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Location: Colchester/Essex
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hair- and concerns that people may have when it comes to their hair.
So many people fret about their hair and how to have thicker or healthier hair. I came across an article that touches on certain information that may be helpful for those of you concerned with this issue.
In this day and age, it can be tough. So many of our foods today have additives, antibiotics, hormones - just all kinds of stuff in it. Our food today, is certainly nowhere near what it was like 20 years ago. The antibiotics and hormones are given to the animals to plump them up quicker. In fact, remember mad cow desease? Do you know how that happened? Some idiot decided it would be good to take leftover by products and wastes (containing MEAT) and feed it to the cows. Cows are not carnivors, they eat plants - are herbavors. No wonder the cattle didn't do well. Some things are not meant to be changed and cattle should not be eating meat-give them hay. It just boggles me on why people can't leave well enough alone? If it's not broke, don't fix it. Why would someone think it would be healthy and more beneficial to feed cattle meat? All I can do is just shake my head.
And incase you haven't noticed, take a look at the kids today. Why that is just mindblowing too. Have you noticed that girls are very developed at extremely early ages? Have you noticed how they look older than they really are? And that they get their cycle earlier too? That is hormones in food. Today, the world is so consumed with quick and easy meals, that all of the traditions are dying. No one bakes cookies from scratch. Why should they, there are box mixes and cut and bake in the freezer section, microwave meals in 90 seconds, frozen meals in packages to where all you have to do is throw in a pan, put a lid on it and 15 minutes later, voila, you have a meal. I guess I am just wierd, but if I want a quick meal, I head to McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Wendys, PopEyes, Chick Filet, etc. I like to cook and I enjoy the wait in doing my own 'healthy' meals. Soups, stews and chili made in the crock pot work well for me. And I love the arouma that goes through the house too.
Anyway, back to the hair concerns....many men and women have premature hair loss or a thinning of hair at an early age. Again, that has alot to do with today's food and diets. Woman tend to wear extensions or wigs to help with thicker hair. But to have hair naturally - without all the add ins, here is the article I came across that touches on certain information that may be helpful for those of you concerned with this issue.
In this day and age, it can be tough. So many of our foods today have additives, antibiotics, hormones - just all kinds of stuff in it. Our food today, is certainly nowhere near what it was like 20 years ago. The antibiotics and hormones are given to the animals to plump them up quicker. In fact, remember mad cow desease? Do you know how that happened? Some idiot decided it would be good to take leftover by products and wastes (containing MEAT) and feed it to the cows. Cows are not carnivors, they eat plants - are herbavors. No wonder the cattle didn't do well. Some things are not meant to be changed and cattle should not be eating meat-give them hay. It just boggles me on why people can't leave well enough alone? If it's not broke, don't fix it. Why would someone think it would be healthy and more beneficial to feed cattle meat? All I can do is just shake my head.
And incase you haven't noticed, take a look at the kids today. Why that is just mindblowing too. Have you noticed that girls are very developed at extremely early ages? Have you noticed how they look older than they really are? And that they get their cycle earlier too? That is hormones in food. Today, the world is so consumed with quick and easy meals, that all of the traditions are dying. No one bakes cookies from scratch. Why should they, there are box mixes and cut and bake in the freezer section, microwave meals in 90 seconds, frozen meals in packages to where all you have to do is throw in a pan, put a lid on it and 15 minutes later, voila, you have a meal. I guess I am just wierd, but if I want a quick meal, I head to McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Wendys, PopEyes, Chick Filet, etc. I like to cook and I enjoy the wait in doing my own 'healthy' meals. Soups, stews and chili made in the crock pot work well for me. And I love the arouma that goes through the house too.
Anyway, back to the hair concerns....many men and women have premature hair loss or a thinning of hair at an early age. Again, that has alot to do with today's food and diets. Woman tend to wear extensions or wigs to help with thicker hair. But to have hair naturally - without all the add ins, here is the article I came across that touches on certain information that may be helpful for those of you concerned with this issue.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The simple art of blessing.
This is such a wonderful and beautiful message. Today, it seems that no one lives by this motto anymore or they are to afraid and embarrassed to try it or even say it. If the thought pops into their mind, it's dismissed as fast as when it popped in. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Click here to view it.
Click here to view it.
Learning video's
Thursday, February 25, 2010
How we are connected with the universe and are all one.
I've been stumbling across numerous video's which have interested me in one way or another. I enjoy the art of sharing. So here is another video worth checking out. Enjoy.
Learning video's
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