Have you ever thought about what if you could contact your own personal spirit guide or guardian angel? Have you ever thought about asking or invoking your angel or spirit guide to help you with divine energy? What if you could tap into angelic power to improve your health, self esteem, psychic self, or prosperity in all aspects of your life? Would you think about doing so? Now, I am not talking about summoning or invoking your angel to command them to do your bidding. Oh no, that would not be very smart, nor would the divine entity appreciate or allow itself to being used in that way. After all, the Almighty and angels know what is in your heart. By working with your angel, you are doing so for the greater good and the benefit of your well being, not to be rich in wallet or purse-wise or stingy in any way, but by being rich in blessings and knowledge.
Believe it or not, but angels are all around us and they do work their ‘magic/magick’ in subtle ways. There are thousands of Angels and with today's economy, our Angels should be overloaded with people praying to them for help and guidance, and yet, so many of our Angels are considered 'unemployed' at this most trying time.
There are well known Angels like Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Then there are Angels that aren't so well known like Hariel (governs protecting pets and farm animals), Anauel (governs success, commerce, prosperity and protection for those who own their own business or want to own their own business) and Sofiel who is the Angel of farmers.
If you would like to know about your angels and how they watch over you, please click below. (I can also request payment via PayPal if you prefer).
Believe it or not, but angels are all around us and they do work their ‘magic/magick’ in subtle ways. There are thousands of Angels and with today's economy, our Angels should be overloaded with people praying to them for help and guidance, and yet, so many of our Angels are considered 'unemployed' at this most trying time.
There are well known Angels like Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Then there are Angels that aren't so well known like Hariel (governs protecting pets and farm animals), Anauel (governs success, commerce, prosperity and protection for those who own their own business or want to own their own business) and Sofiel who is the Angel of farmers.
If you would like to know about your angels and how they watch over you, please click below. (I can also request payment via PayPal if you prefer).
Feel free to check out my listing under:
OtherworldConnections Angels-Their importance in today's world
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