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Monday, April 6, 2009

Pluto and Venus retrograde? What does that mean?

Greetings everyone. In astrology, planets go retrograde which means that it appears that the planet or planets are moving backwards in their orbit. Venus is still in regrograde until the 17 of April but Pluto just started. For more on how this can affect you, please see this posting by a remarkably friendly and very insightful friend of mine, Sister Scorpio. She hits some good points and does a nice job at making it easy to understand. Brightest blessings and enjoy. The insight is definitely worth reading to help you understand it's influences.

To view what to expect and how the influences affect you, please click below:
Sister Scorpio

Did you know psychics can get scammed too?

Yes, it is sad but true, but no one is safe from being scammed. It happens to everyone at one time or another. Lately there has been much blogging on 'fake' psychics. I have posted quite a few articles on this subject myself. Now, I'm turning the table and I'd like to touch on 'fake' customers. Yes, pychics do get scammed by customers. Did you know that? How is this possible, you ask? Let me tell you. Keep in mind that many of these examples took place many years ago when this subject was taboo and frowned upon by many people. Todays' world is very open to it and accepting of it.

There were times when:

Clients would pay for a session, then they will chargeback (almost immediately) afterwards, having received the answers to the questions they asked.

Clients will post comments, like, asking for free advice because they have been taken advantage of in the past or because they have no money and really need help, and when they get some good hearted psychics to reply and perhaps even give some 'free' suggestions to the client, the client will slander the psychic.

Clients will demand a reading for free. They will cause a ruckus or will use any type of religious belief for having the psychic provide the free reading, and/or they will argue or speak loudly until either the expert relents (if in public), hangs up or blocks them.

Clients will threaten to hurt, wound and slander the advisor/psychic's name on some type of blog or public listing by leaving poor or negative feedback or on some kind of black list unless they receive their answers for free.

Clients will claim in their live chat on the phone or in chat rooms on the internet that they have no money so that they can receive as much information as they can for free. Some advisors will give some tidbits to help or suggestions to follow and that is fine. But please don't take advantage of their generousity and understanding. Heed their words and suggestions and later on come back to thank them not to slander them. Appreciate the time they spent with you out of the goodness of their heart and because they were concerned for your general well being.

They will email and ask for some free minutes and use the connection time to ask 'sample' questions and wait for the advisor to give them an answer, then they will end the session and hang up after receiving it. Yes and no questions can be difficult to answer. There are times when much more info is presented and needs to be incorporated into the answer. I think I've had the above happen to me a time or two which is why I am mentioning it in this blog posting. If it's happened to me, chances are it's happened to other advisors. If not, consider yourself lucky.

Now, keep in mind that the above are only examples of some of those tactics. Thankfully, it's not all that often that this happens, although it is still common enough that it is worth a mention.

For many advisors and psychics, this work is their livelihood, just like any other source of employment, where payment is made for services rendered. In this case, the services are answers to their questions or insight and guidance given. And just like the business for other services in the working community, they certainly do merit some kind of payment. Some examples would be: The electric company won't provide 'free' service and the landlord or the bank certainly won't allow us to stay in the apartment/house for nothing. So why shouldn't the same apply to the advisors? They too, should be paid for their services rendered. There is alot of effort on the pychics part to get the answers that the querent is requesting. Plus, they constantly have to be grounded and balanced in order to get the insight. Please be kind to your advisor and respect them for the job they do. The advisors use their gifts for the good of all and not to mame, hurt or injure. So keep this in mind when dealing with a psychic. If you don't like an answer, don't try to hurt or injure the advisor. Take a step back and really look at yourself honestly. The advisor received the info for the greater good of your well being, not to hurt you. If you want a change, start with yourself.

Brightest blessings!

written by L.A. copies/reproductions of article is prohibited without authors consent.

Scare tactics used by some 'psychics'

Here are a few scare tactics to watch for. Lately, I've been asked or have received questions in reference to some of these concerns. I have touched on some of them before in previous blog postings but it's worth another mention. Don't allow yourself to fall victim or be conned by these fears. Simply say 'no thanks' or just hang up.

Spells and the high prices to perform: The scammer psychic might offer highly priced spells or kits, with guaranteed results for love or a reunion spell that can cost as much as $200 and/or run to a cost of above $500 - be sure to avoid this. (Spells should not be used as a method to control or manipulate the free will of another, nor to harm anyone).

Curses: The scammer psychic might claim that someone has placed a type of curse on you, which is resulting in a string of bad things happening lately. They will usually offer to remove them for high prices. Don't do this or fall victum to it. Keep in mind that even if Voodoo is mentioned, Voodoo is not about placing curses, it's basically about calling upon the spirits to perform a task at the request of the practitioner. We are responsible for our own actions (remember the rule of karma) so if bad things do happen, then it means that something needs to change and you are the key to changing it. What is up, must come down and vice versa. It's called the wheel of life.

Negative entities: The scammer psychic might claim that there are negative entities surrounding or attached to a person which is causing all kinds of havoc or negative things to happen. They will charge some crazy high price for an exorcism of some type. Again, this is NOT TRUE so don't fall victum to this. Cycles change for things to improve, for things to be revised and rethought out and for what I like to call 'gardens to be weeded out', basically getting rid of bad habits or situations. Also, how we feel about ourselves is often reflected onto others just like a mirror, so we will attract the same as those emotions we project out.

Scare tactics: The scammer psychic might use various scare methods to prey on your vulnerabilities and fears in order to have you think and believe that you should return to them or that you must not use or visit any other psychic except for them. This is false. Everyone has the freedom to choose whomever they like for services. No psychic can claim this and there certainly is no harm in consulting with other psychics for second or third opinions. Keep in mind though that by using and consulting with many psychics, it will most likely result in more confusion and "psychic overload." Most of my customers have three regulars. All of us have different gifts but we tie in together with messages which creates more insight to help the customer. There is nothing wrong with that. And beware of when psychics recommend other psychics. There have been instances when a person is recommended and when the customer makes contact the psychic knows so much about them already - that being said, you know the one advisor spoke to the recommended advisor about you. That is a no no. I recommend other psychics but we never ever compare notes or speak of concerns of the client. It's just a rule and common curtisy - like lawyer/client priviledge or priest/congregation priviledge. What is said between us is just that, between us.

Hire first, then ask your questions: The scammer psychic might insist on you hiring them first or putting down a deposit before any kind of question can be asked or spell performed. I don't agree with this and, in my opinion, this is not a good practice, as many people are on a tight budget and want answers. Most psychics don't mind sending a few free minutes so an interview can be done to see if they can connect with you and read your energy. If a psychic does not want to provide a connection beforehand or, at least, allow the question, then it's better to err on the side of caution and seek another person who would be willing to allow connection time.

Brightest blessings.

written by L.A. reproductions of article are prohibited without authors concent.