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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You.....who are you.....really.

Welcome one and all. If you have found this article, you can be sure it was by no mistake. You were led and guided here by a higher authority to read the profound message that you, alone, will understand. This article is for you. This article will help you figure out who you are, really.

Something is going on with you, in your life, at this time, in this moment, that has you concerned, questioning or worrying and wondering about. So what is it? What has brought you here? I presume it will have something to do with the answers you are seeking. Did you know that the answers you seek can be found within yourself? Let's take a journey.

Do you know that we all much in common? When you look around, sure you may see many strangers, people you do not know, have never met, yet we are all the same in many aspects. If you start to think about it, you'll see my point. Example, were you born? Of course you were, me too, and if you look around at all the different people, they were born too. Did you grow up? Me too, as well as countless others. Have you ever experienced boo boos, bruises and cuts? Me too, and so have others. Even Jesus did when he walked this earthly realm. Jesus was born, he grew up, he suffered cuts and abrasions. Here's another example of how we all have much in common, have you ever been in love? Have you been punished, been betrayed by someone, ever lost someone? Me too and so have countless others. Even Jesus.

If you reflect on your life up to this point and you compare it to others, you have much in common with these strangers that you encounter on a daily basis. If you reflect on your life and you compare it to Jesus's life, you have much in common with Him, too. Jesus was born of spirit, as were you and I. We grew, we learned, we experienced emotions and feelings - love, happiness, pain, misery, fear, doubt, etc.. Jesus was put here on earth as a man. He had a physical body, which experienced human emotions, thoughts and functions, just as we do. No matter what you are feeling and dealing with, you are not alone by any means. Countless others have experienced it too, are experiencing it even now, and this goes back through many centuries. You are not the first to feel this way, by any means, so do not feel as though it is you against the world. In all reality, no matter what the worst excrutiating pain you've ever felt is, it is nothing compared to what Jesus went through when he was persecuted and crucified for our well being and so we can move on and rise up to the kingdom of the Creator. God so loved us, that he sacrificed his only begotten son to suffer horrifically for us. If you start to think about this situation, Mary, His mother knew this would happen, she was foretold, she was forced to watch this happen to her son and she was helpless. There was nothing she could do about it, nor stop it. Jesus knew this, yet He did not run from mission of destiny, hide from it, or allow others to shield him. In the end, it was all Him and His love for us, His trust in His Father-the Creator. He was born to give testimony of the truth.

Throughout it all, and in all seriousness, Jesus prayed, He experienced fear, He asked God (His Father/Our Father-the Creator) to save Him from the traps they set for Him. Here is the difference between Jesus's path and ours - we create ours. Jesus's journey/path to be crucified was not made by Him. However, our situations are usually created by us. So our karma, our outcomes and our lessons are for us to learn from it.

Here are some examples to think about. Did you betray your best friend by having an affair with their significant other? Did you step on and over people at your workplace in order to get a higher position and pay? Have you ever used anothers creativity and ideas's and said they were yours? If so, what is the result? The result is we are looked upon with disgrace, discust, not being trustworthy and having no honor. We are talked about, whispered about, even shunned. And we wonder why. Duh. It's karma. It's free will. You chose to do these things so now you must pay the consequences, no matter how harsh. A result of karma could be that later on down the road, your best friend has an affair with your love or your love cheats on you, your car could break down, you don't make your deadline at work and therefore you are written up, demoted or fired. As a result of that comes the domino effect, like, bills aren't paid on time, late fee's occur, turn off notices are received, you get evicted or go into foreclosure and the list goes on from there. If you should speak unkindly of others, then it will come back around on you one day. If you do it, be prepared to face karma and consequence for your actions. Temptations come and go but it's up to you and your free will to do the 'right' thing and to use better judgement. Seriously, how would you feel if it happened to you? It could if you don't break these habits. If you condemn or persecute others, then be prepared, you time will come. The universe and God have a divine justice and none of us are exempt from it. This applies to lies and deceit. If you do it, it will also come to you.

If you fall under any of these patterns or habits, it's up to you to break them, turn your life and thoughts around and search within yourself. You can find the will to change within yourself. The strength and knowledge is within you. Through that, you will see light.

Article written/posted by L.A. Any duplication of article is prohibited without authors concent.

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