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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Patience is a virtue.

A beautiful video on life. It's worth taking a look at - you may just find that you can relate to it. Please click on the link below to view and listen to the story:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Help with the Mercury retrograde and the feelings accompanied by it.

Here is a message from a lightworker called Dani. I thought it was worth sharing with you:
You may be experiencing physical symptoms of the process such as: head, back, neck pain, intense nightmares (releasing old stuff!), insomnia (2-4am), psychic ability increased, cleaning closets/clutter, relationships suddenly released (breakups, jobs, friends,etc) which are not based on TRUTH and Integrity, restlessness, need for alone time/seclusion to regroup, sudden sadness-spontaneous crying, sleepiness/taking naps,etc..

You are right where you should be! I know, it's tough to get through..I have it all too..This is (especially because we are in Mercury Retrograde until Jan 15th-but really a week after) a time to RELEASE AND REGROUP. In order to ascend to higher frequency, we NEED to release old stuff and regroup for a new, higher love vibration. Joy is on the way!!

One important fact about this new frequency we're moving into is that it epitomizes JOY, LOVE, PEACE, INNER CHILD, FUN, TRUTH, INTEGRITY. So you would be on track if you're releasing all of the old junk -and it doesn't always feel good for a short time!

The real gift is on it's way and you will start feeling the GOOD things now're intuition will pick up if it hasn't already, including your telepathy, feelings of silliness and fun, truth is emerging, you may be already experiencing waves of peace..the positive aspects of the Ascension will start to last longer than the negative (once you LET GO).. Don't be afraid, it's all normal. you're right on track!

Meditate, get plenty of rest, drink your water, release and regroup..sleep when you need to..We're all going through it together and we will get through it together."

♥ Dani Koreck

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A thought to ponder.

Complaining about anything, holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you've been asking for. Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you've been asking for. Blaming someone, holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you've been asking for. Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn't matter what you call it, it is a refusal. Have you considered that it may not a conscious one? Perhaps it's a defensive one. Remember the Universe is yielding, it must yield. It's a big question, folks: why are you so defensive, why are you so unyielding and unforgiving, what aren't you letting in, do you feel deprived?

More Democrats believe in Astrology than Republicans.

Here is an article written by Lynn Hayes of Astrological Musings:

Thanks to my friends at Astrococktail for finding the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life study which compares beliefs of Democrats to Republicans: evidently 14% of Republicans "believe in" astrology compared to 31% of Democrats. I put the words "believe in" in quotes, because astrology isn't something you believe in. You see it work, and then you know it's true.

Republicans tend to be more conservatives than Democrats, and they are much better at conforming to established beliefs which is why they are more effective at passing their agendas than Democrats are. Democrats are more Uranian, allowing for more diverse views and freedom of thought, which tends to result in a more open mind (although it also creates problems when trying to find a majority in Congress to pass anything).

Another interesting finding is that 30% of Democrats believe in spiritual energy compared with 17% of Republicans. However, 39% of those identifying as liberals believe that yoga is a spiritual practice, but only 30% "believe in" astrology.

White protestant evangelists who attend church weekly were the least likely to "believe in" astrology (only 8%) but 29% of Black Protestants and Catholics expressed belief in astrology.

Articles link:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Practical info about psychics by Ezine Hippo

Psychic ability has not been proven and therefore cannot be confirmed according to the scientific approach. We all know that there are unexplained happenings such as UFO’s, telepathy, precognition and ESP and just because it cannot be explained doesn’t mean that it does not exist. unearth valuable Tips regarding this subject. Anyone who has the ability to see the future and pick up psychic information from others is a real psychic.

Online readings are often given by real psychics who have a vast experience of working as a psychic and the websites are often informative. You will find that some of the websites have a section which explains the different divination methods used such as tarot, runes, crystal ball, clairvoyance, mediumship and so on. Ascertain valuable Info regarding this subject. These online psychics are experienced in their field and they will have the credentials to back up their claims. They may not be able to prove that they have psychic ability according to the scientists; however, they are likely to have numerous testimonials to the accuracy of their readings.

There are so many ways that you can get online readings these days and once you have had a good reading you are likely to return to the same psychic. You will trust the psychic reader with access to your whole life and so it is important to make sure that you have the right psychic working with you. Ascertain practical Advice regarding this subject. The type of reading you choose is a matter of personal preference; however, there are a few things that you should know.

A mediumship reading is where the online psychics can use their mediumistic skills to communicate with those on the other side. unearth valuable Advice regarding this subject. The information is often spontaneous and in no particular logical order and you may not always get the loved one you were seeking to hear from. The mediumship information could stop abruptly because the medium has no control over the communication from the other side.

A psychic reading is where the online psychics link in with their psychic abilities and bring you insight and guidance on any particular situation. learn valuable Info regarding this subject. They can predict certain timelines, events, situations and pick up on the thoughts and actions of those around you. These readings are likely to follow a certain theme and the psychic information is continuously available throughout the reading. This is allways the best way to get psychic reading and you will find if you follow this article you will.

Article's link:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who were the Magi? By Jay Williams.

Now that the Magi (a.k.a. the three kings, a.k.a. the three wise men) have once again arrived to offer their gifts and then returned home another way, it is, perhaps, time to ask, “who were those fellows and what were they up to?” I am not asking the historiographical question about whether such travelers actually existed but rather about what the story is meant to convey and how it fits into the Gospel of Matthew’s intent.

Surely, the author must have known that the magus, as he existed within the Roman Empire, was a rather suspect character, regarded often as a fraudulent “wonder worker” and magician. It is true that many believed in magical feats, but the better educated had deep suspicions about them. To associate Jesus, who himself is described as performing miracles, with the magi, then, was a somewhat dangerous move. It raises the question as to whether Jesus, himself, was a magus. Perhaps it is for this reason that the magi were transformed in Christian imagination into kings (after the kings mentioned in Hebrew Scriptural prophecy such as in Isaiah 60:3) or “wise men” (that makes magi sound vaguely philosophical.)

One may protest, of course, that these were magi from the east and thus probably were Persian priests who were well known for their interest in the heavens and who would very likely have been aware of any strange or propitious astronomical phenomenon. That was where the word “magus” originally came from. True enough, but it is also true that the Persians had long been enemies of the Roman Empire. To include mention of them coming to worship the young Jesus would raise both religious and political hackles. It would be as though a modern Hindu story about a savior told of Islamic adepts coming from Pakistan to worship him. Besides, two of the gifts they brought, frankincense and myrrh, probably came from Arabia and not from Persia anyway. It all sounds very confusing.

Even more confusing is the matter of the star that they followed. If one goes to a planetarium during the Christmas season, there is usually some theory offered as to what it was they saw: a nova, a comet, two planets in conjunction, etc., etc. Everyone has a theory. It is surprising to me, however, that in all this theorizing I have never heard any modern astronomer mention the most important and troubling phenomenon of that age, a phenomenon first discovered in the west by Hipparchus in the second century B.C.E. I refer, of course, to the precession of the equinoxes.

What Hipparchus discovered and what the Persian magi had known for centuries before him was that the zodiacal band of stars, so important for astrology, gradually shifts over the centuries. Before 2100 B.C.E. Taurus, the bull, was the sign that rose at the time of the vernal equinox. For more than 2000 years, however, Taurus had been replaced by Aries, the Ram, as the first sign of spring, so that the whole history of Israel up to the time of Jesus had taken place during the age of Aries. It was during that period that what we know as astrology was also formulated and came into its own.

Jews, on the whole, officially refused to accept astrology because of the emphasis upon the seven “planets” that were understood to be gods. Nevertheless, it would have been difficult for anyone during the later Hellenistic age not to be aware of the findings and beliefs of astrology. It was, after all, considered by many to be a highly acceptable science. Several centuries later, Jews constructed a synagogue at Beth Alpha that had on its floor an astrological diagram. Another such synagogue existed also in Tiberias.

In any event, it is quite probable that many people at the time of Jesus knew that they were, slowly but surely, entering a new age, the age of Pisces, the fish. Both Aries and Pisces are rather vague constellations and do not have the sharp outlines of the Big Dipper or Orion. Nevertheless, those who watched the heavens carefully could see the first star of Pisces rising in the east at the time of the vernal equinox. The new age was beginning.
It is doubtful that any Persians would have thought that the spiritual power of the New Age was to be born in Judea as the Jewish Messiah, but that is beside the point. The author of Matthew was surely not Persian but probably Jewish in background and it is he who, according to our theory, wished to connect Jesus to the coming of the New Age. Indeed, Jesus is seen by him as the Lord of the New Age, as the reign of heaven becomes a reality.

Matthew begins his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus. Unlike Luke, he does not begin with Adam, but confines himself to the Age of Abraham (and Aries). Like the astrologers, he divides the age into three parts, what astrologers would call the cardinal, fixed, and mutable periods. His cardinal period---when the essential ideas of the age are established---includes everyone from Abraham until David. The fixed age lasts from the time of Solomon until the fall of Jerusalem. This was the age of the first temple. The mutable age begins with the exile of Jews in Babylonia and includes that whole period when the Jews lived under various foreign rulers, Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman, and the religion of the state of Israel was transformed into Judaism.

For Matthew, the Age of Abraham is beautifully organized. Each period contains fourteen generations and fourteen, as any good Jew would know, is the number of the name, David. (daleth-4 +vav-6+daleth-4=14) So the whole genealogy cryptically says, for anyone with an esoteric bent, David-David-David. But no new generations can be added to that age. A new age must be initiated. The Heavens demand it. Perhaps this is why Matthew places such emphasis upon the kingdom (or reign) of heaven. Scholars usually argue that Matthew substituted “heaven” for God as a way of avoiding the use of the sacred word. Then one must ask why it is that Mark and Luke have no similar compunctions about saying “kingdom of God” throughout their gospels. It may also be significant that Matthew has Jesus teach his disciples to pray “Thy will be done on earth as it is in the heavens” whereas Luke seems to have omitted that phrase.

Moreover, in this dawning Age of Pisces, Jesus’ disciples turn out to be fishermen. Nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures is there much emphasis upon fishermen or fish. The Gospel of John also says nothing about the disciples as fishermen until the very last chapter and that may have been added to John at a later date. In Matthew, however, fish and fishermen are very important. Jesus calls disciples from their work along the Sea of Galilee to cast their nets to draw people into this new age. Perhaps it is also significant that when Jesus feeds the five thousand he includes not only bread (like manna from heaven) but two fish. It also seems significant that when the Church began, its primary symbol was not the cross but the sign of the fish.

Jesus’ last words also seem important in this context. Matthew quotes him as saying, “Lo, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (28:20) Does he mean the age of Pisces of which he is the ruler? If he does, then must we not wonder about our own future, now that the age of Pisces comes to a close? Upon reflection, have we not also experienced our own cardinal (early Christian), fixed (medieval), and mutable (modern) eras and stand ready, as the song says, for the dawning of the age of Aquarius?
Nothing, of course, is proven. I, for one, am not about to offer arguments favoring astrology. Perhaps, in fact, Matthew had no interest in the coming of the Age of Pisces. All those clues I have mentioned are only circumstantial evidence. Nevertheless, I cannot quite dismiss the matter easily. There are too many strong hints in the gospel to cast the whole theory aside. Moreover, as I listen to the news each day and witness the collapse of many churches, I cannot help but wonder, what’s next? As we enter the age of the “Water Pourer,” we must ask what that portends for our whole world and its spiritual center?

Article link:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Australians mix and match religious faith with belief in other phenomena.

A poll has revealed that most Australians believe in God or a similar universal spirit, but a majority also believe in miracles, life after death and angels, and many believe in astrology and UFOs. The surprising findings from a Nielsen poll for Fairfax newspapers show Australia is a credulous nation, willing to mix and match religious faith with belief in other phenomena. Although Australians are widely considered to be a secular people, nearly half of the population believe in psychic powers such as extrasensory perception, while 41 per cent believe in astrology.

The research shows that Australians are more religious than we might have thought - 68 per cent of us believe in God or a universal spirit. But atheists and agnostics also had a strong showing in the national survey of 1,000 respondents, taken early this week. Almost one in four Australians (24 per cent) do not believe in either God or a universal spirit, and seven per cent are not sure or say they "don't know".

But God is not the only thing Australians believe in. They place their faith in a range of other phenomena. For example, 63 per cent believe in miracles, and 53 per cent believe in life after death. Angels are also popular, with 51 per cent of respondents saying they believe in them, slightly more than the 49 per cent who hold faith in psychic powers such as ESP. Forty-one per cent of people believe in astrology. Thirty-four per cent of Australians believe in UFOs and 22 per cent think witches exist.

Article was published on:

Americans surprisingly flexible about religion and faith.

A new poll finds Americans are doing a tremendous amount of personalizing – picking and choosing from a diverse variety of religious traditions. According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, nearly six in 10 Americans from all religions blend their faith with New Age and Eastern beliefs, like astrology, reincarnation, and the spiritual – not just physical – benefits of yoga.

More Americans are folding aspects, rituals of other religions into their faith."What we're really finding here that we haven't known before is how much Americans mix and match their religious beliefs and practices. That is, how often people who are regular churchgoers also believe in things like astrology and reincarnation," said Alan Cooperman of the Pew Forum. "Individual Americans hold within themselves elements of diverse religious traditions. And they practice in many cases, more than one faith."

Rabbi David Ingber was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, but abandoned Judaism in his 20s. He studied Taoism, martial arts and yoga as part of what he calls his "spiritual journey." After a decade away from the faith, he felt called back to Judaism. "When I came back to Judaism, in my early 30s, I brought back my experiences that I had had in my 20s."

To read more on this article, please click the link below:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mercury in retrograde-Yep that time again.

Yep, it's that time again where planet Mercury goes retrograde on April 18. What this means it that it appears that the planet is moving backward. The good news is Mercury is only retrograde until May 11 - only 23 days. So what does this mean? Pretty much means to expect the unexpected. This is a time where Electronic Devices may not work properly, may break, or may malfunction. (Cell phones, cars, machines, appliances, computers, etc). Letter, bills, any communication with people may seem strained, delayed or misinterpreted. Mercury is also a trickster and you'll be amazed over some of the cleverly disguised errors that will happen - like losing something in your car or it falls behind something, and even bills, letters or orders can be sent to wrong addresses. People may be in tense moods and you may find yourself desiring/wanting more solitude. You may experience problems/delays in travel or trips and with meetings and appointments. This is a time where communication and schedules can be compromised. This is not a good time to sign contracts or make big purchases such as a car or appliance, hence things tend to break down or not function properly. People from your past may resurface and memories or past regrets may come from out of nowhere to haunt you.

What to do during this time: Think about your past and how you feel about your current circumstances. Consider if you are happy in your current situation? If not, think of ways to change it. This is a time to rethink, reflect, research, revise and renew. (Keep the RE in mind for the next few weeks). In regards to relationships and partnership matters, our thinking is turned inward. Re-evaluating a partnership and communication style within that relationship is wonderful use of this reflection period.

What not to do during this time: Not a good time for big purchases such as a home, car or electronics. These types of things/items will generally encounter major problems. Don't sign important contracts or paperwork. Try not to get upset over set backs. Expect them so when they happen, you're prepared. Keep cell phone charged, keep a can of fix a flat in the trunk, and don't panic if you leave the directions/invitation with the address on it at home, etc.

If you plan any travels, try to allow for extra time for any problems which might arise. Also, keep your electronic equipment tuned up and working well, and try and take it easy on your nervous system. The nervous system can be on over-drive during the mercury retrograde. So try and allow extra time for sleep and relaxation and why not allow yourself to take some time off from tasks and do some favorite activity you haven’t done in a while.

Mercury retrograde is also a great time to get things done, especially ones that you may have been putting off, like cleaning or organizing and recycling old stuff you no longer need. It’s a time to finish tasks that were started and never went to completion, but it’s usually not a good time for starting new tasks. Brainstorming is easier to do at this time, but generally, things will have an easier time of getting started if you wait until Mercury goes direct.

Brightest blessings for a fun ride!

Remember, be prepared for just about anything. If you find you need a break or an escape, do so. Find your quiet special place and take the time for yourself.

Feel free to let me know your experience - example something breaks or someone comes out of the past from long ago.
Written by L.A.A. any copying without authors consent is strickly prohibited

The Planets, Moon and Mercury.

Here is an article posted by aan of:

When most of us think of astrology, we think about our natal sign and not much else. Do you know what some of the major influences are though, that define these Zodiac signs.

First and foremost is the Sun. It is the center of all life and represents a person’s personality and spirit. It is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo.

The Moon, on the other hand, gives us our Soul. The Moon is the ruling planet of the Zodiac sign Cancer. It is very much associated with the mother and with maternal instincts. In Chinese astrology, the Moon represents Yin, while the Sun represents Yang.

Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo. It is the planet of the mind and of communication. In other words, it is the planet of the idea and the means to communicate the idea. The planet Venus rules over Taurus and Libra. Venus is associated with characteristics and principles of harmony and beauty. It is of course, concerned with love. It is also concerned with the pleasure we derive from personal possessions.

Mars is the ruling planet for the dynamic Aries, and to some astrologers, Scorpio, although modern astrologers now determine that Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. Mars is the planet that is concerned with the things you want, and how you go about getting those things. Jupiter is associated with pleasure and enjoyment. It is the ruler of Sagittarius and is also associated with principles of growth, religion and higher education.

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and is associated with principles such as reality and restrictions, boundaries and rules. Saturn was traditionally the ruler of Aquarius until the discovery of the planet Uranus. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and is associated with deception, illusions, spirituality and psychic phenomena. The planet Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and is associated with the concept of transformation.