Here is an interesting article I came across by Charlie Reese.
There are some things that remain a mystery, no matter how much research is done. One of those things is how our brains really work. Though we do know a lot, much mystifies those that are trying to find out how the brain works as a whole.
Our brains are working constantly around the clock, and what most don’t know is that the brain works the most while we are sleeping. If you want to improve your brain memory, this is something that you should know. Your memory is an amazing thing.
Some like to cram before exams. They may stay up for hours on end with the intent of studying up to the moment of their exam. This is not only silly, its a strike against them. However, it may work for some, but not for countless others. You think the craming will be fresh in the mind, but the body is tired, thus the mind is too. The brain memory that you need to pass this type of test is not going to work out in this case.
The brain does not properly store away information unless the body is sleeping and has rested. What you learn in any given day is not filed away properly in your brain memory until you have had a night of rest. Those cramming till dawn are not going to do as well as they would have if they had rested.
This is important when it comes to brain memory of events as well. Have you ever forgotten what you had for breakfast? This might be because your brain has yet to properly store that information in the right place. You may not even remember this a few days later, as the brain may deem this unimportant information, and it may not be pulled up from the brain memory as easily as the bigger events of the day. Our memories are remarkable, but they are not perfect. As we age, our brain memory will not be as good as it once was anyway.
So, what do you think? Is it hooey, or do you agree with it?
Brightest Blessings!