Saturday, April 25, 2009
A few suggestions to drinking your way to better health.
Did you know that cocoa can protect brain cells? By drinking an 8 oz cup of cocoa, you are increasing blood flow within a few hours thanks to the natural flavanols in cocoa. This nouishes brain cells which can help prevent dementia and stroke, according to Harvard scientists.
If you are a coffee drinker, according to the report from Annals of Internal Medicine, you may be less likely to have a fatal heart attack. Drinking two cups of coffee a day may make you less prone to diabetes, gall stones, colon cancer and liver disease. According to the report, this is all thanks to the plant phenols which are found in both the decaf and regular versions.
Have you ever tried pomegranate juice? It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory and anti tumor effects according to Israeli researchers. This juice has more antioxidants than grapes, red wine or green tea. It is rich in ellagic acid and polyphenols which may boost the immune system and lower blood pressure. It's also found to help keep your cholesterol levels healthy.
Brightest blessings for a healthier you in 2009!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Astrology and gemstones.....what's your bling?
rings or earrings.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Are you ready to jump in and find an advisor, reader or psychic?
Greetings and welcome. Are you new to this exploration? Have you come to the conclusion that you are ready to seek some guidance, wisdom and insight to a matter that you just can't seem to put your finger on, figure out or get through and shift away from? Do you have an open mind? If so, these suggestions are for you! I have touched on this subject a few times in my other articles, but I came across this and just loved the wording and message it gets across. This was written by Mystic Charms so I want to give credit where the credit is due. Enjoy.
Psychic advice can be powerful because it can provide much needed insight into your life that you would otherwise not be aware of. Often at times you are so wrapped up in the day-to-day activities and events of your life that you shut out your own intuition and ability to access your Higher Self. Contacting a psychic can help you to become aware of certain aspects of your life, from love and relationships to money, work, career and success and even touch on spiritual awakenings.
Every psychic will perform readings differently and any psychic will have the ability to give you general information, but a true psychic reading will also give you practical advice and draw from your personal experiences to describe specific needs that you may have at the time of the contact. Psychics are aware that giving detailed information may result in you making choices that may change and alter your future or alter your free will and change situations that are currently around you. A psychic reading can help you see parts of the future or other aspects of yourself and your life that you are not aware of.
A psychic that performs readings has the ability to read your energy fields (chakras) and look into specific parts of your body make-up in order to determine specific things about your life. (Well, not all can do this, but some can).
Not all psychics are mediums and if you wish to contact a loved one who has crossed over, then you should seek an authentic psychic medium, someone that talks to the spirit world. Some psychics are clairvoyant and have visions of the past, present or future. Some psychics are empathic and can “feel” peoples emotions. There are psychics that can talk with the spirit world, have visions and feel peoples' emotions, and then there are other psychics that can only do one or two of these skills.
Some psychics use divination tools such as Tarot, Runes, I Ching, or even numerology and astrology to help them with their readings for you. The extent of the information they tell you will be based on their experience in their craft. (Like their skill, knowledge and natural gifts). All these elements play a part in giving you accurate psychic information during your reading.
When you decide that the time is right to have a psychic reading, you should have a clear idea of what you need to know and ask your psychic what readings they specialise in. If you have chosen your psychic reader/advisor well, you will take away from your reading empowering elements that will help you to make your own decisions about your life and feel great in doing so and about it.
Brightest blessings on a wonderful journey into your self exploration!
Do you believe in dreams? If not, why?

I have touched on this subject a few times in the past. Do people dream? Do they remember dreaming? Why do some people think that they don’t dream? Why do some believe that dreams are just fluff? Can we really learn from our dreams?
Actually, dreams are really important. It can tell you how to deal with and all about a problem you will face and how to overcome that problem. But only if you listen and pay attention. These are the ways in which your own higher guidance or ‘spirit’ communicates with you through the dream realm. Some people believe that you are communicating with God, himself, through the messages of dreams or His angels, which are also considered your angels. God also has many names, Buddha, Allah, etc. No matter who you believe in and what you call Him, remember we are all in his hands and he does communicate with us.
In my other articles, I have touched on the different parts of dreaming. Just in case, I’ll explain it again, there is the beginning, which can give you the time, place and people involved. There is the presentation, which is basically the appearance of the dreams problem coming to light. Then, there is the climax. This is where the transformation has taken place and the situation or catastrophe is unveiled. And, finally, there is the conclusion or the closing phase of the dream. Are you starting to understand what I’m talking about?
I do have some customers who do believe in power of dreams and the interpretation of them. For some, they wake up and jot it down. For others, in order for them to get the full benefit, they find it helpful to keep a dream journal. Either way, it all works out. However, the longer we wait to write down our dreams, the more apt we are to omit details or just forget about them altogether. Even if you just write down a few key details, it helps to trigger the memory at a later time when you are writing or typing them out to have interpreted. I keep a journal for dreams so I can refer back to it and if I don’t understand the lesson, I will at a later time when I am presented with the situation. This way, I am able to keep using the lesson and knowledge throughout my lifetime. Another way to look at the dream journal is that by keeping one, we are sending a message to God that we hear Him and that we take what He says seriously. Many people actively ask God to speak to them through dreams. For those of you who do not believe in the power of dreams, then the information may not generally be volunteered to you. It may or it may not - it all depends on you and your open mindedness to it. It’s there for the taking, but if you do not heed it, then it may disappear until you ask for it.
The details of a dream are important, no matter how minute and small you think it is because it would not be put in the dream if it wasn’t significant in one form or another. If we don’t pay attention to these small details, we’ll miss the valuable information and messages to be received. Dreams are like a puzzle and the pieces need to be put together in order to solve the mind mystery and understand and unlock the message that is meant for us. Dreams don't always mean what you think they do. Dream meanings are not the same as waking meanings. For example, if you die in a dream, it is not foretelling that you or someone will depart this earthly realm. Or if your teeth are falling out, it doesn't signify that you have a periodontal problem. The same holds true for dreaming that you are at an AA or NA meeting-it doesn't mean that you will suffer the effects of being addicted to drugs or alcohol. I have studied dream interpretation for over a decade and have much professional experience with the subject and giving guidance. I can’t stress the point enough that you should be careful and not assume that you know the interpretation of the dream through your own personal and natural way of thinking. By trying to do that, you run a risk of having a marred and unclear version of what God wants to speak to you about, especially if you end up taking the details of your dream literally, and using your natural and personal way of thinking to figure it out. Instead, you must consider trying to understand their symbolic nature. Because dreams are usually symbolic, what they look like on the surface is often not at all really what they are about or what the point trying to get across is.
Drawing the interpretation of our dreams solely from dream books is another mistake to be avoided. Dream books can be useful and do have an advantage, however, your dreams are highly personal, and meanings of details and purpose in them are often tailored fit to you specifically. Dream books list what certain items have meant commonly to many people, or may fall in a category but it does not necessarily follow that an object must mean this or that or even what the dream book says it represents.
If and when you are ready for some insight, please don’t hesitate to check me out. This is one of my unique gifts. I have much experience with this wisdom and guidance.
Remember, we are all in God's, Allah, Buddha's hands. Brightest blessings!