Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2010 Horoscope predictions.
Want to check it out? Click here to do so. Hopefully 2010 will be a great year compared to this one for many people. Happy New Year to all.
Monday, December 14, 2009
A fun little quiz.
I'll go first.
My result is: You are the Hanged Man. You are contradictory, a paradox. You frequently sacrifice yourself, but come out ahead because of your choice. Opposites control your life. You attract friends, but can confuse or disturb them. You are The Hanged Man, sacrifice yourself and come out the victor. (Hmm, not sure I agree with the contradictory part).
Ready to take the quiz? Click here to start.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A little history about Yule time.
In ancient times, the Winter Solstice corresponded with the Roman Saturnalia (Dec. 17-24), pagan fertility rites, and various rites of Sun worship. This day is the official first day of winter. The Goddess gives birth to the Sun Child and hope for new light is born. The origins of most of the Christian Christmas traditions come from the Pagan Yule celebration, such as the Christmas tree, the colors red and green and gift giving. Yule is also known as the Winter Solstice, Midwinter, Alban Arthan, Finn's Day, Festival of Sol, Yuletide, Great Day of the Cauldron, and Festival of Growth. At the Winter Solstice, the two God-themes of the year's cycle coincide. Yule, which according to the Venerable Bede, comes from the Norse Iul meaning "whee,l" marks the vanquishing of the Holly King (Dionysus), God of the Waning Year, by the Oak King (Apollo), God of the Waxing Year. The Goddess, who was Death-in-Life at Midsummer, now shows her Life-in-Death aspect; for although at this season she is the "leperous-white lady," the Queen of the cold Darkness, yet this is her moment for giving birth to the Child of Promise, the Son-Lover who will re-fertilize her and bring back light and warmth to her kingdom.
An extraordinarily persistent version of the Holly King/Oak King theme at the Winter Solstice is the ritual hunting and killing of the wren - a folklore tradition found as far apart in time and space as ancient Greece and Rome and today's British Isles. The wren, "little king" of the Waning Year, is killed by his counterpart, the robin redbreast, who finds him hiding in a ivy bush (or sometimes in Ireland in a holly bush, as befits the Holly King). The robin's tree is the birch, which follows the Winter Solstice in the Celtic Tree calendar. In the acted-out ritual, men hunted and killed the wren with birch rods.
As for traditions, the modern personification of the Christmas Spirit known as Santa Claus was, at one time, the pagan God of Yule. To the Scandinavians, Woden was once known as "Christ on the Wheel", an ancient Norse title for the Sun God who was reborn at the time of the Winter Solstice. St. Nicholas, in early folklore, rode not a reindeer, but a white horse through the sky - like Woden.
The burning of the Yule Log stems from the old custom of the Yule Bonfire that was burned to give life and power to the Sun, which was thought to be reborn at the Winter Solstice. In later times, the outdoor bonfire custom was replaced by the indoor burning of log and red candles etched with carvings of solar designs and other magickal symbols. As the Oak Tree was considered to be the Cosmic Tree of Life by the ancient Druids, the Yule Log is traditionally Oak. Some Wiccan traditions use a Pine Yule Log to symbolize the dying God Dionysus. Mistletoe was considered very magickal by the Druids, who called it the "Golden Bough." They believed it possessed great healing powers and gave mortal men access to the underworld. The living plant, which is actually a parasitic shrub with leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries, was, at one time, thought of as the genitalia of the great God Zeus, whose sacred tree is the Oak. The phallic significance of mistletoe stems from the idea that its white berries were drops of the God's Divine Semen in contrast to the red berries of the Holly, which were equated with the Sacred Menstrual Blood of the Goddess. The life-giving essence, which mistletoe suggests, provides a symbolic divine substance and a sense of immortality to those who hang it at Yuletide. In ancient times, ecstatic sexual orgies frequently accompanied the rites of the Oak King. In modern times, however, the custom of kissing under the mistletoe is all that remains.
The relatively modern tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is a custom that evolved from the silver fir and pine groves associated with the Great Mother Goddess. The lights and ornaments hung on the tree as decoration are actually symbols of the Sun, Moon, and Stars as they appear in the Cosmic Tree of Life. They also represent departed souls who are remembered at the end of the year. Sacred presents (which evolved into modern day Christmas gifts) were also hung on the tree as offerings to various deities such as Dionysus.
There is an ancient Egyptian ritual involving Isis and Osiris, and his brother/enemy Set, who kills Osiris and is driven away by the shaking of Isis' sistrum, to bring about Osiris' rebirth. For the festival, people decorated the outside of their houses with oil-lamps that burned all night. At midnight, the priests emerged from an inner shrine crying, "The Virgin has brought forth! The light is waxing!" and showing the image of a baby to the worshipers. Osiris and Horus, his son/other-self, represent at the same time the solar and vegetation God-aspects; Horus is both the Sun reborn (the Greeks identified him with Apollo) and "Lord of the Crops." The lamps burning all night on the eve on Midwinter survive in Ireland and elsewhere, as the single candle burning in the window on Christmas Eve, lit by the youngest in the house, and as the modern lights that are strung on the outside of houses. Placing cakes in the boughs of the oldest apple trees in the orchard and pouring on cider, as a libation was an old pagan Yuletide custom practiced in England, and known as "Wassailing the Orchard Trees." It was said that the cider was a substitute for the human or animal blood offered in primitive times as part of a Winter Solstice Fertility Rite. After offering a toast to the health of the apple trees and giving thanks to them for producing fruit, the farmers would then enjoin the trees to continue producing abundance.
Some Customs:
One ancient belief is that dreams during the Twelve Nights will predict the events in one's life for the coming year. An interesting activity would be to keep a log/journal of one's dreams for each of the Twelve Nights.
**Gift Giving
The tradition of gift giving goes back to Heathen times when gifts were exchanged throughout the Yuletide and not only on one day of the tide. Therefore, it is fitting that Heathens do this as well. Gifts need not be expensive. Handmade gifts are often better than something purchased at a store. Ideal gifts are those relating to our religion, books, ritual gear, art, tapes, and of course drinking horns.
**Holly, Ivy, and Yule Decor
At Yuletide, the Elder Heathens decorated their homes with ivy, holly, and boughs of evergreens. Ribbons were also used and the entire home covered with garlands and wreaths. Modern Heathen should do - not less, in an attempt to capture the Yuletide spirit.
Below are three of the more common house decorations.
1) Yule Tree: The tradition of the Yule tree comes from Germany. Originally, it is believed the trees were decorated outside and gifts left for the land wights. This custom can still be observed in other parts of Northern Europe. With Christianity, the trees were brought inside to hide from the church. Modern Heathen trees can be decorated with Heathen symbols as well as the commercial lights, glitter, and ornaments. If one wants, they can decorate a tree outside instead - as the Heathens of old did.
2) Yule Wreaths: Modern tradition uses a Yule wreath at the Mothers' Night symbol as an oath ring. This wreath is oathed upon, as well as wished upon, and then burned at the Twelfth Night blot. Therefore, these wreaths are best made out of natural substances such as cedar branches. Other wreaths can be used as decorations around the house.
3) Lights: In the more northern countries, Lucy Day, which was a festival of lights, is celebrated and seems an ancient holiday in connection with Yule. Candles, torches, and other forms of light were left burning to light up the night skies. Today, we can use electric lights for the same purpose.
A few other interesting tidbits:
Morris Dancing
**Morris dancing, particularly the variety consisting of swordplay, also took place during the Yuletide. Morris dancing to quote Linetwigle of the Ealdriht in her paper, Dance in Northern Tradition consisted of "stamping, leaping and hopping, rapping of swords or planting rods against the ground (these denoting a connection to fertility of the land), and the wearing of bells, plus a plethora of regional variations." Morris dancing also consisted of blackening of the faces (as did mumming and hoodening) to either scare off evil spirits, or to mock the Wild Hunt.
Something more practical for Heathens (then Morris Dancing) is mumming. Mummer plays take place in all of England, usually in pubs. All of the plays consist of five to twelve cast members and follow the same basic plot. 1) A hero returns from a distant land. 2) The hero is challenged and killed. 3) A doctor is called and revives the hero. 4) All hostilities are ceased. Some see this as a ritual re-enactment of the birth and death of a sun god. This is highly unlikely, as Heathen lore seems to have preserved no myths of this particular type. More likely, the plays were for entertainment value alone, and, if anything, to celebrate the healing powers of the gods, particularly Woden as a healer, and to educate that Yuletide is a time for kinship and wishes that come true. Day 8, of the Yule rites presented here, consists of a Mummer Play.
Sword Dancing
**Another form of dance performed at Yuletide, besides the Morris Dances, were the Sword Dances. These were (at one time) performed with the long sword and seem to be quite ancient. Most of the dances consist of a procession and the clashing and leaping of swords, as well as the formation of various patterns with the swords. Often, the dance ends with a mock death and revival by a "doctor" as with the Mummer Plays.
The wassailing of Victorian times resembled caroling more then it did its earlier counterpart, and is the form most are familiar with. Ancient wassailing consisted of making the drink wassail, originally mulled ale, curds, apples, and sometimes nuts. A group of wassailers would then go out with bowls filled with wassail from house to house and wassail the apple and cherry trees with songs and loud noises to ensure a good crop from the orchards the next year. A few wassailing songs survive, but these seem to be of a later variety.
**Yule Log
The Yule log has not survived into modern celebrations for the most part, and for most modern Heathens would be difficult to do without a fireplace or wood burning stove. You may therefore wish to set up a symbolic Yule log. You can carve it with wishes for the New Year, garland it, do what you wish. If you have a place you can burn it outside during Yuletide, you may wish to do so. Traditionally, the Yule log was brought in on Mothers' Night, it was then set ablaze and hoped to burn all Twelve Nights (remember this log was nearly an entire tree to be burned in the long pits of a long house). Different areas had different customs concerning the Yule log. Everywhere the log was garlanded and decorated with ribbons before the procession to the longhouse. The procession was, as most processions during the holidays, a joyous one. Once burning, no one could squint in the presence of the log, nor were barefooted women allowed around it. In Yorkshire, England, they practiced what is called mumping or gooding. Children would go begging and singing from house to house as the log was brought in. In other areas, the children were allowed to wassail the log the first night and drink to it.
Hope you enjoyed this little trip through history. Brightest Blessings, and safe happy holidays to all!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Something terrible is happening in Saudi Arabia
It would be worth taking five minutes of your time to view and read this article. Send prayers to the heavens above for the people that are involved in this very scary web being weaved.
Please check out this article by viewing this link. If you are a psychic or work in any type of divination, this would be worth your while to view. Same for those who are Wiccan/Pagan. Take a look at what goes on in other parts of the world.
Click here to view article.
Wondering what's in store for your area's weather?
Now, with it being the 'winter' season I tend to check out the informative information on the trusty Farmer's Almanac. If you are wondering what is in store for your area this winter, check it out.
Check it out by clicking here.
Love and blessings to all.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Great song - uplifting and inspirational!
You turn me on, you lift me up
And like the sweetest cup I'd share with you
You lift me up, don't you ever stop, I'm here with you
Now it's all or nothing
'Cause you say you'll follow through
You follow me, and I, I, I follow you
What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when it all cracks up?
What you gonna do when the Love burns down?
What you gonna do when the flames go up?
Who is gonna come and turn the tide?
What's it gonna take to make a dream survive?
Who's got the touch to calm the storm inside?
Who's gonna save you?
Alive and KickingStay until your love is, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love
is, until your love is, Alive
Oh you lift me up to the crucial top, so I can see
Oh you lead me on, till the feelings come
And the lights that shine on
But if that don't mean nothing
Like if someday it should fall through
You'll take me home where the magic's from
And I'll be with you
What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when it all cracks up?
What you gonna do when the Love burns down?
What you gonna do when the flames go up?
Who is gonna come and turn the tide?
What's it gonna take to make a dream survive?
Who's got the touch to calm the storm inside?
Don't say goodbye Don't say goodbye
In the final seconds who's gonna save you?
Oh, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, love is, Alive and Kicking
Oh, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, love is, Alive and Kicking
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Great video - so uplifting.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Drunk people who don't know when to quit.
You may get a few laughs out of this and that is fine but please, please don't let this become you.
Click here to view video.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Liquidation sale on body fragrances.

Do you have annoying co-workers?
To check out the article and get a laugh or two, click here.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Important message about credit cards.
You can click here to view the article or you can use the link below, your preference.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Mythology-a site worth checking out.
Right now the history channel is also running shows about Halloween and how it came to be. (Thank you Pagan's in Scotland). Very cool and interesting shows. Have fun and explore the site. You'll be sure to find something that interests you on there.
Brightest blessings.
Alll Hallows Eve SPECIAL - 2 days only!
Mythology-the Legend of Zeus.

Are you ready, because here we go. Time to get a drink/snack, settle down in a comfy place and let’s explore. You may even find this fun, fascinating and even learn something. Okay, now who hasn’t heard of mythology? There is much of it out there. You have Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Egyptian mythology, etc.. There are many Gods/Goddess’s like Zeus, Neptune, Ares, Hera, Athena, Poseidon, the Sun God, the Moon Goddess, oracles, the God(s) of war, love, fertility, and many others. I have only touched on naming a few. We are going to do some exploration on how some of this mythology came about. First, we will touch on the Greek mythology, the history and folklore. Now what you must keep in mind and remember, is that centuries (more like millenniums ago), this is what ancient people believed. So if you believe in re-incarnation, it is possible that you could have lived during this time and believed in it and lived your life abiding by it, so don’t knock it, just keep an open mind.
It is also a good thing to keep in mind, that back in this era, the world was mysterious, had unexplained happenings and could be very terrifying because of these happenings, like death, eclipses and seasons. There were no scientists, computers, newspapers or journals - nothing. So you can best bet that wondering how the world was made, what the world consisted of, planets, universe, and if the world was round or flat, was maybe not even a thought back then. I am not even sure if writing was around as a way of communication. Pictures may have been the way to tell stories and they were carved and painted on walls in caves, monuments, etc.. So in order for people to understand why things happened (floods from a lot of rain, tornado’s, monsoon’s, hurricane’s, lightening, fire from lightening strikes, the reasoning on why ships may sail away and are never heard or seen from again, an abundance of bugs, unexplained sea creatures that may sting, stink or look horrifying and odd, and the list goes on and on), it is very possible that the gods were created to help make sense of it all and ease them into a way of life that they could comprehend. Seriously, take the sky for example, you look up at it and it is vast and blue, later on there are white puffy things in it (which we know as clouds), a little while later the white puffy things are no longer puffy, but are all joined together almost like waves and then the sky gets dark, angry and storms occur or perhaps a lunar or solar eclipse takes place or it becomes night with bursts of stars and so the world is blanketed with all these small twinkling lights above our heads. But then again, some nights could have been so cloudy that no stars were even seen. All these examples, could certainly prove to be frightening in one way or another.
History tells us that Zeus lived way before Jesus Christ was even thought of or before the Catholic/Christian religion was invented. So, let’s touch on some facts on what we know about Zeus.
For some, well, let me rephrase that, at one time Zeus was the god of gods. But how did his legend come about? How did Zeus become the mightiest of all Gods? Humankind is surmised as having a mother and a father, right? So if Zeus was the ruler of all gods, how did he come about? Who are (were) his mother and father? Did he have parents or was he just constructed and invented to help the ancient people of Greece make sense of a troubling and mysterious world? How did he get so powerful, so known, and so feared? Let’s explore how Zeus came about.
From what I understand, Zeus first came into existence before 500 BC. Somewhere around 700 BC, there was a man named Hesiod, whom I understand as being a Greek poet. (Well I guess writing symbols were around during that era -I stand corrected). From what history tells us of Hesiod, he wrote a book called the Theogony, which explains the traditions and lore surrounding the gods. In this book, Hesiod explains that he was pasturing sheep when Muses inspired him to compose this and tell of the creation. This book explains how a rivalry takes place within a family. By explaining this, it helps to make some sense of the world then and bring a certain type of order to all the mystery surrounding the gods.
Zeus was created much like us humans. He did have parents. His father was Cronus. Back in the day, Cronus was the most powerful of all gods. He was the creator. He could punish or he could reward and so it was of the utmost importance to abide to Cronus’s rule and keep it upheld. Cronus was produced by Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven/universe) who were the parents of the Titan gods. Cronus was the youngest of the Titans and was a king to the Titans, who are considered an older order of the Greek Gods and who were considered the most powerful gods in the universe. Now what comes to mind about Gods and a favorite past time of theirs? Procreation, right? Well, as a king and the most powerful god of all, Cronus was expected to mate and produce. Being a god, you didn’t have a variety of people to chose from. After all, it’s not like being human. Cronus looked to his family, the Titans, and he chose his sister (Rhea), a fellow Titan, to marry and have as his wife. Together, Cronus and Rhea had six children.
I am sure the thought of incest appalls you, as it does me, but remember they didn’t have much of a choice back then. They were gods and gods could do what they wanted, when they pleased to do so. There were not many families within the gods’ realm so they tended to choose from their own. They did not have the worry of cross breeding, deformalities or disease within their bloodlines. Throughout history, there are many stories concerning incest from the Egyptians to the Romans. We will touch on those stories at another time. Let’s get back to Cronus and Rhea.
Around the time where Rhea first conceived, there was a prophecy going around about how a son will dethrone Cronus and seize it for himself. This story did not set well will Cronus. The gods did not believe in handing down certain titles, responsibilities or legacies. The gods did not just ‘retire.’ So what Cronus opted to do was to eat his offspring after Rhea gave birth to them. As you can imagine, this was quite appalling to Rhea (as it was to humankind-mortals). Each time Rhea gave birth, she had to present the child to her husband (Cronus) and he swallowed the child down whole. Yes, this is on the lines of cannibalism, but in the reality of Cronus’s thinking, he was preventing his being dethroned by any of his children and at the same time, since they were not mortals and didn’t die, he was controlling their destinies and using their specialities/gifts/wisdom as his own and making himself more powerful and wise in all aspects. The offspring that Cronus and Rhea produced are known in history as the Olympians. They are the parents of Hades (god of the dead, god of the underworld, ruler of the world of the dead, damned or also known as hell), Poseidon (god of the sea, god of earthquakes), Hestia (virgin goddess of hearth, family, hospitality and the first born of Cronus and Rhea), Demeter (goddess of the harvest, nourisher of mankind), Hera (queen of the gods, also known as the goddess of marriage and weddings), and Zeus (known as the supreme god). We will touch more on the siblings of Zeus later. (Add some links for people to read).
As with most mortal families, things are passed down from generation to generation. Father’s pass businesses down to sons, pass names down (like Jr., II, III and so forth), houses, property, farms, etc.. However, for the gods, if you stood a risk of losing something meaningful and worthwhile, like a throne, you would watch the children. At times throughout history, children were even killed or abolished in order to keep from gaining the throne. This is present in the Egyptian period and the Roman period. There was much jealousy and rivalry when it comes to the thrones or any type of ruling power.
However, Cronus was fearful of losing his reign of power and would do what he must to protect it at all costs. Rhea, on the other hand was quite smart and delved a plan to save her sixth child (Zeus) from the same fate as her other five children. She snuck away to give birth. It is said that Zeus was whisked away to a cave and was protected until he came of age, where he could fulfill his prophecy by freeing his siblings and taking over his father’s thrown. The risks were incredibly high. If Zeus succeeded, he would be the most powerful ruler of the gods and mortal men, but if he lost, he would spend all eternity being damned in Tartarus, compliments of his father (Cronus) for committing an offense against the gods, Meanwhile, Cronus was expecting to swallow another child once Rhea gave birth. So what she did was wrap up a stone with a blanket and presented it to her husband to swallow, which he did.
Zeus ended up being raised in a cave supposedly on Crete. Now, could this really be true? Archeologists who have excavated caves on Crete, have found one in particular that bear signs that this story could be true. Many objects were found, but those objects could have been left there by people who went to that cave to worship Zeus or perform rituals for his looking upon them favorably and as a result, they left the offerings to him which were found by the excavators. Anyway, Zeus grows and prepares for his destiny. When Zeus is finally ready to start his plan in action, the story goes that he made a concoction of some sort, a potion, and ended up putting the concoction in a chalice that his father would usually drink from and as a result, Cronus would regurgitate the five siblings. Zeus’s hope was that his siblings would be grateful to him for freeing them and would want to join him in his quest to take over the universe from their father. But Zeus knew that he and his siblings were still no match to take on their father and the titans. Zeus would need more help in order to take down his father from the kingdom he ruled.
(Now, there is a second story saying that Rhea freed the siblings. According to other exploration, I came across a story that states when Rhea fed her husband, Cronus, the blanketed stone in place of baby Zeus, Cronus became ill and threw up the stone and all the siblings. I used the first story because of how it ties in better with Zeus mixing a concoction and due to it allowing him the time needed to mature and grow to adulthood first. I do not know how the mixture was administered, whether Zeus snuck in and put it in the chalice or if he gave it to his mother, Rhea, to do so).
Ancient history tells us that the gods/goddess’s lived and dwelled on Mt. Olympus. We all know that Mt. Olympus is a real place and it does exist. This is located in Greece and it is the tallest place within Greece, which is most likely why it is associated with the gods of that day. Mankind needed and felt compelled to have a place to see so they could relate to where heaven was. Mt. Olympus served that purpose. Mankind could envision the majestically rich surroundings, lushness of nature, plentiful feasts and endless wine, not to mention the extravagant homes and dwellings of the gods/goddesses.
According to the Greek myths, Cronus ended up drinking this potion, and feeling ill, up came the rock that was swallowed in place of Zeus. The rock, as legend has it, rests today at the Temple of Delphi, known as a very sacred place and home of the oracle. It still exists today after all these thousands of years. After vomiting the rock, Cronus vomits each of the five siblings, who, after being freed and are now full grown adults like Zeus, they are ready to join Zeus and help in his revolution. Zeus is found to be extremely intelligent. After all, he had the idea to free his siblings and get them on his side, but he needed more to fight in this cause. He had years to plan and he knew of other family members being mistreated, poorly treated, damned and banished by Cronus. Yes, even the gods had family fights and feuds. Zeus went on a mission to find the estranged and banished family members, hoping they would be out for revenge and would fathom to join him in this crusade. If he could free them and show that he knows how to treat others, this could be just what he needs to help him. Search he did and so he found the cyclops and what is known as the 100 hands (100 handers). The cyclops, for those of you who aren’t familiar, have one big eye in the center of the forehead and can be considered as giants. The 100 hands (handers) are beings that have many, many arms and hands (almost like and very similar in a few ways to the Indian Goddess Kali who has the four arms and represents love and mothering). Cronus feared them because of their powers and so they were banished and placed in a prison where Cronus didn’t have to worry that they would one day cause harm to him or take over his dictatorship. But just as Zeus had planned, he found them and freed them and the result of this gesture is that the 100 hands and the cyclops’s were happy to be freed from their prison and would fight on his side.
The cyclops showed gratitude to Zeus by presenting him with a power that he became extremely well known for. The power of lightening, yep, he was awarded the lightning bolt, which is capable of mass destruction. Now, the battle lines are set and the battle begins between father and son for the control of the universe. For the mortals on earth, this must have been so terrifying and earth shattering or earth quaking. Did this battle really happen? There is a place in Greece along the islands (Santorini) that could certainly be appropriate for such a battle force to take place. Mythology uses this island as the place of battle, which Zeus emerges as the victor and the legend states that the Titans are banned to spend eternity in Tartarus which is a region in the underworld much like hell. Zeus is the grand ruler of all the universe and master of mankind.
Many of the gods/goddesses had humanlike characteristics. They were in the forms of humans and even had certain qualities of humans, example, Hera with jealousy and Zeus enjoyed conquering females (whether goddesses or mortals) and forming unions. According to legend, with every coupling that Zeus had (goddess or mortal), a child was always the outcome.
Now, when we continue on the part two, we'll discuss how zeus eats his first wife over fear of his children taking over his reign (like his father) and how he marries his sister Hera, how Hera gets upset over zeus’s affairs with other women. We'll touch on how Zeus had his brother and son (by Hera) construct the walls of Troy and of the flood concocted as a punishment for cannibalism that Zeus witnessed humans doing. Pretty neat stuff, hunh?
Hesiod’s book Theogony is almost on the lines of the Book of Genesis to us in terms of young Zeus being whisked away and protected from harm until he can fulfill his destiny. It is very similar to the story of Jesus Christ and Moses who were hidden in Egypt.
Update on mythology blog.
My one and only posting on mythology was about Zeus and how his legend came into being. That seems so long ago. I found more info on Zeus that is even better than anything I could have written about. It's a video that mentions much of what I wrote about, yet it includes much more detail-all very interesting. It also includes info that I wanted to write about in part two of Zeus's posting, but this video will hit on those things which will save me time in writing about it.
I am so far behind with all my blogs. I have been so busy these last few weeks, so I do apologize for taking so long in getting it 'together.' So stay tuned because I am working on this today and will have some info up today for sure.
Thank you for your patience and brightest blessings to all!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hosting any fall parties? Here's a few interesting tidbits.
Here are some interesting beliefs about corn and it's magical qualities. White or snow/silver queen corn is believed to sweeten people up to a new idea or to form a friendship. Yellow corn would help seal a deal or bring out fullness of friends/relationships. Corn served with unsalted butter was believed to be good for emotional ties and corn with salted butter was to be good for business.
Squash and pumpkins are sacred to Oshun (African/Cuban goddess who resides over love and gold). In Native American and European lore, the pumpkin was eaten for prosperity or fertility. Spiced pumpkin is believed to make wishes come true. Jack-o-lanterns were believed to scare away harmful forces. You may also see many as table decorations, centerpieces or they are placed on porches and used to decorate outside.
Pomegranates, in Middle Eastern traditions, represent prosperity. In Greek lore, it represents female power and mystery.
Apples, of course, can be eaten at any time of year, but it is said that when they are ingested in the fall season, they bring special blessings. The apple has been known to be the fruit of the Goddess and represents her creative power. Should you take an apple and cut it in half (horizontally), you can see the five pointed star known as the pentagram. (For more on the pentagram symbol, please see my article/note about it).
Many types of spicy foods are served during this season. Spicy foods warm the blood, create energy and can open the sinus's to prepare the body for the oncoming winter. Have a joyous and festive fall season.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sukkot begins.
Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles ) is not a "Jewish festival", but rather a "Hebrew" festival, for it was given to all the Israelite tribes, not just Judah. Today, it would be observed by all of God's people since ". . . if ye be Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal 3:29).
To learn more about Sukkot like it's origins, laws and prayers, please click here to check out the website.
Brightest blessings to all.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Happy Dussehra!

Dussehra is one of the major Hindu festivals of India. It is celebrated throughout the country with great zeal and enthusiasm. People all over the country participate in the occasion in their own way. It is the day when Lord Rama killed the ten headed demon king Ravana and gave the throne of his kingdom Lanka to his brother Vibhishana. Since that day, the day of Vijaya Dashmi is considered to be auspicious and festive by the people of India and is celebrated as the day that symbolizes the victory of ‘Good over Evil’.
People throughout the country celebrate the occasion in their own way. The Dusshera of Mysore is very famous in terms of grandeur and splendor. Each region of the country has its own specialty in the celebrations. While at some places people engage in public processions, at some places people participate in Ram Lila and some people organize Ravan Dahan in the city. Feasting and busting crackers are also an important feature of the Dusshera celebrations. At many places in the country, colorful fairs and exhibitions are also organized on this occasion.
In most of the places in the country right from ten days before Dussehra, the whole Ramayana is enacted in various parts of India. The occasion is also celebrated in many countries where people of Hindu faith are residing in a very similar manner to that of India. It is on the tenth day that people come out in processions and chant the greatness of Lord Rama and enact the whole Rama-Ravana war on the streets. It is said that this is a way to remind people of the fact that truth always triumphs and motivate them to follow the path of ‘dharma’.
Dussehra symbolizes the conquest of good over evil. It is thus considered as an auspicious day. Even today after burning the effigy of Ravana along with his subordinates Meghanad and Kumbhkarana on the Dusshera celebrations, we simply symbolize the power of goodness and humanity is above all kind of powers. As Lord Rama fought a battle of ten days with Ravana, who had abducted his wife Sita, the day of his victory is called ‘Vijaya Dashmi’, the tenth day of Victory. It is said that this day symbolizes not as the victory of Ram but also the victory of ‘mankind’. That is why this day is held in high regard by people who believe that whenever there will be chaos in the society and evil will try to take over humanity, God will appear in a the form of savior to protect his devotees.
(The above article was written and posted by feel free to check out for more info on festivals, calendar of events and for recipes).
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Practice what you preach!
The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.
As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.
He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted,photographed, and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.
He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the "What Would Jesus Do" bumper sticker, the "Choose Life" license plate holder, the "Follow Me to Sunday-School" bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, naturally...I assumed you had stolen the car."
The moral of the story is, LIVE WHAT YOU PREACH !!!!!!
Brightest blessings to all!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
One flaw women have....a reflection.

Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happyand laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear abouta birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colours.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning..
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.
Please feel free to cut and paste this to pass along to all your women friends and relatives to remind them just how amazing they are. Brightest blessings.
Something to think about.

To realize the value of a sister/brother, ask someone who doesn't have one.
To realize the value of ten years: Ask a newly divorced couple.
To realize the value of four years: Ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one-second: Ask a person who has survived an accident.
Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special. To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE. The origin of this letter is unknown, but it brings understanding to everyone who reads it. Remember....hold on tight to the ones you love!
Many blessings to you!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mercury in retrograde.
What to do during this time: Think about your past and how you feel about your current circumstances. Consider if you are happy in your current situation? If not, think of ways to change it. This is a time to rethink, revise and renew.
What not to do during this time: Not a good time for big purchases such as a home, car or electronics. These types of things/items will generally encounter major problems. Don't sign important contracts or paperwork. Try not to get upset over set backs. Expect them so when they happen, you're prepared. Keep cell phone charged, keep a can of fix a flat in the trunk, etc.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Exciting news on upcoming blogs.
First off, this blog will not discriminate or use opinions. No matter what your background in relation to religions and beliefs, this is only for exploration purposes and pondering views. All are welcome and there is no harm meant to anyone. I hope you will find it as exciting as I do.
What to expect: We will start with mythology - the history of it, the folklore handed down, the mystery surrounded by it and try to understand how some of these stories were born and came about and then we will work our way up to comparing stories from the Bible, Kabbalah (Cabbalah, Kabala) and Koran and so forth.
Be sure to keep checking this blog frequently for the updates and fascinating stories to come.
Brightest blessings to all!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
You.....who are you.....really.
Something is going on with you, in your life, at this time, in this moment, that has you concerned, questioning or worrying and wondering about. So what is it? What has brought you here? I presume it will have something to do with the answers you are seeking. Did you know that the answers you seek can be found within yourself? Let's take a journey.
Do you know that we all much in common? When you look around, sure you may see many strangers, people you do not know, have never met, yet we are all the same in many aspects. If you start to think about it, you'll see my point. Example, were you born? Of course you were, me too, and if you look around at all the different people, they were born too. Did you grow up? Me too, as well as countless others. Have you ever experienced boo boos, bruises and cuts? Me too, and so have others. Even Jesus did when he walked this earthly realm. Jesus was born, he grew up, he suffered cuts and abrasions. Here's another example of how we all have much in common, have you ever been in love? Have you been punished, been betrayed by someone, ever lost someone? Me too and so have countless others. Even Jesus.
If you reflect on your life up to this point and you compare it to others, you have much in common with these strangers that you encounter on a daily basis. If you reflect on your life and you compare it to Jesus's life, you have much in common with Him, too. Jesus was born of spirit, as were you and I. We grew, we learned, we experienced emotions and feelings - love, happiness, pain, misery, fear, doubt, etc.. Jesus was put here on earth as a man. He had a physical body, which experienced human emotions, thoughts and functions, just as we do. No matter what you are feeling and dealing with, you are not alone by any means. Countless others have experienced it too, are experiencing it even now, and this goes back through many centuries. You are not the first to feel this way, by any means, so do not feel as though it is you against the world. In all reality, no matter what the worst excrutiating pain you've ever felt is, it is nothing compared to what Jesus went through when he was persecuted and crucified for our well being and so we can move on and rise up to the kingdom of the Creator. God so loved us, that he sacrificed his only begotten son to suffer horrifically for us. If you start to think about this situation, Mary, His mother knew this would happen, she was foretold, she was forced to watch this happen to her son and she was helpless. There was nothing she could do about it, nor stop it. Jesus knew this, yet He did not run from mission of destiny, hide from it, or allow others to shield him. In the end, it was all Him and His love for us, His trust in His Father-the Creator. He was born to give testimony of the truth.
Throughout it all, and in all seriousness, Jesus prayed, He experienced fear, He asked God (His Father/Our Father-the Creator) to save Him from the traps they set for Him. Here is the difference between Jesus's path and ours - we create ours. Jesus's journey/path to be crucified was not made by Him. However, our situations are usually created by us. So our karma, our outcomes and our lessons are for us to learn from it.
Here are some examples to think about. Did you betray your best friend by having an affair with their significant other? Did you step on and over people at your workplace in order to get a higher position and pay? Have you ever used anothers creativity and ideas's and said they were yours? If so, what is the result? The result is we are looked upon with disgrace, discust, not being trustworthy and having no honor. We are talked about, whispered about, even shunned. And we wonder why. Duh. It's karma. It's free will. You chose to do these things so now you must pay the consequences, no matter how harsh. A result of karma could be that later on down the road, your best friend has an affair with your love or your love cheats on you, your car could break down, you don't make your deadline at work and therefore you are written up, demoted or fired. As a result of that comes the domino effect, like, bills aren't paid on time, late fee's occur, turn off notices are received, you get evicted or go into foreclosure and the list goes on from there. If you should speak unkindly of others, then it will come back around on you one day. If you do it, be prepared to face karma and consequence for your actions. Temptations come and go but it's up to you and your free will to do the 'right' thing and to use better judgement. Seriously, how would you feel if it happened to you? It could if you don't break these habits. If you condemn or persecute others, then be prepared, you time will come. The universe and God have a divine justice and none of us are exempt from it. This applies to lies and deceit. If you do it, it will also come to you.
If you fall under any of these patterns or habits, it's up to you to break them, turn your life and thoughts around and search within yourself. You can find the will to change within yourself. The strength and knowledge is within you. Through that, you will see light.
Article written/posted by L.A. Any duplication of article is prohibited without authors concent.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What does the pentagram mean or stand for?
Due to me not having much time right now and plus being fairly tired, I have found a very helpful and enlightening article to help you with those answers. This article touches on everything and I would have certainly left some things out. Hope you enjoy it and that it answers the questions you may have about such a beautiful symbol. Please click here to view the article in full.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
An interesting read about Saints.
Nearly 30% of all Catholic saints actually possessed some paranormal powers or had psychic experiences! That’s the fascinating conclusion of former top parapsychologist Rhea White, who passed away in 2007. The researcher studied the lives of 2,532 Catholic saints and found that 676 of them – an incredible 27% – had some sort of psychic experiences. Her study revealed that 310 saints actually performed miracles and 55 had ESP. At least 31 saints were clairvoyants and 24 had telepathic experiences, 20 could read minds and 32 predicted their own deaths.
Others had the uncanny power to be in two places at the same time, while some had the eerie ability to speak and understand languages they’d never heard before.
While most of the saints’ ESP experiences were similar to those reported by normal people, they seemed to be in command of their abilities. “The saints tended to have some kind of control over their psychic power, and that doesn’t seem to be the case for the general population,” said Mrs. White in an earlier interview with Weekly World News. Some saints could actually read other people’s minds. St. Paul the Simple could tell what others were thinking by looking at their faces.
Of the saints who foresaw their own deaths, 14 actually gave a specific date.
Blessed Francis Patrizzi, for example, predicted he would die on the feast of the Ascension in 1328. When the day came, he went to preach the gospel – and died on the road.
The prayers of one saint, five-year-old Mary of Pisa, actually snapped the noose around the neck of an accused criminal who was about to be hanged. “Horrified at what she was seeing, the child prayed so hard that the rope broke and the judges commuted the death penalty,” Mrs. White said.
When St. Daniel the Stylite foresaw a large fire in the city of Constantinople, he advised the emperor to order public prayers to save it. His advice was ignored and the blaze destroyed a large part of the city.
“It’s my hunch that there’s a connection between being religious and being psychic,” the researcher said. “It seems that religious practices such as prayer and meditation may actually induce psychic power.”
What do you think?
Originally posted 7/29/09
Friday, August 14, 2009
For those of seeking a job - part II
When it comes to hiring, some employers act like they hold all the cards--and they can treat job seekers as poorly as they want, without consequence. They're wrong: Smart employers know that good candidates have options (to say nothing of the ethical implications of being rude just because you think you can). Here are five common ways employers behave badly when hiring. Please click here to view and read the entire article.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
For those of you seeking a job.
To read the full article, please click here.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The annual Perseid meteor shower-worth checking out!
The Perseids are bits of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, which has laid down several streams of debris, each in a slightly different location, over the centuries as it orbits the sun. Every August, Earth passes through these debris streams, which spread out over time. "They are typically fast, bright and occasionally leave persistent trains," says Joe Rao,'s Skywatching Columnist. "And every once in a while, a Perseid fireball will blaze forth, bright enough to be quite spectacular and more than capable to attract attention even in bright moonlight."
To read more about this spectacular event, please click here for the full article.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Aesop's fable...something to think about.
NEW YORK – From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare, Aesop's fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true. But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened. It's the fable about a thirsty crow. The bird comes across a pitcher with the water level too low for him to reach. The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the pitcher. (Moral: Little by little does the trick, or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention.)
Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone-dropping strategy to get at a floating worm. Results of experiments with three birds were published online Thursday by the journal Current Biology. Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments. Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague exposed the rooks to a 6-inch-tall clear plastic tube containing water, with a worm on its surface. The birds used the stone-dropping trick spontaneously and appeared to estimate how many stones they would need. They learned quickly that larger stones work better.
In an accompanying commentary, Alex Taylor and Russell Gray of the University of Auckland in New Zealand noted that in an earlier experiment, the same birds had dropped a single stone into a tube to get food released at the bottom. So maybe they were just following that strategy again when they saw the tube in the new experiment, the scientists suggested. But Bird's paper argued there's more to it: The rooks dropped multiple stones rather than just one before reaching for the worm, and they reached for it at the top of the tube rather than checking the bottom. The researchers also said Aesop's crow might have actually been a rook, since both kinds of birds were called crows in the past.
How about that.....the moral of this story? If there is a will, there is a way.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What are you searching for?
Usually answered quickly but depends on how many requests are ahead of yours. If there is a wait, you will be notified by email and given a time frame on when to look for insight. I can be found on Facebook, or at
Brightest blessings to all.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The 80's decade.
We left the 70's behind with the disco, psychedelic era and moved into a time where metal, techno, trans-gender, rap and women had their say and made their stand. It was a time where MTV (music television) was born. It was a controversial time and an awakening of sorts. Everything was touched on and sang about from politics to drugs, abuse to heartache. People would speak their minds/views and take stands.
Bruce Springsteen sang about being Born in the USA, a song about a veteran(s), U2 sang about Pride-in the Name of Love (MLK, Jr.), Aerosmith sang about Janey having a gun, which was the story about a girl being abused by her father, Pat Benatar sang of how Hell is for Children. The 80's brought about awareness. Awareness of many subjects. You had The Clash singing about London calling, Soft Cell singing about a Tainted Love, and Phil Collins singing about It Being in the Air Tonight. There was this place called the Love Shack (B-52s), just a little ol place where we could get together, Devo sang about how to Whip It and Toni Basil sang about Niki. Every subject was touched upon in the 80's. It was just amazing. The Beasty Boys sang about how to Fight for Your Right to Party and Twisted Sister sang about how We’re Not Going to Take It. While others like John Cougar sang a little diddy about Jack and Diane and Bon Jovi sang about Tommy and Gina. These songs were all immensely popular and struck cords with many. We were coming of age, we were heightened, we were on a roll. Even Night Ranger got into it and had their say with Sister Christian, a song about a girl coming of age and growing up (one of the band member’s sister).
The big hair bands surfaced and made it cool to have long hair, have a pieced ear and wear eyeliner. The rock groups who were so popular showed their softer side with love ballads. Foreigner came out with I Want to Know What Love Is and Poison had Every Rose has its Thorn. Even Journey got into the picture and ruled with their amazing ballads on the airwaves. Steve’s voice - simply incredible and powerful the way he’d belt words out. It just goes to show that no one is exempt from heartache. No matter what mood you were in, what was troubling you, who you were missing or crying over, or what you were into during that time, there was a song for it. Rick James sang about Mary Jane (and for you youngsters, no, mary janes weren’t shoes or candy). Def Leppard was on the airwaves with Pour Some Sugar on Me and AC/DC was singing of how they enjoyed being Shook all Night Long, oh, and Bad Company sang about how they Feel like Making Love. And speaking of amazing bands, there was Judas Priest and Queen, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Motley Crue, the Cure, the Cult, the Fixx, INXS, ELO and Depeche Mode. Freddy Mercury was amazing. His voice could transport you away and always caught your attention when he was on the radio singing. You had all kinds of collaborations, like David Bowie and Queen teaming up for a song, you had Run DMC and Aerosmith teaming up for a song. It was a fantastic time for creativity, changes, and chances. Run DMC and Salt N Pepa paved the way for the rap era. The Beasty Boys made it okay to be white and rap. They are the pioneers that helped to open doors and airwaves and bring attention to all types of subjects and music styles also. Salt N Pepa made it okay to be ladies in a ‘so called’ man’s world and proved they were tough enough to stand up for themselves, their fan following and pave the way for future women to come in the following years.
Seriously, every subject was touched on and sang about. Here is another example that you don’t hear about everyday, Rick Springfield sang about Jessie’s Girl, Prince sang about a Little Red Corvette, The Cars sang about My Best Friends Girl and Gary Newman sang about Cars. At one time or another, guys are always interested in cars and having the best ride. It’s just a guy thing. Not to mention, one buddy always had a girlfriend that was fun and cool to be around, not to mention, pleasing to look at or built like a brick house. The thought came across many guys, what if she liked me instead of him, what would it be like to make out with so and so or why can’t she look at me like she looks at him. It was a fact of life and it was sang about.
Then, there were the girls (ladies). They came out of the woodwork in the 80's. You had Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, The GoGo’s, The Bangles, Bananarama, Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston and Madonna ruling the airways. Every subject again, was touched on. The GoGo’s sang about Our Lips are Sealed, the Bangles sang about Walking like an Egyptian, Bananarama sang about the Cruel Summer, Cyndi sang of how Girls Just Want to Have Fun and Whitney wanted to know How will I know? Oh, and Pat sang of Love being a Battlefield, Joan sang about how she Loves Rock and Roll, Paula Abdul was singing about Straight Up and Chaka Chan was belting out on the airwaves with her own unique style and message. Talk about transforming! It really was a magical time with so much uniqueness.
This was also the time of sexual transformation. Example, it was okay for men to wear eye liner, have longer hair than the girls and have an earring. Yet, then you also had very popular men like Rob Halford (Judas Priest), Elton John and Freddy Mercury from Queen who were gay. You had Boy George and Pete (Pete’s last name escapes me at this moment, as does the name of the song he sang) who could apply make up better than most of the girls I knew at the time, including myself. Plus, they were way prettier too! You had Kiss, David Bowie and Alice Cooper who had their own sense of style and dynamics (oh and Ozzy, too, fits in this category) and their antics made it like going to a theatrical show when you would catch them in concert. Oh my, and I can’t forget Billy Idol, with that amazing snarl! He enjoyed how Hot in the City it was, letting out a Rebel Yell all while Dancing with Myself.
You had Led Zeppelin, who were Gods during that time and you had Metallica, who were kings of the underground. Yes, the only way (back then) to obtain a Metallica cassette (CD’s weren’t invented yet) was to boot leg it or get through underground connections. Then we would party and head bang all night. You also had the one hit wonders. Most of the time, these were bands from another country, who were incredibly popular in their country but never quite got the following here in the States. But all the same, they did score a hit and even now, when you hear it, you still enjoy it, sing it and transform back in time.
Then, you had the ones that dominated and changed history.....Madonna and Michael Jackson. Talk about ground breakers, these two had cult followings. They changed everything. People dressed like them, wanted to dance like them, would buy every record that was released by them. Both would transform themselves and re-invent themselves in many aspects. They ruled the airwaves and made videos that would stop people in their tracks to watch. They were controversial - the seekers and changers, the movers and shakers. Michael stopped people and made them gasp with the moon walk and made it cool to wear a glove. He sang about gangs in Beat It, PYT’s (pretty young things) and Billy Jean, who was just a girl that said he was one but the kid was not his son. Michael later went on to change the world with Man in the Mirror and We are the World. His views and dreams were strong. Meanwhile, Madonna sang of being Like a Virgin, and brought awareness to teenage pregnancy which was a popular occurrence with Papa Don’t Preach and being a Material Girl who likes it when you can Express Yourself. She made people take notice with her video’s - Like a Prayer caused a lot of heat and she was not afraid to express herself or her views, example the Exotica release and tour. So cheers and kudos to the 80's. I feel very lucky to have been alive and to have experienced it. It goes to show just how far we have come and evolved.
Yes, I realize I have left many worth mentioning out from this blog and I do apologize if I have incorrectly spelled names.
Written by L.A. - any duplication is prohibited without authors consent.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tarot reading special.
Brightest blessings to all. ~Luna
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Spiritual guidance.
If you would like to check them out, here are links to do.
Click here for Joel Osteen's website.
Click here for Ed Young's website and click in upper right corner - Watch now.
A movie worth seeing.
This is a story about a man's living nightmare, how he feels trapped and what decisions he must make, especially when more clippings start to appear foretelling of slayings and train wrecks.
If this is something that is up your alley, it is worth a checking out.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Catch and Release.
I, myself, just watched a movie that I enjoyed very much. It's a 2007 movie called catch and release. It has two of my favorites actors in it (Jen Garner and Tim Olyphant). I won't go into it in full detail, but I'll give you the basic idea. It's about four male friends. All of which have clicked and have become best friends. Each is very different in uniqueness and brings different aspects out in each other and they still have a blast with each other. One friend becomes engaged (in steps Jen Garner to the picture). The guys love and adore her. She becomes just one of the guys and they all get along great. Fishing is a favorite past-time of the guys and there was a bachelor fishing party planned, when tragedy strikes and affects the five people mentioned above.
What happens next is just an amazing tale. It makes you think just how well do we know each other, what secrets remain hidden - meaning do we always tell every little detail about our pasts? Some things we forget or are buried and we just never give it a thought. Anyway, back to the movie, it is a wonderful story based on each of these people, what happens to them, what they exerience in their journeys, how they interact and mingle with each other and other people brought into their lives. There is humor, healing, dignity, braveness and love. You'll end up adoring the characters, rooting them on and have laughs in between. There is a surprise or two where you'll be like....ut oh.....but the way things are dealt with is very honorable. These are caring individuals who will go through some lengths but are triumphant in their struggles. Oh, and Juliette Lewis also stars in this amazing tale. Should you chose to watch it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you are looking to get lost and forget your struggles and worries for just a short period of time, this is a great movie to get lost in.
Brightest blessings.
Tarot Reading Wisdom

Worried about finances and career, a relationship, what is ahead for you or something on your mind, quit worrying and find out. Whatever door of opportunity awaits you along your path, we can find out together. Full spreads are $25. Small spreads are $15.
Make your purchase choice by clicking on appropriate PayPal button and submitting payment, then click here to send me the concern or question that is on your mind for the Tarot reading. I will send insight by email so you can save or print out for re-reading over and over to see how the reading plays out according to the information I give you. You'll be amazed. Thanks again for giving me a try and allowing me to earn your trust. Brightest blessings.
Full spread $25
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Support is greatly needed for a great cause!

AUSTIN LINCOLN is 9 years old, with the mind of a 2 1/2 year old boy. Born 1999, Austin has very little speech and has a habit of wondering off and has heated fits. Children with autism live in a world where they participate in ritualistic and repetitive behaviors which eventually cause stimulation and results in meltdowns. The assistance dogs are trained to gently interrupt these behaviors so the child can move beyond the behavior. The dog will also give warning to when Austin will be taking a fit and when he is at school, the dog will warn his care takers of any dangers such as Austin leaving the school grounds or hurting himself. I am a proud participant of this group. THIS GROUP WAS FORMED TO HELP RAISE FUNDS SO WE CAN GET AN AUTISM ASSISTANCE DOG FOR AUSTIN. The mother of Austin, Elizabete Lincoln, is a friend of mine. The cost needed to raise is $29,000 which is a lot of money.
When the dog is ready, they will have to travel to Melbourne so Austin can meet the dog and they can train the family (and Austin) to care for his new dog. Please join this important cause and add all your friends and if you find you can, please donate towards this cause. We are reaching for the stars. No matter how small the amount, it all is greatly appreciated and it all counts. If you have a website, feel free to advertise my link for this group so many more can join and support this cause. All donations I receive will be transferred to Elisabete Lincoln via PayPal. Please check out my link and webpage by clicking here or by selecting a denomation below. Your generosity is much appreciated! PayPal accepts all forms/methods of payment. All prices are in U.S. dollars.

Friday, July 24, 2009
The day the earth stood still.
Now whether you believe in UFO's and other life out in the very vast and infinite universe or not, the projected message is powerful as to what is happening to Mother Earth. We have much more technology today, powerful telescopes and machines with camera's to see other planets, and great minds who specialize in science. I watched a show on the history or discovery channel the other night about life on other planets and how scientists are discovering that yes, it's very very possible. By life, I am not speaking of human beings. I am talking about various cells and anti bodies that can survive in tar like substances (even though we believe that water is the essence of all life) and some cells can survive in gases and other different types of possibilities.
Back to the movie. It speaks of problems surrounding mother earth. These problems are caused by yep, none other than us. The pollutants, holes in ozone layers, smog and how destructive humans are not only to the planet but also to each other. The movie brings up excellent points and we are seeing things happen at a more rapid pase. Extreme dry weather in some places which cause fires to rage, extreme rain in other areas to cause terrible floods, the melting of our glaciers at an alarming rate and the rise of sea levels are just a few. We may experience more tornados, hurricanes, tsunami's, earth quakes......So what are we to do? Gas, oil, electric companies are rich, while our wallets, purses and earth suffer. If we keep going like this, what future do our children and grand-children have to look forward to? Their world will be consisting of the horror of the movie the day after tomorrow (2004). Many species will evaporate as if they were the fabled unicorn.
I do not know the answers and what we should do, but I know it does ponder on my mind. What could it hurt to get our officials to think of alternatives and solutions to the problem. Show these to the President. Some states have started making changes with rails like subways and buses. All states need to participate in this change not just two or three. If we lead, perhaps other countries will see this threat also and take it more seriously. They do have amazing and brillant scientists also. We all have contributed to this problem and it will take us all to help with the solution.
What do you think?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Relationships....your perception of them.
What you are forgetting about is you. You should be first and foremost the important one. Where do you stand in all of this, besides in confusion and hurt? If you do not take care of yourself, who suffers? Who will take care of you, if not you? Do you have children being affected? What about your job? Are your friendships suffering because all you do is obsess about this other person? Like what is not happening between you two and what is ocurring with this person and someone else or the other interest? Stop this. It's time to get to the root of the problem, which many of you will not like hearing. You. Most likely, you will target me for the anger/angst you feel and fully knowing this, it's a chance I'm willing to take for your well being. There won't be anything that you can say that I haven't heard already. Please understand that I am not trying to upset/stress you anymore than what you already are, no, no, no, far from it, but to help you find balance and understanding. If you are ready to open to another perspective and really look at why the relationship(s) are not showing satisfactory conclusions, then please read on.
To understand any and all relationships, you must first understand yourself. Why, because this is how you tick, think and perceive. It doesn't matter the type of relationship or if it is a love relationship - meaning family - parents, siblings, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc., or if it is a buddy relationship - meaning being friends, having get togethers, hang out nights or clubbing or if it is a romantic relationship - meaning spouse or significant other - someone you trust to share aspects of life with on an intimate level. Yes, I understand you can have conversations about intimate things with close family members, friends or doctors, but that is not the point I am trying to make here. I am sure you understand the level of intimacy I am talking about is of the sexual nature. Now moving on and getting back to you, think what went wrong with this relationship. Why did the break up occur in the first place? Why did the other person leave and walk away? Chances are the other person left you. How do I know this....well, because this explains your way of thinking and obsessing. If you were the one who left, you wouldn't be so concerned about what the other person is doing. You'd be feeling relieved that it is over, the dread/pressure/hard part is over and you can be free to move on. Right?
Let's explore further. When you are the one who is left, it leaves many questions, anger and complete disbelief. Sometimes you see it coming and other times, you don't - completely blindsided and has you caught off guard. Examples: how could this happen; what did I do; I am the best thing that ever happened to this person; is there someone else; what does this other person have that I don't; they'll wise up and come back; we had such a connection, and the list goes on and on. Connection or not, something changed. What was it? Consider your past habits and how it has affected things. Did you call to much, become clingy or possessive? If you called or texted alot and they didn't answer right away, what happened? Did you allow your thoughts to run away with you? People get busy at work and can not always take calls or could be in a meeting or the boss is in front of them. They may be driving and can not be distracted due to traffic. Maybe they are in the shower or their phone fell out of a jacket pocket or purse in the car or between the sofa cushings which muffles the ringtone or vibration, they may not even know the phone is missing or the battery is dead or they are in a dead zone. Perhaps they are making hamburgers or meatloaf and their hands are dirty or they are under the car fixing something. There are hundreds of innocent reasons why they didn't take the call. This is where your imagination runs away with you and it relates to self esteem issues, trust issues and lack of self confidence. What if the table was turned and they called you but you didn't answer...what happens? Is there a fight? Is it no big deal and forgotten about? If it's forgotten and dismissed, there is no issue on their end. So why is there an issue on your end?
The bottom line is why do you not trust this person? Why, if they are not at your becken call, are you so suspicious? Has a situation occurred in the past to create doubt? If so, and you worked it out, is it not forgiven and forgotten? This is a trust issue. Without trust, there can be no romantic relationship. No matter how you try, without trust, it's doomed.
If you have changed by becoming needy or clingy, what happened to create this change? Were you out somewhere and noticed that your partner was getting lots of looks or attention? Is the attention more so than usual? Think to why this is happening and what changed. Did your partner lose weight, start exercising and toning up, running marathons, get their teeth whitened, cut their hair, get a tattoo or buy a motorcycle? Did they get promoted or land a job which gives them more confidence and a stronger self worth. Think about it because something happened to cause you to become lacking in the self confidence aspect.
There are times when a cooling off period can be a good thing. It gives time to work through issues and turn things around, plus to see the other persons perspective. Put yourself in the other persons shoes and compare the actions. How would you feel if you felt smothered, stifled or not trusted? Both people concerned have a life. You are each individuals, not siamese twins joined at the hip. Everyone has their own spirit. There is a work life, buddy life, home life. Face it, you can not be together 24-7 for 365 days of the week. Even if you are retired, you must both have outside interests and break times away - no matter how short. Example, shopping must get done and golf must be played.
Now, if one person has moved on (meaning dating someone, living with someone or just cutting all ties with you), then it's time for you to let go and move on also. You can not change a persons feelings or control them. They are their own spirit as are you. If they do not feel the same about you anymore - it's out of your hands. There is nothing you can do to make them have those feelings again. If it's gone, it's gone. You do not own them and there is no genie that can grant you three wishes. If you are feeling like you need closure or to get the last word in or express your feelings, write it down as you would in a letter intended to be sent. It helps and it's okay to cry while doing so. It's part of the healing process. I, myself, wouldn't recommend sending to the person. Why? Well, as time goes by and you heal, you can one day look it over again or if you burn it or trash it, you can recollect on what you wrote and how you handled the break up and still feel relief. But if you send it, you may have put something in there that sounds stupid now or silly. And who knows if the person would show it to someone or post it on their myspace page which may cause regrets. If it helps, tell yourself that it was that person's loss. You may not be the shining star in this person's life, but you will be in someone elses. When the time is right or you least expect it, someone will come along and treat you with respect and love. Meanwhile, go through the healing stages and try to understand the reasoning behind some of your actions or mistakes. It will make for a brighter future for you and the people close to you. You survived before them and you will survive after them. If the Lord called them home, what would you do then? How would you get the closure? You have to face reality and see things as they are (see the writing on the wall), accept the lesson, heal and move on.
Love, light and brightest blessings.
Also, go back and recollect on some of your friends or family members and how they handled break ups. Did you know the break up was coming before they did? Did you see changes in their persona? Were they unaware of these changes because of being blinded? By comparing what you saw happening with them, it may help you to relate and see where the shifts occurred with yours.
(Written/posted by LAA 6/09. May not use without authors concent)