A majority of households have animals (pets). Everyday they meet and greet us. They interact with us and spoil us with tons of love and attention. They are amazing creatures with feelings and they bring out the best in us.
Animals are not just adorable to look at and to spend time with, but they can be so funny and entertaining. They have their own energy, their own fears, their own quirks and their own characteristics. Being around the pets that we love has amazing health benefits for us. Our pets can chase away our blue moods, help to keep us calm, can sense seizures......our pets are just amazing in and of themselves.
Lets talk about the power of our pets and the way they affect us and what blessings they really are to help brighten our lives.
Did you know that dog can help your child's reading and math skills? Studies have found that children who practice reading out loud to their dog, improve their skills 20%, then those who read to other children or adults. Other studies conducted have found having a dog reduced math anxiety as well as symptoms of ADHD. A slew of other research studies reveal that kids with dogs are more confident, set higher goals for themselves, participate in more extra curricular activities and are even more agreeable about doing chores and homework.
I'm not saying that by having it pet in your house things are going to be hunky-dory, but there are definite benefits to having a pet in your home. I, personally, can not imagine not having my furball babies. They create an atmosphere that I love being part of and I am very comfortable, relaxed and quite entertained by my crazy girls. At one time, I had what many would consider a petting zoo. However, at this present time, I have a rabbit and a cat. Both of my girls are considered 'special needs or defective' by many due to their disabilities, but I love them to pieces and wouldn't trade them for anything in this earth realm. We are very happy in this household together and all who enter it, fall in love with my girls. They are just so precious to me.
I hope this article gives you something to think about. The article came from a Woman's Magizine and I just added to it with my thoughts. There is no author shown, otherwise I would give credit where it is due.
Brightest blessings to all.
Animals are not just adorable to look at and to spend time with, but they can be so funny and entertaining. They have their own energy, their own fears, their own quirks and their own characteristics. Being around the pets that we love has amazing health benefits for us. Our pets can chase away our blue moods, help to keep us calm, can sense seizures......our pets are just amazing in and of themselves.
Lets talk about the power of our pets and the way they affect us and what blessings they really are to help brighten our lives.
Did you know that cats can help strengthen your bones? I know that sounds a bit far-fetched, but it is true. Cats purr. This sound frequency that emanates from a cat when it purrs, is proven to increase bone density.
Cats tend to have fewer bone fractures than dogs and they have fewer hip problems and arthritis. Scientists suspect the same frequency can help strengthen the bones of other species besides just humans. It's been proven with chickens and rabbits in two separate studies.
People who have young babies assume that having a pet around, especially a cat, can lead to childhood asthma. According to a study done by Columbia University, researchers report that by age 5, children raised with a cat are much less likely to develop asthma than those in pet free homes or even those that have dogs. Making antibodies to cats at a young age appears to protect against wheezing and other respiratory symptoms throughout life. Other studies have shown a reduced risk of allergies, even non-feline related ones like pollen, in kids with cats in their homes.
People who have young babies assume that having a pet around, especially a cat, can lead to childhood asthma. According to a study done by Columbia University, researchers report that by age 5, children raised with a cat are much less likely to develop asthma than those in pet free homes or even those that have dogs. Making antibodies to cats at a young age appears to protect against wheezing and other respiratory symptoms throughout life. Other studies have shown a reduced risk of allergies, even non-feline related ones like pollen, in kids with cats in their homes.
A small study has shown that 30% of ex-smokers cite their pet as a main reason for quitting.
Another benefit of living with a cat in your home is that it lowers your risk of heart disease, even more than taking cholesterol medication. The University of Minnesota conducted a study and tracked 5000 people for 10 years and this study concluded that having a cat lowers the risk of heart disease by 30% and slashes your odds of having a heart attack by a whopping 40% compared to people without any pets - dogs or cats - in the house. Researcher theorized that petting a cat, and listening to its calming purr lower stress levels so effectively that it helps stop heart problems from developing.
Now lets talk about the benefits of having a dog in your household. Dog owners tend to be in better shape because they have to walk an average of 30 min. a day at least five days a week. In fact, studies have concurred that dog owners walk an average of 66% more than their dogless counterparts and dog owners walk 24% faster. According to an Australian study, children who had a dog in their household were less likely to be overweight or obese. And a second study showed that dog owners need fewer doctor visit than those who live without a dog in their household.
A survey conducted by Texas A&M researchers showed that 70% of families surveyed, reported feeling happier and less stressed after getting a dog. Scientists at the State University of New York at Albany found couples become closer, more connected and more loving towards each other after bringing a dog into the home. Petting a dog triggers a rush of cuddle hormones that heightens feelings of trust and closeness.
Did you know that dog can help your child's reading and math skills? Studies have found that children who practice reading out loud to their dog, improve their skills 20%, then those who read to other children or adults. Other studies conducted have found having a dog reduced math anxiety as well as symptoms of ADHD. A slew of other research studies reveal that kids with dogs are more confident, set higher goals for themselves, participate in more extra curricular activities and are even more agreeable about doing chores and homework.
I'm not saying that by having it pet in your house things are going to be hunky-dory, but there are definite benefits to having a pet in your home. I, personally, can not imagine not having my furball babies. They create an atmosphere that I love being part of and I am very comfortable, relaxed and quite entertained by my crazy girls. At one time, I had what many would consider a petting zoo. However, at this present time, I have a rabbit and a cat. Both of my girls are considered 'special needs or defective' by many due to their disabilities, but I love them to pieces and wouldn't trade them for anything in this earth realm. We are very happy in this household together and all who enter it, fall in love with my girls. They are just so precious to me.
I hope this article gives you something to think about. The article came from a Woman's Magizine and I just added to it with my thoughts. There is no author shown, otherwise I would give credit where it is due.
Brightest blessings to all.
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