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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gifts for the Holidays-Astrology gemstones

Choosing the right gemstone has a lot to do with your birthday. According to the Astrological Table of Gemstones, each sign of the zodiac has its own special gem.

Aries: Aries is a fire sign that shines brightly with an inner fire. It is headstrong and always at the cutting edge, so what more fitting gem for this sign than the brilliant diamond? As Aries also rules the head, diamond earrings or studs are especially appropriate.

Taurus: This sign loves the lush bounty of nature, so the correct gemstone is the lush green emerald. Ruled by Venus, Taurus loves a beautiful setting. Remember that when you gift a Taurean an emerald necklace, for Taurus also rules the throat.

Gemini: Bright, lively Gemini needs a sparkling gem, and both the shimmering agate and the sparkling crystal are appropriate. Have them set in rings, cuff links or bracelets as Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which rules the hands.

Cancer: This sign is ruled by the Moon, so the pearl and the moonstone are the correct gems for this sign. They are best presented as a beautiful brooch or tie pin, or you could try a belt or gems set in a silk girdle, as Cancer rules both the breasts and the stomach.

Leo: This warm hearted fire sign responds to the ruby, with its fiery glow. Leo rules the heart, so a pendant, brooch or tie pin will be the perfect setting for a ruby gift.

Virgo: This sign loves the fruits of the earth and the glow of nature - its natural element is summer, so the lush golden glow of the sardonyx makes a fine gemstone for Virgo. Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which makes rings, cuff links and bracelets the ideal setting for Virgo’s gem.

Libra: Airy, balanced Libra appreciates fine things, and especially the Libran gem, the sapphire. Ruled by Venus, Libra is as fond of adorning the neck as Taurus, but will wear jewelry in any form. Remember that Libra loves balance, so perfectly matched sets, like earrings, bracelet and necklace will be the favored choice.

Scorpio: This dark, mysterious sign favors something out of the ordinary in gems - the correct gem for Scorpio is the vivid, iridescent opal. Scorpios like concealment, so a gift which is not readily seen will be appreciated - a pendant which can be worn under clothes, a compact or charm which can be kept out of sight, will appeal to Scorpios.

Sagittarius: This is a fire sign that appreciates freedom and loves to travel. The sparkle of the Sagittarian gem, the topaz, echoes the sparkle of this exuberant sign. Whether blue or typical topaz gold, this gem will suit Sagittarians in a simple setting that can be worn on the run.

Capricorn: This status conscious sign favors a gem with understated elegance - the amethyst is the perfect gem for Capricorn. The setting should be timeless, for passing fads do not retain their value. For busy Capricorns, a watch setting is perfect - but they will also appreciate elegant rings or earrings.
Aquarius: While there have been many candidates for the gemstone of this sign, the Aquarmarine, which echoes the name shines with cool blue radiance, is the most appropriate choice. Aquarius is the sign of the unexpected, and rules the ankles so you can choose unusual settings, such as an ankle bracelet.

Pisces: This sign is most closely associated with the vastness of the ocean, so the most appropriate gemstone is jade, which echoes the endless depths. This gem can be presented in any form, but especially appealing to Pisceans are delicate adornments for the feet and hands.

Repost from 4/09

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