AUSTIN LINCOLN is 9 years old, with the mind of a 2 1/2 year old boy. Born 1999, Austin has very little speech and has a habit of wondering off and has heated fits. Children with autism live in a world where they participate in ritualistic and repetitive behaviors which eventually cause stimulation and results in meltdowns. The assistance dogs are trained to gently interrupt these behaviors so the child can move beyond the behavior. The dog will also give warning to when Austin will be taking a fit and when he is at school, the dog will warn his care takers of any dangers such as Austin leaving the school grounds or hurting himself. I am a proud participant of this group. THIS GROUP WAS FORMED TO HELP RAISE FUNDS SO WE CAN GET AN AUTISM ASSISTANCE DOG FOR AUSTIN. The mother of Austin, Elizabete Lincoln, is a friend of mine. The cost needed to raise is $29,000 which is a lot of money.
When the dog is ready, they will have to travel to Melbourne so Austin can meet the dog and they can train the family (and Austin) to care for his new dog. Please join this important cause and add all your friends and if you find you can, please donate towards this cause. We are reaching for the stars. No matter how small the amount, it all is greatly appreciated and it all counts. If you have a website, feel free to advertise my link for this group so many more can join and support this cause. All donations I receive will be transferred to Elisabete Lincoln via PayPal. Please check out my link and webpage by clicking here or by selecting a denomation below. Your generosity is much appreciated! PayPal accepts all forms/methods of payment. All prices are in U.S. dollars.

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