Yes, we can get up in the morning and think, wow, I feel pretty good, but in an hours time, we can feel discouraged. Is it even possible to be or feel glad and happy continuously? Strange how we can get up and feel good in the morning or we can get up and dread what the day will bring. Some of us get up knowing there is a boring conference call that we’ll be sitting through or that some report was due yesterday and it’s still not done or perhaps the dreaded ‘evaluation’ is due on our job performance. Ug. No matter what the day may bring, we are prepared for victory or defeat, whether we know it or not.
For those people who are out of work, you may have to deal with that issue right in your face or if you have children, you have to deal with them. I know there are many out there with kids. They have after school activities, homework, may have a cold, allergies, asthma, ADHD or cerebral palsy. It’s always something. For me, it was years before I ever had a hot meal. Kids got fed first and then husband, then the kids were done and wanted seconds - it was the never ending cycle. By the time I sat down, the food was cold and very little was left. Then it was time to clear the table, do dishes, check homework, bath time for the kids, lay out the clothes, make sure they had clothes and that laundry didn’t need to be done. Ug. And on top of all that, I worked full time outside the house. But still I did it and I took care of everything and everyone. If I were to get up in the morning and think - oh, I have all these problems and dwelled on that, then I most certainly would be in for a lousy day. In fact, I may not have even wanted to get out of bed. After the busy morning with getting everyone up and out, I would breathe and tell myself, something good will come from this day for my sacrificing. I am going to have some laughs, some divine intervention because it’s the end of the month and my end of month accounting stuff needs to be done and closed and I expect something to be off, but I know a breakthrough of some kind will get me through it and it will all work out.
Now, I’ve heard it said that God works in mysterious ways, just like you have heard. So if we look at our problems or dilemmas and say - okay I’m going to prosper today (despite of today’s economy) or if plagued by a cold or illness, say - okay I’m going to feel better today or one day soon, I will make my dreams come true (even if there are no resources today available). We are preparing for victory - no matter how small it is - it’s still going to be a victory. However, if we lay in bed and think of all the problems we face and the mistakes we have made, that is defeat popping it’s ugly head in to make us feel like we have no chance. But we do, we do have a chance and opportunities do come to us but we just don’t always see them. If we are at work and someone gripes and groans or puts some blame on you for something not getting done, just look at that person and think to yourself - oh no you don’t. I choose to live this day ‘happy’ and I am not going to let other people, including you (the person you are looking at) steel my joy today. Nor, will I let disappointments and set backs discourage me. Nope, nope, nope. I have made up my mind to enjoy this day and I will. No one will set me back or ruin it for me. I will not give you or anyone else that control over me. I will receive blessings and good things and in return, I will uplift someone else and create joy for them all the while.
Happiness depends on how your mind is arranged. I know, easier said then done. Setbacks and obstacles will occur to change our circumstances, that is life, but we don’t have to allow those setbacks to change our mind on choosing to have a ‘happy’ day. The illness you may suffer from can certainly change how you feel, but you don’t have to give in - keep thinking I will not let this change my mind. I choose to have a happy day. Be determined to enjoy the day that you have been given. The sun may not always be out and shining, the clouds may follow you for a few days, but the sun will come back out eventually and even in the rainy days and cloudy days, we can be determined to live ‘happy’. We all face tests, trials, temptations and unfair situations. It’s going to happen at one time or another. After these tests and trials, there is increase and promotion. We become stronger and wiser, we grow spiritually because of these trials we endure. We are not alone in our trials. Everyone experiences them. Some people are losing their homes, some are seeing a major decrease in business, some are dealing with illnesses, some are facing legal issues. These are all draining issues and suck up energy and courage. It’s important to keep energy and strength levels up so we can come through this. If you are going to court and are defensive and hostile, the judge may look at you and think - don’t like the attitude - and slap you with a fine, time or some type of service to be done. Attitude plays a key. If you are in traffic and it’s more like a parking lot then a highway or beltway, think you are right where God wants you, look around at the other people. Some will be cursing, some will be singing to a song, some will pick their nose. The point is, you are in a traffic jam, but further ahead, someone may be dead from an accident or badly injured. Be glad hearted in some way because there is always someone who is in a worse predicament. That is a terrible thing to say, I know, but sometimes that helps me to get through my problems.
Every setback will present a new opportunity. Yes - it’s hard, yes - it’s unfair, yes - it doesn’t make sense, but you are being set up by these circumstances to be better. By complaining, you will remain right there, idle and stagnant. Don’t look at what didn’t work out or what’s wrong, look at what is right. Look at what has worked out. Plus, by complaining, that only brings everyone else down to that level (if they let it) and then where is the joy? By being negative, sour and defensive, you won’t pass the test for a new opportunity and promotion to come to you. You need the new growth to become a better you. Things, concerns and obstacles do pass. Don’t look at how far you have to go, look at how far you have already come or how far God has brought you.
If you are depressed, in a rut, feeling ill and just think there is nothing to look forward to, go and look in the mirror. Talk to yourself. Tell yourself you are handsome (guy), beautiful (lady), that you have a life and happiness to look forward to. Tell yourself that you have amazing qualities and someone is looking for you because of those qualities, whether it be a romantic partner or job opening. Look around your home and see what you have accomplished and worked hard for. Go and make a nice dinner, say a blessing (optional), enjoy the dinner and your own company and tell yourself this is the beginning of good happenings. Use dinner to celebrate new opportunities coming to you. Obstacles will pass sure as the day turns into night. Take a walk and look at birds flying, squirrels playing, children making noise and playing, people running/jogging with their walkmans/ipods. The cars pass by with music blaring and people singing their hearts out. Check out the colors of the flowers in bloom and the trees coming to life. Make life happen and bloom. Choose to be light hearted and see what happens. You can start slowly. Try it on a weekend. Try it on a Monday morning. If by Monday afternoon things are turning to dread, take a few minutes to breathe and recite, I choose to have a happy day. Okay, it may take a while to get yourself to learn how to think and choose ‘happy.’ But the more you practice it, the happier you will be and then amazement will set in. Choose to be a victor in victory and not a victim. If you are religious or spiritual, pray and use the power of spiritually, no matter if it’s God, Allah, Buddha or Deities. Brightest blessings!
Friday, May 1, 2009
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