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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yay, good news. I am happy to see this.

Druids recognized as religion in UK.

LONDON – Druids have been worshipping the sun and earth for thousands of years in Europe, but now they can say they're practicing an officially recognized religion.

The ancient pagan tradition best known for gatherings at Stonehenge every summer solstice has been formally classed as a religion under charity law for the first time in Britain, the national charity regulator said Saturday. That means Druids can receive exemptions from taxes on donations and now have the same status as such mainstream religions as the Church of England.

Druids have practiced for thousands of years in Britain and in Celtic societies elsewhere in Europe. They worship natural forces such as thunder and the sun, and spirits they believe arise from places such as mountains and rivers. They do not worship a single god or creator, but seek to cultivate a sacred relationship with the natural world.

Although many see them as robed, mysterious people who gather every summer solstice at Stonehenge — which predates the Druids — believers say modern Druidry is chiefly concerned with helping practitioners connect with nature and themselves through rituals, dancing and singing at stone circles and other sites throughout the country believed to be "sacred."

Ancient Druids were known to be religious leaders, judges and sages among the Celts during pre-Christian times, although little evidence about their lives survived. There are now various Druid orders and about 10,000 practitioners in Britain — and believers said the numbers are growing because more people are becoming aware of the importance to preserve the environment.

The Druid Network fought for nearly five years to be recognized under the semi-governmental Charity Commission, which requires proof of cohesive and serious belief in a supreme entity and a moral framework.

After initially rejecting the Druid Network's application, the Charity Commission decided this week that Druidry fit the bill. "There is sufficient belief in a supreme being or entity to constitute a religion for the purposes of charity law," the commission said. Adrian Rooke, a Druid who works as a counselor, said Druidry appeals to people who are turning away from monotheistic religions but still long for an aspect of spirituality in their lives. "It uplifts the spirit," he said. "The world is running out of resources, and in that context it's more important to people now to formulate a relationship with nature."

To read article in it's entirity, please click the link below.

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Moon in Libra-a little food for thought.

Autumn Equinox Moon: Dreaming with All My Relations

New Moon in Libra: Oct 7 - Nov 4 2010

Did you experience enough changes during the Virgo Moon cycle in the past 28 days? Was it very cleansing, creative and moving? We are now finishing this moon and hopefully you paid attention to your intention for a few weeks...

This is the great moon of relationship, marriages, business partnerships, all types of committed partnerships and the cultural laws of right relationship. Autumn new moons begin a time of re-balance, because as we head towards the winter moons, we begin to slow down.

Venus rules this moon cycle and this month we have a lot of Libra energy and planets upon us. When working with moon medicine, its always the opposite so we play out our moon in a more independent Aries archetype. Aries is the independent eternal child, as all fire signs are in order to constantly create. Aries rules the self within relationship and what the self needs for passion. Venus is all about needs and comfort, beauty and harmony in relationships, so the opposite meets and we meet the opposite in this moon

... the celestial line-up in Libra this Moon Cycle is:
Sun (me in the world)
Moon (me within my inner world)
Saturn (me and my responsibilities to my physical world)
Mercury (me and my communication or lack of)
Hygiea (me and my personal health)
Vesta (me and the fire of my feminine)

Roll all these planets into the arena of Relationship and we get one more clue to how we behave, how we express emotion and how we need to compromise or set boundaries or both. Spring is the opposing energy of Autumn, so rather than jumping forward - we move toward retreat, instead of going all the way and starting something new in relationships of any kind, we pull back and move inward towards a unique relationship with the self.

What we planted last spring, has now come to harvest this moon cycle. Sooner or later, this daughter of a modern moon myth, has a much older and wiser sister... Venus is the light closest to the earth that shines the brightest along with her sister Moon and shines forth all of our inner duality - the one with ourself and with others. How we balance this is a matter of awareness without judgement and with great discernment.

Venus shines so bright because Libra rules culture, the arts, the humanities, the expressions of right relationships with beauty, not only its imbalance but the hidden inner beauty wishing to shine forth. This moon cycle we can feel alone or socially over booked, so assess and set your intentions to re-balance where you sit in your world.

We are either at one stage or another in our most important relationships:
1. finding; 2. building; 3. clarifying; 4. maintaining; 5. surrendering; 6. destoying; 7. letting go or 8. alone in in human relationships...

What relationship is most important right now in the last three days?  What phase is it in? If you work on relationships with someone in this manner, then you can navigate Venus or mother earths Autumn territory with a little bit more clarity, groundedness and decisive action.

Sample New Moon Intentions this month...

I have appropriate boundaries
I am balanced and grounded
I am supportive of my needs
I am creative expressing my joy
I am beautiful
I adore my life (fake it till you make it)
I am exploring where I am at in my life
I am in the present moment

(This was sent compliments of my friend, Mary. She must have been reading my thoughts-because she saved me from having to write a bit about this moon. I thought I'd share).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Beautiful! Hope you enjoy.