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Thursday, June 30, 2011

No, Mercury is not retrograding-but get ready for another Eclipse

On June 2nd, I posted a blog titled: Here comes June. Here is the conclusion to that first blog post.

In a previous blog, I touched on a partial solar eclipse that occurred on June 1 in Gemini. Since this was a partial eclipse, it was of less impact. It essentially operated as a second 'New Moon', giving us the opportunity to reflect and plan for what was to come.

On June 15, a total lunar eclipse occurred in Sagittarius. This was powerful lunar eclipse, the longest in a decade, lasting nearly two hours. This eclipse gave us an opportunity to examine things in our life, personally or professionally, that were just continually 'not working'. It was a time for us to determine those things that we needed to take action rid ourselves of situations or people that are holding us back, to get rid of physical and emotional clutter, and to finally complete projects that we have been putting off. Since it takes a few weeks for powerful energy like this to dissipate, expect major decisions and actions to continue to crop up over the next few weeks. Don't put them off....handle them decisively and intelligently, using the continuing energy of the eclipse to cross them off your list for good!

The last solar eclipse will occur this Friday on July 1 in Cancer. This eclipse signifies new beginnings, and will be a good time to take on greater responsibilities and challenge ourselves to greater spiritual growth. Doors will close on things that are simply not working, and this will move you towards something far better. This solar eclipse, combined with the Grand Cross being formed by four planets (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Mercury) will make this a time of stress, but also a time of personal change and growth that will give new insights and information for the future. This eclipse is also combined with a New Moon, which is excellent for spellwork for growth and change. Friday will be a very powerful time for candle magic to remove bad vibes, banishment, finishing projects, and new beginnings. It is also a perfect time to do a good smudging to clear out negative energy to make way for the positive.

Today, and over the next few days while the lunar eclipse and new moon energy are at their strongest, try some of the following things:

Clear all the clutter, dust, old mail, or anything else blocking the area around the front entrance of your home. This opens up the 'opportunity' area for new positive energy. (If you own a business, make sure the driveway, front door, steps or other areas are clean and free of debris and that there is nothing blocking the path from the road (or driveway) to you. This includes limbs, trash bins, boxes, or anything else that makes the energy move around it.

Create a 'spirit hearth', similar to an altar, with items representing what you desire. If it is wealth, use silver and gold coins, a money frog or cat bank, green stones or silver, gold and green candles. For travel, use brochures or photos of the place you want to go. For better relations with family or friends, use happy photos of them.

In light and love ~ Namaste

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wayshowers are paving the way to awakeners.

This starts off with music but then goes into a narration. Worth a listen.

Enlightenment consists of not merely luminous shapes and visions-but in making the darkness visible. It is difficult and unpopular because of it's difficulty. However, what is to give light, must endure burning.