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Friday, May 28, 2010

Do planets decide health regimes?

Millennia ago, Indian astrologers and soothsayers had perfected the art or science of looking into your past and peering into your future through a complex set of calculations based on planetary movements.

But now, the modern-day health gurus seem to have established the strong connect between health and astrology as well.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science, promises to be the ultimate antidote for the stressed out urban elites, the rich and the famous.

'Amatrra spa', of Delhi, amalgamates the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda or the art of holistic healing, and astrology. The unique concept of holistic healing and spiritual rejuvenation is based on "health horoscope" or "astro chart" that helps in planetary diagnosis.

Astro-Veda views Earth as a major body of the cosmos and the human body its micro-element and signifies a symbiotic relationship between human body and planets.

Click the link below to read the full article:

Learn how to open your third eye by Tana Hoy

What is Your Third Eye?

Also known as your inner eye or your all-seeing eye, your third eye is at the point right above the middle of your brows. Your third eye is the eye through which you can see beings or things that are not visible to your physical eyes. It is what you use to look with when you wish to connect to the higher or spiritual realms.

Everyone has a third eye, just as everyone has psychic ability. In most cases, though, it is only partially open or blocked. This means that you do not fully utilize your third eye or it is blocked by certain energies. In this case, there are steps you can take to fully open your third eye or unblock it so that the flow of energies to it goes smoothly.

The development of your psychic ability has a very close connection with the opening of your third eye. This means that when you work on activating your third eye, your psychic ability advances. Having a fully enhanced psychic ability and an open third eye entails several benefits which can make a difference on how you live your life.

There are several benefits to exercising your psychic ability and unblocking your third eye. You will have access to your inner well of wisdom and to those of the higher realms. You will develop your intuition and have a better understanding of things which cannot be easily perceived by your physical eyes. You become open to a whole new plane of intelligence, balance, and a higher quality of life. These are just a few of the benefits you can have by enhancing your ability.

Steps for Unblocking Your Third Eyee

If there are ways to develop your psychic ability, there are also ways to open your third eye. Here is a simple exercise with 7 easy steps for you to start with.

1. Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Choose a dimly-lit place, or soften the lighting if you are in a well-lit room.

2. Start relaxing your body by sitting down on a chair or on the floor. Feel your shoulders relaxing with your hands resting on your lap or your knees. Keep your back straight, but not stiff. Align your neck to your back so that you are looking straight ahead.

3. When you are comfortable in your sitting position, focus now on your breathing. Slowly inhale, and then slowly exhale, releasing all the air from within you. Spend a slightly longer time exhaling than you did inhaling.

4. If you observe that your breathing has already stabilized, you can proceed with timing your meditation. Set an alarm for 15 minutes. This may be increased through time by 5 minutes, though you can do so when you have eased into this exercise. For now, set your alarm for 15 minutes and place it within your reach.

5. After placing the alarm within your reach, place your hands back on your lap or knees and gently close your eyes. As you inhale slowly, shift your focus to where your third eye is - the point above the middle of your brows. Continue breathing with your focus on your third eye.

6. As you continue to slowly breathe in and out, maintain your focus on your third eye. Keep focused even as you feel your body relaxing more and more. You may feel a slight tingling sensation on the area of your third eye; that is perfectly fine.

7. Do not open your eyes instantly when the alarm goes off. Reach out to turn off the sound while keeping your eyes closed. You can only open them when you feel that you are ready to do so.

Do this daily, around the same time each day. The results may not be instant - you won't immediately have an exceptional psychic ability or a fully open third eye - but know that as you do this, you are sharpening your ability and developing a deeper awareness of and connection with your third eye.

With regular practice and perseverance, you will soon experience the remarkable benefits of having an open third eye and of seeing with it. This will also have a huge impact on the development of ability. You will be able to do and achieve more things when it comes to using your inner skills.

So start incorporating this meditation into your daily routine. Doing so will surely and effectively enhance yourself and open your third eye.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

2010 Predictions from beyond.

A sneak-preview of life's coming attractions for the "mighty" year of 2010. Courtesy of our friends from the Unknown. All quotes are from the December 2009 edition of "The Sedona Journal". The track is called, "Amazing" and the band is "One Eskimo." Enjoy!

So what do you think? Hooey or truey?

Psychology studies and scientific dream interpretation - by Christina Sponias

I totally believe in the power of dreams and the messages that they hold for the dreamer. I have been studying and working with dreams over 12 years now. I came across this article by Christina Sponias and thought I would share. When you are ready for a dream interpretation and to understand what your dream is telling you, please check out my services.

The knowledge obtained by interpreting the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation works like free psychotherapy for the human being.  All dreams contain important messages of the unconscious mind. Today they can be easily translated into comprehensible words and sentences, because we know precisely how the dream language and the dream logic work.

Psychology studies through scientific dream interpretation reveal to us many basic points of the dreamer’s personality and life. The unconscious mind is a natural doctor, sending to each dreamer infinite messages that contain objective information, guidance, warnings, advice and predictions. The basic intention is to protect the dreamer’s mental health, and give them balance.

This means that we already have a natural psychologist at our disposal. We only have to learn the symbolic dream language in order to be able to understand the free, and always successful, unconscious psychotherapy.

For example, we can immediately diagnose a mental illness if we observe that someone’s dreams are constantly showing blood, especially if the blood comes out of the dreamer’s head in a dream. Dreams with violent scenes and the spill of blood indicate absurdity.

Generally, nightmares indicate that there are abnormalities in the dreamers’ behavior and in their lives. The dreamers are making mistakes, not seeing a big danger, not doing something they have to, falling into traps, ignoring the characteristics of the objective reality and living in a fantastic world… something is wrong with them, without a doubt.

All studies based on dream analysis clearly reveal to us that our own dreams reflect our behavior, showing us its abnormalities and how we can find balance. They give us gradual lessons, helping us correct our mistakes and develop our intelligence.

For example, the appearance of the snake in a dream is an indication that the dreamer has to pass through painful experiences in order to correct their wrong behavior so that they may avoid future problems. It represents the bad event that will put an end to a situation that could only have a bad end, preventing the dreamer from continuing to make mistakes and from suffering with their consequences.

If we have this knowledge, we can understand the psychology of each dreamer, and understand from what they are passing through in their lives.

We can therefore help them find peace without wasting time.

In the future all psychologists will be guided by the wisdom of the unconscious mind in the dream messages, since this is a font of safe and positive information. Dreams show us important details of the dreamer’s personality, and of the dreamer’s past, alerting us to the reasons for all their problems. This way, we can also immediately find the right solutions.

As a matter of fact, the unconscious mind helps us in this point too, but without giving us instantaneous answers. We are helped with clues and confirmations when we are in the right direction during our research, because we have to be able to solve our problems alone, without depending on any guidance.

The truth is that we don’t need any other psychologist, because the unconscious mind already is the best psychologist and psychiatrist we could ever find.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung’s research into the human psyche so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Are you confused about a reading that you received?

Here is a great article by Cherry Sage. I have written quite a few articles on this subject as well in some of my past blogs, but I will post her article/blog as a reminder to those who are confused about what they were told and left feeling more confused then before.

Check out her article at:

What is psychic addition?

Here is a pretty good article I came across written by iritar. He explains a few points which is important to know. I, Luna, personally do not allow my clients to become to needy. I give the insight they need and allow them to make their own well informed decision based on good info that they need for their own well being. Please take a few minutes to read the article, in full, and do not allow yourself to become addicted. A good psychic will know you after a time or two with working with them and we have warning signs to watch for so we can also put an end to allowing you to become to frequent of a caller, etc. I prefer to allow my readings to manifest and have the client keep me updated (if they want to) but I prefer to not read again for them for at least a few months. If it should be a different subject, then I will read for them, but the same subject over and over, I will not. Cards, angels and guides get tired of the same questions from the same person so keep that in mind. Love and light.

Psychic Addiction is where an individual may become so dependent upon talking with psychics that they are no longer able to make a decision without speaking to one.

Signs of addiction include, but are not limited to:

* Speaking with a psychic more than once per day.
* Speaking with more than two psychics to validate a previous reading from another psychic.
* Speaking with a psychic about the same issue more than twice per month.
* Severe financial losses due to speaking with psychics.
* Confusion from getting too much conflicting information from multiple readings.
* Someone telling you that you may have a psychic addiction.

Check the article in full at:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are you ready to be enlightened? To enlighten others?

Here is a free podcast called Enlightened Work. My friend (Steve Nobel) is being interviewed by his good friend Damien Senn. It lasts for 58 minutes so yuo will need some time and perhaps a hot cup of tea or coffee so you can snuggle down and listen to it.

This interview explores how work be about more than just earning a living; how you can liberate your latent gifts and untapped potential; get more on track with your direction and purpose; connect work with play and having fun; and how you can make a difference in the world and be materially rewarded. Enjoy.

A few lessons to think about from Deepack Chopra.


This law is based on the fact that we are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is and will be. This law could also be called the Law of Unity, because underlying the infinite diversity of life is the unity of one all-pervasive spirit. There is no separation between you and this field of energy. One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation and non-judgment. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom and bliss.


This law could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange. The flow of life is nothing other than the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence. Because your body and your mind and the universe are in constant and dynamic change, stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth and affluence–or anything you want–circulating in your life. If our only intention is to hold on to our money and hoard it–since it’s life energy, we will stop its circulation back into our lives as well. In order to keep that energy coming to us, we have to keep the energy circulating. Thus, the more you give, the more you will receive. The best way to put The Law of Giving into operation is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn’t have to be in the form of material things; it could be a flower, a compliment or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don’t cost you anything.


)“Karma” is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind. There is nothing unfamiliar about the Law of Karma. Everyone had heard the expression, “What you sow is what you reap.” Obviously, if we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Therefore, karma implies the action of conscious choice-making. Whether you like it or not, everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you’ve made in the past. Unfortunately, a lot of us make choices unconsciously, and therefore we don’t think they are choices–and yet, they are. If you step back for a moment and witness the choices you are making as you make those choices, then in just this act of witnessing, you take the whole process from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm. This procedure of conscious choice-making and witnessing is very empowering.You can use the Law of Karma to create money and affluence, and the flow of all good things to you, any time you want. But first, you must become consciously aware that your future is generated by the choices you are making in every moment of your life. If you do this on a regular basis, then you are making full use of this law. The more you bring your choices into the level of your conscious awareness, the more you will make those choices which are spontaneously correct–both for you and those around you.


This law is based on the fact that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love. When we learn this lesson from nature, we easily fulfill our desires. In Vedic Science, the age-old philosophy of India, this principle is known as the principle of economy of effort, or “do less and accomplish more.” Ultimately, you come to the state where you do nothing and accomplish everything. This means that there is just a faint idea, and then the manifestation of the idea comes about effortlessly. What is commonly called a “miracle” is actually an expression of the Law of Least Effort. Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates–and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth. There are three components to the Law of Least Effort–three things you can do to put this principle of “do less and accomplish more” into action. The first component is acceptance. Acceptance simply means that you make a commitment: “Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur.” This means I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. The second component is responsibility. This means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself. This allows you the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing. The third component to the Law of Least Effort is defenselessness. This means that you have relinquished the need to convince or persuade others of your point of view. If you relinquish this need you will in that relinquishment gain access to enormous amounts of energy that have been previously wasted.


This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature. A flower, a rainbow, a tree, a human body, when broken down to their essential components are energy and information. The whole universe, in its essential nature, is the movement of energy and information. The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content of your respective bodies. You can consciously change the energy and informational content of your own quantum mechanical body, and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body–your environment, your world–and cause things to manifest in it. The quality of intention on the object of attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time events to bring about the outcome intended, provided one follows the other spiritual laws of success. Intention lays the groundwork for the effortless, spontaneous, frictionless flow of pure potentiality. The only caution is that you use your intent for the benefit of mankind.


This law says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result. This is a very powerful thing to do. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result, combining one-pointed intention with detachment at the same time, you will have that which you desire. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Attachment comes from poverty consciousness, because attachment is always to symbols. Detachment is synonymous with wealth consciousness, because with detachment there is freedom to create. True wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want, and with least effort. To be grounded in this experience you have to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty. In this uncertainty you will find the freedom to create anything you want.


The seventh spiritual law of success is the Law of Dharma. (Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means “purpose in life.”) This law says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world–and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance. There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first says that each of us is here to discover our true Self. The second component is to express our unique talents; the expression of that talent takes you into timeless awareness. The third component is service to humanity. When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will enable you to attain self-mastery. If you put your attention on these laws and practice the steps outlined above, you will see that you can manifest anything you want–all the affluence, money and success you desire. You will also see that your life becomes more joyful and abundant in every way, for these laws are also the spiritual laws of life that make living worthwhile."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Are you listening to what you're saying?

In my line of work, as a spiritual advisor, I see examples of this quite often. Seriously, do you ever think of how you get your point across? Are you one of those people who looks down on others? When you speak to people, do you belittle them or have a sting to your words? I have seen many people who have a management or supervisory title at their place of employment come down hard on employee's, family members and so on. One of the most important rules of life is to do unto others as you would have done unto you. By getting a point across in a nonproductive manner, it doesn't help the situation. By getting a point across in a productive manner, it will help. People will not listen or take you seriously if you are vicious in your wording. Please take a few minutes to read what Benjamin points out to be aware of below in his article.

Conscious self Speak by Benjamin Ka-han McAvoy

Of all spiritual practices, speaking consciously ranks among the most difficult and most rewarding. Even those with long devotion to inner work do not find this easy. When we talk, we have some notion of our intentions, of what we wish to communicate. But typically our awareness of ourselves nearly vanishes the moment our mouths open and we begin to speak.

To start working on conscious speech, we can attempt to be aware of the actual sound of our voice as we speak, during the act of speaking. This apparently simple task proves surprisingly slippery. We may know that we are about to speak, and have full intention of being aware of the sound of our voice as we speak, and then it all disappears in the very next moment when we actually start talking. Yet the difficulty of this practice makes it particularly valuable in improving our ability to stay present, not to mention improving our relationships. We need to extend presence to every corner of our life, especially those that the light of consciousness rarely visits. The act of speaking defines one such dimly lit room and the key to lighting it is to maintain our intention to hear our voice, to sense our mouth, tongue, and throat.

Conscious speech means more than simply being aware of the sound of our voice. It extends to awareness of the meaning of our words and our intentions in speaking. So much of what we say comes from ego-centered motives: judgment and criticism often enter gossip and destructive emotions lead us to say hurtful words. Self-centeredness makes us think everyone is so very interested in listening to us talk on and on about ourselves, while we exhibit no interest in the other person. All this feeds our egoism. The less we criticize others, the less critical we are of ourselves, and vice versa. The less we hurt others, the less we will be hurt. The less we talk about ourselves, the less we are boxed into our small, ego-centered world, and vice versa. Our ego fears the light of awareness, so the more awareness we bring to the intentions driving our speech, the freer we grow.

Saying only what is true requires consciousness. Of course, this does not imply saying everything that is true, when tact and kindness advise otherwise. Well-chosen, heartfelt words open the gates of relationship, deepening our circle. Conscious speech also encompasses speaking from the whole of ourselves, so that we mean and feel what we say, and when appropriate and useful we say what we mean and feel.

Speech includes our body language, the gestures, posture, and facial expressions we adopt in communicating. So in speaking consciously, we cast a wide net to include intention, tone of voice, meaning of words, as well as body language within the field of our immediate awareness. To achieve such breadth of consciousness, we need to be fully present. We do not try to dissect the event into its components of tone of voice, gestures, and so on, but rather we reside in presence to the wholeness of the experience of speaking. To prevent this wholeness of presence from disintegrating without warning, we ground ourselves in the concrete and inwardly verifiable awareness of our tone of voice. Listening to our voice as we speak, we listen also for the whole.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, to speak consciously also means to be fully aware of the person(s) to whom we are speaking, to see them as people like ourselves, to be aware of the potential effect of our words on them before we say the words, to be aware of the actual effect on them after we've said the words, and with open heart and mind to listen to the response. In this way, we honor the humanity of the other person and, in so doing, honor our own.

Hope this helps all of you wonderful people. "remember share as much as you can." With love light and Blessing to all.

Are you going with the flow?

Check out my buddy Steve's live recording of a webinar called Discover Your Flow (36 mins approx). You can listen through the web or download to your computer and MP3 player and listen at your leisure. So often we are taught that life has to be a struggle and that if we are to achieve anything meaningful in life then we have to work very hard. This webinar explores flow and how it is both practical and spiritual in application.

In this recording you will be able to understand the dynamics of being in and out of flow and what can help you stay in flow more of the time.