it out at:

Friday, April 1, 2011

The secret to great relationships

Here is a quick short video about how to have and maintain great relationships....whether it's work, family or friends. Try doing this and you just may be surprised.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mercury goes Retrograde.

Planet Mercury goes retrograde on 3/30/11. So what does this mean? Well, a little history is that ages ago, Mercury was in charge of carrying messages between the gods and goddesses, as well as between humanity (mortals) and the gods. In today's world, Mercury rules computers, phones, internet, correspondence - basically communication. You can see Mercury's influence on how you express yourself - by speech, texts, letters or handwriting. You can also feel the influence by the way you collect data. I, personally, never fail to cringe when I know Mercury is heading into a means an increase in lost packages, communication failures such as lost emails and missing orders, and misunderstandings with family, friends, and customers. The effects of Mercury Retrograde can be maddening!

Retrograde means that it appears that the planet is moving backward. The good news is Mercury is only retrograde until the 23rd (just three weeks and three days). So what does this mean? What happens when Mercury retrogrades? Pretty much it means to expect the unexpected. Appointments get missed, computers crash, you find the car you just purchased, during Mercury retrograde, is a lemon. The repair shop that had your car for a month sends it back still broken, There will be countless delays, cancellations and postponements. Don't fight them, although your frustration level and feeling of restlessness will be hard to cope with at times. This is a time where electronic devices may not work properly, may break, or may malfunction. (Cell phones, cars, machines, appliances, computers, etc). Letters, bills, notes, any communication with people may seem strained, delayed or misinterpreted. People may be in tense moods and you may find yourself desiring or wanting more solitude. You may experience problems or delays in travel/trips as well as with meetings and appointments. This is a time where communication and schedules can be compromised. This is not really a good time to sign contracts or make big purchases such as a car or appliance, hence things tend to break down or not function properly. Mercury is the ruling planet for industries such as sales, writing, marketing, public relations, postal and delivery services, and any transportation industry. Mercury also rules the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. If you are a Virgo who works for the complaint department of the phone company, go ahead and take that vacation! Just don't travel anywhere - your luggage is likely to get lost. People from your past may even tend to resurface and memories or past regrets may come from out of nowhere to haunt you. During Mercury retrograde, it's not uncommon that you are likely to bump into old friends that you haven't seen in years. Adopted children tend to find their birth parents during Mercury retrograde periods, or people locate their long lost siblings. Prosecutors often find clues to crimes that had previously remained unsolved for years. Mail that went astray weeks or even years ago shows up during Mercury retrograde.

If it is so troublesome, why then, would the Universe give us Mercury retrograde? Have you ever heard the expression - Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it? The basic principle of Mercury Retrograde is that Mercury has turned around to show us something, we have missed. Sometimes, in order to move forward, it is necessary to backtrack, examine our mistakes, and change our path for the future. It is important for us to reconsider, repair, reflect, and reconnect. Mercury forces us to slow down and fix what's broken, and in doing so, realize what mistakes we have made. It also gives us the opportunity to complete all the old projects we have placed on the back burner, therefore clearing the way for new opportunities.

Mercury Retrogrades also tends to cause things to repeat. Avoid having surgery, getting dental work done, or signing divorce papers and contracts during Mercury Retrograde. If you do, you might find yourself doing that same painful thing over again! On the other hand, doing things that are good for you, fun, or affect your life, in a positive way, are excellent activities for Mercury Retrograde. Focus on eating healthy, exercising regularly, and learning a new skill in this period. Go to a movie, go dancing, or do something else that you would like to repeat again! Not only will you feel better, but the on next Mercury Retrograde you will feel compelled to return to that healthy and enjoyable living.

What to do during this time: Think about your past and how you feel about your current circumstances. Consider if you are happy in your current situation? If not, think of ways to change it. This is a time to rethink, reflect, research, revise, reschedule, redecorate and renew. (Keep the 'RE' in mind for the next few weeks). In regards to relationships and partnership matters, our thinking is turned inward. Re-evaluating a partnership and communication style within that relationship is wonderful use of this reflection period.

What not to do during this time: Not a good time for big purchases such as a home, car or electronics. These types of things/items will generally encounter major problems. Don't sign important contracts or paperwork. Try not to get upset over set backs. Expect them so when they happen, you're prepared. Keep cell phone charged, keep a can of fix a flat in the trunk, etc.

**Again, if you plan any travels, try to allow for extra time for any problems which might arise. Also, keep your electronic equipment tuned up and working well, and try and take it easy on your nervous system. The nervous system can be on over-drive during the mercury retrograde. So try and allow extra time for sleep and relaxation. So why not allow yourself to take some time off from tasks and do some favorite activity you haven’t done in a while.

Mercury retrograde is also a great time to get things done you may have been putting off, like cleaning or organizing and recycling old stuff you no longer need. It’s a time to finish tasks that were started and never went to completion, but it’s usually not a good time for starting new tasks. Brainstorming is easier to do at this time, but generally, things will have an easier time of getting started if you wait until Mercury goes direct on the 23rd of April - the day before Easter.

Brightest blessings for the fun ride! Mercury will go direct on 4/23/11.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Strangest Secret.

I work with many people on many different levels every single day. I help them to grow and broaden, learn and practice what they learn and apply it to their every day life.

I am always getting many questions, many plea's and am asked for guidance. Below, I am posting a video to help people become more aware of their own mindset. Don't scrunch your nose at it, but view it. Then apply the wisdom contained within it and see what a difference it makes.

Love, light and blessings to all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Be thankful-a lesson well learned.

Sometimes we understand a message when it is simply illustrated... ....and you question God - 'why me?'....always look at the bigger picture.....A day without the Lord - Is a day wasted.God has the power to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor. Thank God for the stuff that didn't hit you!

Click here to view the illustration to better understand.

(originally published on 7/15/09)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The meaning of Easter

This is beautiful. The messages are gripping and powerful. Enjoy and have a blessed Easter. Please be sure to say a prayer on that blessed Holiday. To view, please click here

(originally published in 2008)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Extra Degree...

Here is a pretty good little short movie to give you a reminder of just what type of power you possess and can harness. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are you one of those who eat and 30 minutes later, you're hungry again?

Here's a little tidbit to help curb that. I know I digest food fairly quickly, well, depending on what it is that I eat. I came across this article and thought I would share.

Ever grab a snack but then feel hungry again 20 minutes later? Next time, reach for a banana. It’s loaded with Resistant Starch (RS), a healthy carb that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism. Slightly underripe medium-sized bananas have 12.5 grams of RS—more than most other foods. Ripe bananas give you 4.7 grams of RS, still enough to keep hunger pangs away. Check out these tasty ways to work in this wonder food:
Banana "Ice Cream"
Peel, slice, and freeze 1 small banana. Place frozen banana pieces in a blender with 3 tablespoons 1% low-fat milk; blend until thick. Top with 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts.

Banana Salsa
Make a quick salsa with 2 diced peeled bananas, 2 tablespoons minced red onion, 1 tablespoon minced cilantro, 1 teaspoon minced serrano or jalepeno pepper, juice of 1 lime, and brown sugar and salt to taste. Use it to top fish or pork tacos, jerk chicken, or jerk pork.

Broiled Bananas
Slice 1 peeled banana in half lengthwise. Put banana pieces, cut sides up, on a rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle the banana pieces with 1 teaspoon brown sugar, and broil on high until the sugar bubbles and the bananas brown (about 2–3 minutes). After broiling, sprinkle with cinnamon—or drizzle with 1 teaspoon rum for an extra-special treat.

Coffee and Banana Smoothie
Place 1 sliced peeled banana, 1 cup 1% low-fat milk, 1/2 cup cold black coffee, 2 teaspoons sugar, and 1/2 cup ice in a blender. Blend until smooth—and enjoy.
Tropical Fruit Salad
Make a fruit salad with 1 sliced peeled banana, 1 sliced peeled kiwi, and 1/2 diced peeled ripe mango. Squirt juice of 1/4 lime over the salad, and serve.

Be sure to check out the article at it's link for some other ideas and health benefits:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Interesting and useful ideas.

Did you know......?

Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little 'stringy things' off of it. That's how the primates do it.

Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.

Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold.

Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.

Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.

To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in, then beat them up.

For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.

Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.

Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Simply chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream.

Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.

When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving.

To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.

Start putting newspapers in with your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go. Cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic but they will not get through wet newspapers.

Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see easily.

Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.

To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it. (We found this works for deer as well to keep them out of our roses. Put some cayenne pepper in an old nylon stocking and tie the stocking to the rose bush. Saved the rose buds and we had beautiful roses this summer.)

To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge, add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.

Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and ... ta da! ... static is gone.

Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.

Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car . When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better than a cloth!

If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.

Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair.

To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!

Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!

Hope you find some useful ideas to try! Brightest blessings!