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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is it time to rethink your sleeping habits and patterns?

Okay, spring is just around the corner now and the days are getting longer - meaning there is going to be more sunlight and it will make for a longer day. Sleeping patterns will start to change and some will even find more energy and motivation with these longer and eventually warmer days coming. Now, I am not saying that people will be springing out of bed and ready for a marathon, however, it may be easier to get up in the morning knowing that it's springtime.

Winter, with the shorter days and seemingly longer nights makes many feel that 9 pm is like midnight and with that feeling, people go to bed earlier or just feel tired earlier so they're in bed sooner and with it being chilly, you want to stay all snug as a bug in a rug in bed with those warm jammies and warm cozy blankets. This also can make mornings tough because you don't want to leave that comfort zone and get up knowing it's chilly once you get out of bed.

Anyway, here is an article that I came across which can help motivate people-especially if they want to become an early bird and get motivated earlier or just change up the routine or even start a new way of life with new habits. I, personally, have always enjoyed getting up early and watching the sun come up. Yes, I know you can see 1,000 sunsets or sunrises, but the point is that, for me, it's like an artist painting. The canvas is always changing and the brilliance of the colors playing across the sky is stunning. Somedays, you may see more pastel colors while other days, you may see darker colors or even really bright colors. It's a rainbow without the rain and the view is spectacular.

Here is the article in case you are interested in changing some habits or contemplating if you would like to switch things around a bit. Brightest blessings!

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