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Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010

A friend of mine, named Tana, wrote me an email a few weeks ago telling me of his adventure with Marticual. He explained he was walking down the street, when he saw the most beautiful angel sitting on a bench in a secluded park. She signaled him over to her, and so he went over and greeted her. He said he knew she was an angel because of her wings, but yet he never saw this particular angel before. So he sat beside her on the bench and she told him that she was going to bring a special healing energy to everyone. He explained how he cried right there, just started crying like a baby and how her energy was so amazing. She proceeded to tell him that there is going to be a special energetic vibration that is going to happen on March 13th. She told him to share this date with (what she referred to) as his “circle of light seekers.” Lucky me, I am one of them! And I am going to share this special message with you.

He told me her name is Marticual, and that she is from the 7th vibrational realm. This is a very high energy realm, one that is the closest to God. What she wants everyone to do is sit in silence for 10 minutes on the 13th, and imagine the goodness they would like to have more of in their lives, and that it will be granted. The energy will be strongest from 1:00 PM until 4 PM, PST. After 4 PM, the energy will continue to weaken, and by 10:00 PM PST, it will be totally gone. What you should do is focus on a desire. The more clear you are on what you desire, the better the results. So she suggested making a detailed and specific list of ONE THING that you desire, and focus only on that one thing.

Sit upright and place your list in your lap. Sit with you ankles crossed, left over the right, and with your hands in your lap, palms up, and resting on each knee. Repeat the following words: Marticaul, I humbly request that you surround me at this moment, and help to raise my consciousness to the highest level of manifestation energy. Please help me to create the goodness that I desire. Then, look at your list, as you allow yourself to daydream and imagine, the things you desire happening in your life, exactly as you desire it. The longer you can sit and do this, the more powerful the effect. Do this no shorter than 10 minutes, and no longer than 1 hour. The better you can visualize and daydream, the stronger the effect. When you are finished, repeat these words: Marticaul, thank you for your help, and I humbly ask that you bless all those who are dear to me.” Now imagine in your mind all the people who you would like to send a blessing to. Then you can say: Thank you Marticaul for your help and for the blessings you have bestowed upon my loved ones. You should get up slowly (and respectfully), maintaining silence for 10 more minutes. In other words, do not talk to anyone for at least 10 minutes after you are finished, just bask in the glow and absorb it all in before proceeding through out your day. Tana is very gifted in many ways and I so appreciate him including me in his wonderful insight and giving me a 'heads up.'

I hope you will use this highly spiritual information, and please share this information with anyone you meet or know. From what I understand, it is going to be a very powerful day full of blessings! This is your opportunity to help me share this blessing with the people you know. Please forward this info to everyone and anyone you know. Marticaul told Tana that those people who share this message with others, will be blessed 10-fold for it!

Please feel free to email me about your experience on this very special day. I'd love to share in your joy.
Brightest blessings to all.

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