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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What is psychic addition?

Here is a pretty good article I came across written by iritar. He explains a few points which is important to know. I, Luna, personally do not allow my clients to become to needy. I give the insight they need and allow them to make their own well informed decision based on good info that they need for their own well being. Please take a few minutes to read the article, in full, and do not allow yourself to become addicted. A good psychic will know you after a time or two with working with them and we have warning signs to watch for so we can also put an end to allowing you to become to frequent of a caller, etc. I prefer to allow my readings to manifest and have the client keep me updated (if they want to) but I prefer to not read again for them for at least a few months. If it should be a different subject, then I will read for them, but the same subject over and over, I will not. Cards, angels and guides get tired of the same questions from the same person so keep that in mind. Love and light.

Psychic Addiction is where an individual may become so dependent upon talking with psychics that they are no longer able to make a decision without speaking to one.

Signs of addiction include, but are not limited to:

* Speaking with a psychic more than once per day.
* Speaking with more than two psychics to validate a previous reading from another psychic.
* Speaking with a psychic about the same issue more than twice per month.
* Severe financial losses due to speaking with psychics.
* Confusion from getting too much conflicting information from multiple readings.
* Someone telling you that you may have a psychic addiction.

Check the article in full at:

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