I have done some reading up and studying on some plants and on ancient remedies that are now being looked into and studied by scientists and researchers today because of their amazing health benefits. I have personally used some of these because I work with herbs, plants, roots and flowers in my magickal work for creation.
Did you know that many decedents of various cultures throughout history have used and relied on flowers, berries, herbs and roots? They were used as good luck charms, medicine, perfumes and in rituals. I mean, think about it. In certain cultures, there were medicine men, witch doctors, healers and how do you think that women got the brand 'witch?' Because they experimented with roots, herbs and various plants and through trial and error, learned what did what. Some healed, some lessoned pain and yes, sometimes certain plants would kill. They experimented and took the chance to learn the effects that these roots, berries and plants had. Today, there have been modern day studies and research done on some of these techniques and what is so surprising is that they have been found to be incredibly powerful! And to top it off, you can find these items easily and conveniently in today’s grocery or health stores. These are natural health and beauty secrets from all over the world and have been used for centuries in vast cultures. The list tells what form they are found in (capsule, tea, jam, etc.), the benefits that they yield and the study results. To purchase a list containing 27 of these items, please click the buy now button below. For $9.00, you can have it immediately.
Ancient Health Remedies ($9.00)
**Please understand that this is strictly to help you understand. It is not an advisement or counseling in any way, only suggestions. And always follow the directions and take accordingly to the package label. If taking prescribed medications, check with your doctor for any possible side affects.**
Also worth checking out - essential plant oils and their benefits. (These are not oil warmer oils). From almond oil to avocado’s, from carrot (yes, carrot) and geranium oils to mud and yogurt - all found in grocery, health or fitness stores and online. A wealth and variety of easy ideas and the benefits of using. The list contains 22 items. For $7.00, you can have immediately. Just click below to purchase.
Essential plant oils ($7.00)
In the picture below, Ophelia is gathering plants and flowers for their uses and valuable properties. Notice she has dropped a few behind her and she has some flowers intertwined in her hair. Flowers were used to put in water and bath in to make hair and body fragrant. They were used in receipes. Their benefits were endless.

Hey Lu, this is some great stuff. Thanks for sharing. I believe in this and it helps me feel more energetic and healthy.