For those of you who are inquiring, yes, I do have friends and family members who have restrictions and ailments - so to speak. Some days even I have my own restrictions. Anyway, let's talk diabetics. I do have family members and friends who are afflicted with diabetes. Some have had that pretty much all their life and others have been recently diagnosed with it. So I am quite familiar with symptoms and problems that can occur in the blink of an eye. If you are anything like me, I would highly suggest that you become educated on this subject. If someone you know or care about has been recently diagnosed with diabetes, please do not shun them, don't treat them any differently. Keep hanging out with them, keep inviting them to do things and keep them part of your life. After all, how do you think they feel? This can be life changing for some people.
Some will accept it better than others, meaning that some will think it's the end of the world while others will just go with the flow – it is what it is. Be there for the person, be their foundation and their rock and let them know that you are there for them and support them.
Many people will go to their doctor's office or the different pharmaceutical companies (drug stores) and order the supplies that they need. If they have insurance, sometimes the insurance will help pay for some of the supplies. In the past I have ordered from online companies. There have been two companies that I have ordered from, although one has slipped my mind and I can think of at this time. The one that I do remember is American diabetes wholesale – also known as ADW for short. They have amazing gift baskets that I like to give for birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions and even holidays. I have never had a problem with the company nor have I ever been disappointed by a product. (I will include the link below). Now again, keep in mind, that this may not be right for everybody but I found it to be helpful and thoughtful.
ADW also sells diabetic products for pets. Laugh all you want but people do love their pets and will go to great lengths to make their pets more comfortable in this life. Pets are considered family members and people will take the responsibility to care for their pets. Granted, some people are very shallow and once their pet is diagnosed with some affliction, they will drop their pet off at the nearest animal shelter or just abandon them altogether, which I find extremely disturbing. However on a good note, some people will do whatever it takes to save their pet and if that means they have to do without something then they will go without it for the sole purpose of the well-being of their pet. PetMeds is another popular site that people like to use for medications and supplies.
Another question that has been on people's minds that they've asked me about - healthcare equipment. Examples of these items would be wheelchairs, potty chairs, catheters, etc.. In a case like this, I would recommend AFC. Depending on the person needs, this company could help. Some people may need some of these items for just a short time frame and others may need for a good length of time. No matter what, it can't hurt to check the website out. You may see something and have questions which will prompt you to call the company and speak to a representative for more information and then again you may see exactly what you're looking for and can order it through the website.
Best of luck to you on your quest and I hope you find what you're looking for.
**I do not know if the links used in this posting will help someone generate an income, nor do I care. I just know that I found these links helpful in my search.**
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