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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Email readings...Do they really work?

Many people these days are thinking about and pondering their future. They would, perhaps, like to get some guidance and insight in their choices on relationships, family concerns and with questions concerning finances and decisions to be made. Seeking advice from a genuine psychic can be very helpful. Why? Well because psychics can read your energy and by doing so, they can help you by giving some options on the advice and guidance that you seeking.

Sometimes it is hard to find a genuine psychic where you live or to even find the time to get a reading. You may feel embarrassed by walking into a pyschic's realm. What if someone see's you going in or coming out. What will your friends say? The internet has opened the possibilities to get psychic email readings. It is a simple alternative and can be as accurate as if you were physically meeting face to face with a psychic. People tend to think that a psychic reading has to be done face to face and in close conversation with the psychic, but nope, that is not true because a psychic can pick up on your energy through the email. There is an unseen energy that connects all living things and which a psychic medium can connect with, no matter the distance between them. I only do email readings now and I love it. The possibilities are endless and it's done with the strickest of confidentiality.

The only information needed to do a psychic email reading is some basic and/or specific questions that concerns you. For example, some psychics need a name and birthdate in order to connect with you. However, I do not need that info to pick up on your energy. I just tune into you. I do not even need your real name, a nick name is fine or a user name on the internet works too. I only need a birthdate if we are working on the lines of astrology. Just keep in mind that advisors have different talents and gifts and have their own way of working. It could be that they were trained and educated by getting a name and birthday from you. They may have different layouts if they are tarot readers. The cards may represent different meanings to different advisors. An example would be, if your question concerned a timeline or timeframe, and a card came up to give me a timeframe, what I may incorporate as a summer date, may be another advisors spring season. Tarot cards to readers are sacred tools. They have specific meanings to their counterparts. Just keep in mind that cards do have a variety of meanings to different readers. What works for one may not be the same as how it works for another.

A possible warning sign of a 'fake' psychic could be if they ask you a lot of questions such as your age, occupation or marital status. These questions can be used to fabricate answers to suit your personal profile or your question in general. Pay attention to your intuition or gut instinct. If you are not comfortable, just dance around it or don't give it out to the reader/advisor. A good way to sort this out or to begin your search is to interview your psychic first and feel them out to see if their gift is beneficial to you or what you are looking for. Have a list of questions ready, email your psychic (especially if they are being paid by the minute with phone calls) and ask them to send you some free minutes. Call them with the free minutes, have your list of questions ready and begin interviewing them to see what their specialty is or what gifts they have and what method they use. **Do not use the free minutes for your personal questions. It is impossible for a reader to connect in that short amount of time and give you the answers that you seek. Use the minutes to interview the advisor. After all, you are presumably hiring them for their expertise and some clarification. Be sure to check them out before you pay or you may be sorry for not doing your homework.** For example, ask if they are a medium, clairvoyant, etc. and do they use astrology, I Ching, Tarot, etc.. The extent to which they can tell you certain information will be based on their experience in their craft - skill, knowledge and natural gifts.

When you have contacted a psychic with your questions they should be able to tap into your energy with a focus on your questions to get the answers you need. No psychic is totally accurate no matter how you contact them so be wary of psychics who claim to be 100% accurate or make other bogus claims. God gave us all free will. Situations can change quickly just by another persons act. Example, a contract is to be signed for the purchase of a home on a specific day, but someone has a flat tire or has the flu (not neccessarily you) and so the delay causes a cancellation of the signing to another day. The instance of this other person's situation has changed manifestation on your part. So keep that in mind. Things can change, nothing is set in stone.

If you are planning on getting a psychic email reading, there are a few things you can do to prepare. It is important to clear your mind and focus on the questions that are the most important to you. If you are angry, go calm down. Take a bath or shower to relax and clear your mind, eat something, have a glass of wine-if you need to. Just clear your mind and be calm so the person you contact can tune in and not be blocked by your emotions. Be sure you know what you want answers to or guidance in before you call or email. Don't beat around the bush, be as direct and honest so you can get honest info.. Keep your mind open, even if you receive something you don't like or agree with, there is a reason why the pyschic received that info and you need to step back and look at yourself or the 'big picture' honestly. Yes, it may sting, but if you face it, things will turn around and you can use that info to grow and become a better you.

Much luck on your journey and brightest blessings and love always! Have fun learning and reinventing yourself.

written by L.A. in 1/04. Reproductions of article are prohibited without authors consent.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yea, they work. Luna is the best! Never been let down. Who would have ever thought an email reading? The only reason I know is b/c she does mine. She didn't even know me. Four weeks later, I reread it and was astounded.
