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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dream Interpretation is Mental Health for Life

Seriously, by following the dream messages and the guidance you receive from the wise unconscious mind you will learn how to develop your intelligence. You really do learn so much and once you understand the hidden meanings and messages of your dreams, you'll discover a real treasure and a wealth of knowledge in the dream messages. The scientific method of dream interpretation has saved many just by bringing mental health, wisdom and happiness to its followers since the early 1900's. Besides that, this is an investment in something that already belongs to you: your own dreams.

Unlock the key to yourself-try a dream journel and keep track of your dreams. By writing them down, you may remember more details as you write. Or keep a piece of paper and pencil or pen so if and when you wake up, take the time to write what you remember. Then have them interpreted. You'll be amazed at what you find and what messages you'll get. If you are at a crossroad and have a decision to make, sometimes the answer comes in your dreams, only you don't know it or recognize it. Give it a try and see what journey awaits you.

I do specials at least once a week. Save them up or save one and have it interpreted. You'll be so amazed!

Love and brightest blessings!


  1. You are so on target with this. It's a shame more people don't pay attention to them. You can learn alot about yourself. I have learned so much from you. You are a great find!

  2. Hi, I love your blog. Your interpretations are amazing. You truly are gifted. I enjoy working with you and keep planning on it to! You have a gentleness about you and you make sure I get it.

  3. Greetings and thanks so much for the comments! I so appreciate your enlightenment and encouraging words. Isn't learning about yourself fun? LOL.
