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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reflections of a very powerful and magical day.

I don’t know what is going on, but I am so going with it. All the while, I am so enjoying this feeling. It all started last night. I was up til 3 am working on readings. I became tired and went to bed. I must have been too tired so I watched a few shows on the tele. I woke up a few hours later (still on the sofa/davenport) and the sun was shining right in the window on me as if saying good morning sunshine (to me). Like a personal message. I then realized the time, had to get myself up and moving on to get the day started. But yet, the sun just felt amazingly warm, happy. I just enjoyed the feeling of peace and love. The cat was laying next to me all snuggled and lifted her head up, looked me in the eyes and expressed her good morning to me. It was as if she didn’t want to move either. Yet, I had to get myself going, I knew this, or I would be late for my lessons/classes at school. I just stayed as I was, frozen in that moment. There is so much movement and hussling and bussling all around us in this amazingly vast universe. Yet, I couldn’t move. (Well, I could, but I chose not to). Live in the moment, right? It was as if nothing existed, no classes, no pressure - just myself, the cat and the sun. It was just precious.

I eventually turned on the radio, got myself together and made it to class. Even that was mind blowing. I simply love learning, it so opens my eyes to all types of wondrous and fantastic things. Today has just been highly exceptional with total intensity for me. Very high vibrations are all around. So marvelous and phenomenal, yet intense with gentleness.

I settled down, turned on the radio, checked some emails from my sites and for some reason, my angels were really trying to get my attention. I do not analyze why, I do not ignore their messages, I do not question them. I just plain and simply enjoy their company. All day long, it has been intense and magical. Every song on the radio has held a special message and meaning for me. This are just simple songs. Most people would consider them love/romance songs. I took them as all spirit songs. Examples are a groovy kind of love, unwritten, best of my love, I saw the sign, please forgive me, brass in pocket, the climb, stand by me, she talks to angels, the greatest love of all, because of you, truly-madly-deeply and the list goes on and on. It’s crazy here today. You may be asking, how in the world can I take these songs as messages of spirit love....well, it’s simple really. The Sign, (by Ace of Base) speaks of opening up my eyes, the pale moon, how oooo is enough. Yet it talks of how could a person like you bring me joy, well to me, that represents myself, the leaving of bad habits behind me, the new me being born and beginning to open my eyes. For many years I wondered who you are, again, it’s representing me - wondering that when I look in the mirror. This mercury retrograde has really helped me to re-look, re-design, revise, redecorate and renew myself. Life is demanding and it can be without understanding. Who will drag me up into the light where I belong? Me, myself. I will. The universe’s love, the angels, my spirit - it all moves me and lifts me to new heights.

Another example - Brass in Pocket by the Pretenders. This talks about intention, feeling inventive, using arms, legs, style, imagination and side stepping. We all have ups, downs, side steps. It’s part of life’s lessons. Yet this song speaks of being special and how there is no one like me. (Or you for that matter). It speaks of attention, to me it represents my angels - how they give me their attention and love, how I give them my attention and love.

Best of my love by the Emotions - speaks loudly about demonstrating love and affection. How it doesn’t take much to make me happy or to make me smile. I love the way the universe loves me and the higher power, power of spirit loves me. Never can I feel discouraged just knowing that. I am a simple person. I love how the universe shows us love and demonstrates to us in little subtle ways. The blessing is receiving the love that is given so openly by our surroundings and doing so back. The sharing in the love - giving it freely.

These are just a few examples of how I am receiving and interpreting messages today. I feel alive with emotion, yet it is a beautiful and content emotion - not hair pulling or scary in any way. I have been dancing and singing with my most precious and sacred divine beings. The incense is burning, the house is alive with love and energy. My familiar’s are relaxed, calm and entertained, enjoying my dancing show, lol. Whether you have sight, voice or physical challenges, try to open and unleash your spirit. You do not have to dance, you do not have to use your eyes to see, if you have no voice, use your mind. You can do and accomplish anything and everything in your mind. Open your heart and mind, get in touch with and connect with your spirit - you will soar and reach heights you never imagined.

I feel so magical and magnificent today. It is so refreshing. I can’t help but to savor the moment. I wish everyone this feeling. I am sending out loads of love, health, peace and happiness. I hope you can feel the calming, yet intense beautiful-ness of the love of the universe and all the beings within it. Remember, you are special and you are loved, blessed and matter.

And with that, I am going to close this so I can go back to bask and enjoy my spiritual company. Brightest blessings.

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