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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some interesting facts about everyday items.

Everyday, you take something for granted. Think about it. It's just so normal and you see it everyday that you just don't give it a second thought anymore. Here are a few eye openers to make you look at it with a different view.

Rosemary. Did you know that rosemary has had some research done on it? Most people use it to add taste to cooking receipes. A study was performed by the Kansas State University and found that rosemary contains antioxidants. These antioxidants can help to destroy cancer causing properties on contact. Two other studies were done - one by the Burnham Institute in CA and the other one at the Iwate University in Japan - and these studies found that rosemary protects brain cells from damage that can lead to demential and Alzheimers disease. Try adding some rosemary to your receipes and marinades.

Black Pepper. Sure you put salt and pepper on your food, right? Well, did you know that when the distinctive taste of pepper hits your taste buds it can trigger your brain into producing a certain type of acid that protects the lining in your stomach? It can help with that bloating feeling you may experience and also can help with indigestion or heartburn. A report was done by the Clinical Laboratory Science and it found that pepper may protect against stomach ulcers and certain types of cancer which affect the digestive tract.

Ginger Ale. Who hasn't experienced feeling sick once in a while due to overeating or motion sickness? Have you ever had someone tell you to sip a glass of ginger ale when the overwhelming feeling of nausea hits you? Believe it or not but this amazing drink really does have it's benefits. It is a potent natural anti-inflamatory which can help prevent nausea and vomiting. A study performed by Phytotherapy Research Laboratory (Salt Lake City) found that ginger was very useful in relieving motion sickness. And a Danish study found that 95% of pregnant women who consumed some form of ginger reported feeling better in respect to their morning sickness and experienced NO side effects. **Ginger is strong and can be overwhelming so play around with different amounts and adjust to taste when using in receipes, sauces, teas and marinades.

Cabbage. Aside from cabbage being a great cookout addition (cole slaw), it contains vitamins A and C, is high in water content (like lettuce) and is a natural source of fiber.

Today, there have been many studies and research done on these items easily and they can be found conveniently in today’s grocery or health stores. These are natural health and beauty secrets from all over the world and have been used for centuries in vast cultures. I have a list of 27 items which tells what form they are found in (capsule, tea, jam, etc.), the benefits that they yield and the study results. For more info, price info or to purchase the list, please email me.
Click here to email me. Use the box for questions on the page you are directed to. Preferred method of payment is PayPal.

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