Do you know that the word ‘angel’ means messenger? Did you know that the Bible touches on and speaks of God communicating with man through His angels? Whether you read the Bible, have read the Bible, are Catholic or are even religious at all, we all have angels around us. For those of you who feel alone and lonely, like you carry the weight and worries of the world on your shoulders and that no one understands, you really aren’t alone and your angels understands. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, your angel knows. Think about it, angels carry a huge and heavy burden on them. They are around, yet so many people do not think about them. They are ignored. But still, our angels have a duty and are given assignments to watch over, and even if they are not appreciated, they still carry on and make sure the assignment is completed.
Let’s explore a tad bit more on this. For example, the new testament tells us of an angel that speaks to Zacariah of the birth of John the Baptist. An angel also announces news to Mary. Now, if you ponder this miraculous happening, how do you feel? Would you believe it if this were to happen to you? Look at her situation and how it affects Joseph-not to mention her (Mary’s) family, Joseph’s family and the towns people. Talk about a burden?! Havoc was created and cycles of emotion and feelings came to the surface. And you think your life is crazy?
Okay, let me get back on the subject of angels again. (Sorry, I get carried away with thinking at times). Stories are told of the shepherds encountering and beholding a host of angels that were singing the news on the first ‘Christmas.’ And on top of that, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream to tell him to take the Child and His mother away from the upcoming danger. Am I making you think yet? About angels, I mean. Now, four angels are specifically named in the Bible. They are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. The names of angels that end with ‘el’ are usually represented by being male. However, Gabriel can also be represented as female. Also in Hebrew tradition, there are angels. There is Chamuel (the Seer of God), Jophiel (the Beauty of God), and Zadkiel (the Justice of God). Now, the greatest of these angels is Michael (whose name means who is like God). He is visualized and pictured with golden wings, carries armor, holds the sword of divine wrath in his right hand and the scales of divine justice in his left. Catholics believe that at the end of the world, it is he who will weigh the souls, as it will also be Michael who, at the moment of death, receives the soul of the departed and ferries it across the stream to the portal of Peter, beyond which is the heaven that is the eternal presence of God. Now another thought that may come to mind about a representation or picture of Michael is that Michael is the one who crushes an enemy or ‘fiend’ underfoot and rebukes with his sword. The scene we usually always see in reference to this is from the ‘war in heaven’ when the archangel led the hierarchies against the rebel angels which are led by Lucifer. The rebel angels were thrust down by Michael and Michael's legions into the hell that is the eternal absence of God. But accordingly, the battle continues and will continue until the end of the world or, at least, some believe this to be so.
Now, I may be incorrect with some of my information, so if I am, you may certainly correct me. I am going by memory and some days are better than others in regards to my memory. I may be sharp and on target and other days, out in left field some where. So, just bear with me and hopefully I’ll, at least, get the point across. Let’s see. Angels......I’m thinking an angel warned of the destruction of Sodom. I just watched this on this history channel not all that long ago but I’m not remembering all that clear right now. Didn’t an angel give Jacob a new name? And I believe that Abraham was told by angels that his wife was to have a son.
There are many pictures and stories about angels. One story that comes to my mind is when God decided to create man -Adam - God ended up sending Michael to collect some dirt from the four corners of the Earth. The dirt represented different colors. There was white, red, black, and green. I’m not sure on the reasoning but I think it has something to do with mother earth receiving him and being one with the earthly plane or realm. The stories surrounding Adam are many. One story I do remember is about how the angels envied Adam because he was created in beauty or was rather beautiful. God had to make peace between Adam (who I think may have been oblivious to this envy) and the angels, otherwise all sorts of trouble could have occurred if the angels remained envious of God’s new creation.
I hope I have opened you up to the vast realm of angels. If you have a story that is close to your heart or that you would like to share about angels, please feel free to do so. I'd love to hear from you.
Brightest blessings!
Hey Lu, this is great. You did my angel reading about three months ago, I think? I have so learned an eye opening experience. Cant thank you enough.