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Thursday, March 5, 2009

What you should know about psychic readings.....

Tips on how to find a true professional psychic.

Here is some helpful advice on finding a psychic. This is a very helpful article and it was written and published by Cherry Sage. She is a professionally trained master psychic, numerologist and Tarot reader. She is also an author. Her main focus is authenticity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for real psychic readings or Tarot readings will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service–to change the existing “Imitation Psychic” paradigm. Please take the time to read over the info so you are better prepared in finding a psychic who can really help you and not take advantage of you. A good way to begin your search is to interview your psychic first and feel them out to see if their gift is beneficial to you or what you are looking for. Have a list of questions ready, email your psychic (especially if they are being paid by the minute with phone calls) and ask them to send you some free minutes. Call them with the free minutes, have your list of questions ready and begin interviewing them to see what their specialty is. A real and professional psychic will be more than happy to send you some requested free minutes and will take the time to speak with you. A psychic can have many talents and gifts, but they should always be willing to help you on your own unique spiritual path. If a psychic denies your request, it's a warning to move on and forget about using them. Please see 'Know Your Psychic' for a more detailed explanation and to determine if they are the best fit to answer your concerns at this time.

What you can reasonably expect to learn from a psychic reading.

When a psychic is doing their job, they are assisting you in an awareness of certain aspects of your life when you seek them out. The reason psychic advice can be so powerful is because it can provide much needed insight into your life that you would otherwise not be aware of because of being so busy in your day-to-day activities and events of your life that you shut out your own intuition and your own ability to access your Higher Self. Psychics are accessing unseen elements in nature; however within all of us exists a hidden, decipherable code that persons with highly developed psychic intuition and/or with the use of certain divination tools, can more readily access. These persons were either born with a natural gift and/or has developed it. A psychic is supposed to help you to help yourself. They are not to take the place of your own inner powers, insights or judgment. A true intuitive psychic should be used for guidance and to give you probable outcomes based on the energy that you are channeling at the time of your reading. Predictions can change because you have the power to change it, especially after someone tells you they see something that will happen but which you have the power to change. This is particularly useful when your advisor sees a possible negative outcome to a situation. This is an opportunity to change that possibility by changing your thinking, action, reaction or beliefs about a situation. Every conflict is just an opportunity to harmonize energy based on your thoughts and actions. Every outcome is not necessarily pre-ordained and fixed. Many people need help to find their way and when you are speaking with a talented, authentic psychic, you are opening up more possibilities in exercising your free will to be at cause in your life as opposed to being effected by uncontrollable circumstances. Deep profound insights into your life can have a powerful affect on your consciousness and bring about the very thing you want, empowerment and control over the outcome in your journey through life.

Know Your Psychic!!

Different Psychics Have Different Areas of Expertise. What a psychic can tell is varied. First, you have to establish what kind of information you are seeking. Second, you have to find the right psychic who can provide you with this information. Not all psychics are created equal. Do your homework and establish that you are working with a professional and ethical practitioner. There are some psychics out there who claim to be 100% accurate, can tell all, knows all, that they are a psychic, a medium, an astrologer, crystal reader, reiki master, etc. I find that psychics that claim to be everything to everyone, most likely are probably neither professional nor ethical. Find out specifically what your psychic does best! Many professional psychics will tell you what they can and can not do. For instance, a medium can be a psychic but all psychics are not mediums. So if you are wishing to contact a loved one who has crossed over, then you should seek an authentic psychic medium. All psychics are NOT mediums. Some psychics are clairvoyant (which means clear seeing) and have visions. In my experience, I have talked with many clairvoyant psychics who are indeed able to see visions in the past, present or future. The same goes for someone who is empathic who can feel another's emotions. Some psychics can do both, but some can do only one or two practice areas very well.

Different Psychics Have Different Methods.

Whether your psychic is clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic, telepathic, a medium, uses divination tools such as Tarot, Runes, I Ching, or even numerology and astrology, the extent to which they can tell you certain information will be based on their experience in their craft, their skill, knowledge and natural gifts. All these elements play a part in getting you accurate psychic information during your reading and you especially want someone who is knowledgeable if they are going to be able to help you based on channeling from a higher realm. Some psychics use tools, some do not. Depending on how a psychic worker discovered their gift and how they have practiced it, will determine their skill level. I recall seeing a program on television where this psychic actually read peoples’ butts (yes, their behinds). There were actually people showing her their butts and she would read them. Go figure. No one should ever judge what it is that connects a person with higher consciousness. For some it may be the Tarot for others could be butts, but spiritual gifts come in all shapes and sizes, no pun intended. It is mastery that should concern us. Psychic mastery is a discipline like anything else and anyone seeking psychic advice should want someone who has mastered their gift to a certain degree in order to help others with it.

Common Pitfalls to Watch Out For.

I have found through many years of using psychics, clairvoyants, etc., that some can see certain types of things but may not be able to assist you at all with what it is that concerns you. For instance, you call someone who claims to be clairvoyant and you want to know whether or not you will have a reconciliation with your lover and she sees that you have a new puppy and that you're wearing a yellow scarf and you are blown away by this information. Wow, that's incredible! That is a gift for sure–to be able to do that and see that without seeing or knowing the person. So many everyday people have psychic gifts but that does not necessarily make them capable of helping you with a serious situation in your life that requires specialized help or someone who is experienced and knowledgeable and skilled in their craft at getting you real psychic answers channeled from Higher Consciousness. Now even though that particular clairvoyant was able to see what you were wearing and that you had a new puppy does not mean that they can see clearly and profoundly give the answers you seek. Their ability may not be a match for your concerns. I have found that people who are amazed by just small, little things like that tend to believe everything that clairvoyant says, when in reality, their gift is a gift of seeing You (physically) and what is in your physical surroundings, which is an excellent talent called remote viewing BUT is not a skill match for your reconciliation question or your career question. It is worth developing as a methodology for certain types of readings. But the tendency to believe everything from that point on is very strong because to an inexperienced seeker of psychic advice, this is amazing enough to cause you to make the erroneous determination that this person can see everything. And that is not the case many times over. So all this is to say, ask the psychic you may be calling or contacting to spell out exactly what their expertise is and you make the determination that this psychic is the one for you.

If a psychic is empathic, they can feel another's feelings/emotions. If a psychic is telepathic, they can know another's thoughts. If a psychic is clairvoyant, they can see the past, the present and the future through visions. If a psychic is clairaudient, they receive/hear information even sounds in their mind. If a psychic is clairsentient, they can actually capture information through physical sensations associated with you or a person you are asking about. Keep in mind that the skill level of each practitioner is going to vary and this is another bit of information you want to inquire about. How much experience do they have?

All these abilities alone, if untrained, or at the beginning stages may not be able to assist you but when combined with training, experience and knowledge, you can a have a most unique experience with an authentic intuitive advisor that can help you in powerful ways that will assist you in your personal empowerment, provide insightful answers to your questions and probable outcomes. Remember, outcomes are based on the current energy that surrounds you at the time of your reading and without a doubt can change. Many people are under the mistaken perception that if its meant to be, then there is nothing you can do to change a thing. There are indeed some things that occur in every life that are destined to be because of certain preordained events that must take place in the life for your souls growth, or in many, many cases, due to karmic debts and the resulting correction of imbalances created by misuse of certain energies in previous lifetimes. Then there are other life experiences where free will is at play and it is your very decision or action that is the thing that is being tested. So a psychic reading is not meant to bypass experience because your soul will undergo what it must to complete its stopover on this plane of existence, but an expert psychic reading can help you to identify that which is eluding you or some point you seem to be missing and help point you in the right direction. Or, your psychic can identify a block or a karmic pattern that you are having trouble dealing with. It's sometimes just to become self-aware is empowering in and of itself - to become aware of something significant through guided spiritual forces can have an overwhelming effect on a person. It could be that very moment which becomes a turning point in your life. The true psychic spiritual advisor has done their job well if they can help you in this way. But they are not a substitute for experience and a professional, ethical psychic would never try to make you dependent on them.

What a Psychic Should Not be Telling You.

Also, we should now take a look at what a psychic should not be telling you. A psychic should not be telling you what decisions to make. Always take away from your reading empowering elements that help you to make your own decisions about your life. An ethical and responsible psychic should never predict death. They should not propose doing spells for you that will change the course of events or another person's will or to negatively affect another's life supposedly for your benefit. Engaging in this type of activity will only bring about negative karma on you and this psychic, and the karmic consequences could be devastating. This is totally unethical. A psychic should never tell you that they can make something happen for you because that is patently false. No one else can make something happen for you because a psychic advisor does not have any special powers to control your fate or others behavior. Psychic advisors are suppose to be spiritual people who have chosen to help others using spiritually developed talents but never choosing to use those talents to boost their own ego, control another's will, or make you psychologically dependent. Those types are out there. Beware of psychics who tell you that they will need to perform energy work on you through long meditations at a great cost. If they tell you you have a negative block or curse this is a notorious psychic scam. If you encounter a psychic like this, even if they do seem to have psychic ability, do yourself a favor and hang up or leave immediately.

So, know your psychic, have a clear idea of what it is you need to know so you can make the best selection. Ask your psychic what they specialize in because no one specializes in everything. Let them stick to what they know or at which they are best doing and make sure that they have training and experience. There is nothing worse than getting a psychic reading from someone who does not know what they are doing even if they may have a gift that is undeveloped and not qualified towards something specific. Do your homework, ask the right questions and realize the limitations of a psychic practitioner. No one but God is all-knowing and 100% accurate. Ignore anyone that makes these types of claims. That's just for the gullible and uninformed.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best articles I have ever read. It gave me a great understanding and confidence. I had seen my sister get scammed a few times but she is gullible. I made her read it. I do think she learned her lesson.
